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Yvan Klent S.


Write your own experience of doing physical activities during pandemic?

My experience of doing physical activities during pandemic started way back June 2020. I wake
up early in the morning, preparing to go jog in the New City Hall of Tagum, because it was only
a few minutes away from my home. Everyday that day, I jog for at least an hour. And then I got
into bikes. Me and my friends would go for a ride far away from the city. Sometimes we go to
the beach, or mountain view parks in Davao de Oro.

Why does the Laban’s BESS movement theory is very important during pandemic?

This theory is critical in times of COVID because many people are confined to small spaces in
their homes with little movement.

How can you encourage everyone in joining physical activities not just during the pandemic?

I will tell them “Physical activity and exercise have been shown to be beneficial across the
lifespan. We are meant to move, and many of our body's systems function better when we are
physically active on a regular basis.”

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