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Preparing for an Argumentative Assignment

Essay topic:

Playing video games leads to increased levels of crime

TASK 1: You will need to determine 3 items:

Main subject (what will you write about):

Main argument (do you agree or disagree with the statement):

Opposing Argument (what will the opposite argument be? How can you disprove it?):

TASK 2: Complete the chart below. For each "AGREE" argument. you must have an equal
"DISAGREE" argument.
EXAMPLE TOPIC: Research is a necessary part of academic studies.

EXAMPLE - Research helps to support our EXAMPLE: Research data is often

ideas using academically collected data out-dated or not relevant anymore

Your Essay topic:

Playing video games leads to increased levels of crime


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In December 2012, a 20-year-old man fire in an elementary school, killed 20 children and six adults before that decide
suicide. There is an assumption that The inspiration could be from a video game. Because the police found a lot of video
games in his bedroom. about violent games like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto.

There was an eight percent increase in youth crime. After the release of violent video games

The Max Planck Institute for Human Development and the University of Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf in
Germany tested 90 adults playing GTA every day for two months to test whether violent games affect
player behavior. The game does not affect the behavior of the players in any way.

Games are not all the elements that allow people to come out and commit crimes. But if there are other
impulses is already the original case could be the fuel for crimes.

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