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: What is the real aim of human like?

Me : Well, why do you ask?

You : That's the most important question isn't it? Why are we here after all?

Me : It most certainly is. But before I answer, tell me, do you believe in religion?

You : Umm, well, I am a Hindu, but what's that got to do with this question?

Me : So that I can give you a cookie-cutter answer to your question. According to Hinduism,
the purpose of life is four-fold: to achieve Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. Dharma,
means to act morally and ethically throughout one’s life. Artha refers to the pursuit of
wealth and prosperity in one’s life. Kama means to seek and obtain enjoyment from life. And
the fourth Moksha means enlightenment. Moksha may take an individual just one lifetime
to accomplish (rarely) or it may take several.

You : Yes, yes, I know all these, but I want something different, something that satisfies me.
And what if I wasn't a Hindu, my aim changes then?

Me : Well, that's essentially what religions are for. They give meaning to our life, no matter
what religion it is. What is hard for you to believe is that you were just put on this giant rock
of a planet to just live and to just leave your legacy for future generations once you die.

You : Hmm, I think so. So, if I am finally going to die and we all know there's no escaping
from death, what am I doing here, and since death is the final outcome, why not reach there
as soon as possible?

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