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Brayden Royer

4306 Internship Spring 2021

Project Narrative
For my project this semester at the Life Enrichment Center the other interns and I have

worked together in creating a health promotion program for those with developmental

disabilities. This project was used to promote their overall health that consisted of physical,

nutritional, mental, and emotional health. Throughout this semester we have worked together in

improving those aspects each day and making an impact onto their lives especially when dealing

with COVID-19. I was more responsible for working on their physical health as the other interns

were working on the other health concerns. Although I mainly contributed with physical health

promotion, I also did contribute in each health aspect throughout the semester. The goal of this

project was to make sure we educate them on how important their health is and how they can

improve on it for their everyday lives. Since I was interning during the pandemic, I have also

contributed in educating them on the disease and ways we can reduce the cases and not spread it.

Throughout this semester, I have worked on getting the clients more active each day. When it

comes to my schedule and routine, I would come in 30 minutes early and get some of the guys

and bring them into the gym that was provided for us. The gym is a great place for them to work

on their full body and build endurance, mobility, stability, and strength. The exercise machines

were great machines but the only thing they lacked was having adjustable resistance. The

machines would have the same resistance which can be good for some of them but for others

they may need more resistance. There would also be practicum students who join the zoom and

do individual workouts with some of the clients and my job is to motivate and observe how they

work and cooperate with the students. Another thing I have done throughout the semester is on

Mondays we have decided to go to Lockerly and I would host recreational therapy that consisted

of ladder ball, corn hole, kick ball, dodgeball, and parachutes. We would do 2-3 40-45 minute

sessions outside and they would enjoy it a lot. This gives the opportunity to be outside, enjoy the
weather and just enjoy some outdoor games with their friends. Another thing I have done this

semester is hosting activities throughout the days. Depending on which day, I have hosted or

participated in Sit and Be Fit, Dance Aerobics, Zumba, and Yoga. These programs are an hour

long and we strive to get them moving either on zoom or in person. Doing these activites with

them actually promotes participation and getting them to move their bodies outside or inside is

very important. I have also participated in some nutritional activities like eat your heart out by

making sure they are paying attention and adding some more information about the foods and

drinks you consume. I would help out with the other interns if im free and would try to get

everyone active as much as possible. I have also participated in 3 events throughout this semester

such as MLK Day, Potato drop, and Black and White Gallery. These events were in made in

order to raise money for the LEC and showcase the clients abilities and talents. Throughout this

semester I have also worked on creating games for them to play whenever they feel. Some games

I have made are corn hole and checker board. I have also helped make wooden benches and

tables for them to sit either inside or outside the LEC for activities. Another thing I have worked

on this semester is making sure that they follow COVID protocols. I make sure that they wash

their hands, wear their mask properly, keep their distance, and many more. I felt like this project

was needed because of the lack of exercise and drive I notice from them when it comes to the

pandemic and just themselves. When I first came into the LEC everyone seemed to never really

want to get active. They lacked the drive and motivation to get exercise. When I come to the

LEC I always see them with unhealthy foods and drinks like sodas, and I also see them sitting at

their table for most of the day. Most of them just stare at a screen for the day and listen to the

activities. I think that’s because of how they are as an individual, but also because of COVID.

COVID-19 has really made an impact onto every one’s life in every way and I feel that it has
prevented them to get more active. Everyone is so used to wearing masks and keeping their

distance that all they want to do is sit and not do much outside. COVID has reduced their

physical activity, drive, and motivation for sure. I honestly feel like the LEC needs to do a better

job in getting them more active and making sure that everyone participates. This pandemic has

rally affected everyone and I strive to increase their physical activity in the best way possible.

Physical activity is very important for your health and I hope I made an impact in ways that gets

them more active and wanting to go outside more.

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