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Can you imagine living in a place without technology? Life without technology would bring
several disadvantages since it was practically created to facilitate our needs. It is true that
technology has brought us negative things but we cannot hide the fact that we have also
obtained positive things from it. I believe that without technology, today, hundreds of
people would lose their jobs, some people could die since they depend on it to live, it
would no longer be so easy for us to obtain knowledge that we have had thanks to the
internet, and we would return to the time of prehistory when we would need to return to
hunting for our clothing and food, email would no longer exist and we would have to send
emails by mailbox.

In addition, regarding my education, technology has been a fundamental piece to be able

to adapt to the current situation, improve my knowledge by having remote classes through
a laptop that allow me to understand better and keep an accessible schedule, and It
facilitated me into my university works. On the other hand, being a nursing student,
technology makes it easier for me to research, to find safer ways to provide people with
better health; like when there were no machines like x-rays to help provide the best
treatment for patients. Innovations in medicine have come a long way and continue to
grow rapidly. The trips would take longer, since there would be no transport vehicles.
However, a world without technology would also bring many benefits and most of all, the
world. It would stop the contamination of the environment since there would be no more
felling of trees, industries that pollute the air, and this would reduce some diseases. The
world would be greener and I would surely spend more time doing other activities such as
exercise, reading a book, walking in the park, talking with my friends and family without
any distractions, such as smartphones.

In conclusion, living in a world without technology would currently be more difficult

to adapt to a new way of life. That is why today, with the incredible technological
advances, the world is becoming more and more evolved, whether it is the simple things,
like a television, to the incredible medical innovations that are saving lives, it benefits us in
many ways. Finally, an advantage that technology has is that it provides students with
better resources to improve their learning, through the computer and the Internet.

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