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Empowerment Technology

How Does ICT affect your studies?

Information and Communication Technology has been with us for quite some time. It has
contributed a lot in our studies and advancement. How does it affect our studies?
Since the first Computer is made which originally the size of a large room, consuming as
much power as several hundred modern personal computers, this first step that contributed a lot
in the world science and technology and to other fields and it is also one of the reasons why our
life in the present time is both hard and easy. With the advancement of technology, we are able
to learn and spread information efficiently compares to how they did in the past. Now we are
able to research faster thanks to web browsers, have contact with others anywhere and anytime
worldwide thanks to social media platforms and save information and memories thanks to blogs
and websites.
With ICT in our side, the education and way of learning before compared to the present time
has a big difference. With ICT, almost everything can be done efficiently, financially affordable
and can be done a lot better than how it used to be. With all this as advantages on our side,
learning and educating is now as easy as pressing a button. For Students like me, instead of
holding tons of books and papers, I can now pack lightly just by bringing my phone or laptop
with me. This way can also be eco-friendly since instead of wasting papers, I can delete, erase
and recreate a file with a push of a button.
Living a life efficiently is one of the major reasons why ICT existed. To make everything
easier, faster and sometimes better. This may be a good effect of ICT in the lives of humanity but
what are the disadvantages of ICT in our studies?
One of the most notorious disadvantages of ICT is that they can be a cause of inequality and
exclusion in the educational field, since it is necessary to have the internet and certain types of
devices to take advantage of all its advantages. The presence of technology can be distracting to
students. And with technologies continues, so with bad people like hackers who destroy lives
with a flick of their finger.
With ICT, our advancements in our studies are limitless and unpredictable, some people use
this for good and some people don’t. We should always remember that the growth and our future
is based on our current actions. We should also remember that everything that we use, misused,
and abused even if intended for good may lead a to a greater harm to not just us but to people
around us, So we should think before we click.

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