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1 JUST CAN'T WALT TO BE KING Music by ELTON JOHN Happily, rhythmically Lyrics by 11M RICE G WG G DG G a 288 eae gon-oa bea omight - y king, so en-e - mies_ be - ware! Zazu: Well, U've er seen king of beasts. with quite so little SSS SS Sg gon-na be__ the mano. ¢ - vent, like no Ring was__ be - fore._ brushing upon down. I’m work-ing on__ my roar! _ Loz: Thus it ia rath er un - in - spir - ing thing. Simba: Ob, 1 to he king! Zaza: (Spoken) You've rather a long way to go, young S no chord Ei Master! if you think. Simba: Noonesaying “do this” Zazi: Now when said that = tho one say-ing i Am Dt D ii Ef ee ee R= Sa bas eee “be there,” no onesay-ing “stop that,” ‘no one say-ing What [meant was that the... But what you don’t re -abizens cc = ee = —— —" =! = i —" = adc = = == uh Be a == — ss — 4 7, of EES py, Wall, that’s def - i- nite-ly_ out. - = a a ae = SS SS = See s ee {Quasi spoken:) = + =F Zazu: 1 think i's time — that you and ar-ranged a heart to - heart, {Sung:) (Quast spoken) +; ———F — ———— ae Simba: Kings don't need ad - vice from it-the —horm-bills, for a start. — tau this is where the mon-ar - chy_ is head-ed, count me out!_ Out of ko Es} ser - viee, out of : wouldn't hung An b child is get - Stuxba: Oh, 1 can't_wail tobe Ab DbiAb Ab Ebiab Ab DbiAb Ab ee i" ap” ee ae Egg = SSS SS Simba: Ev.'ry-bod-y wok left, ev -"ry-hod-y Bom EG Eb Lif fF Er eS Se = + == jook right. Ey-'ry-where you lock, tom: Simba & Chorus: a spot - light Not yell Let. ev - ‘rycrea - ture go for broke and — es = SS _—— Lot's hear it in__ the herd— and on__ the vb Db Ab Bb, Db Eb a mm mm It's gonna be_ King Sitn-ba’s fin - est ing. Simba: Oh,t just caw’t_wait to be cum’ wait

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