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1. Fill in the blanks correctly. [1 mark each = 5 marks]

a. The slope of the graph will display the __________________________________.

b. When the colour changes rapidly, it shows the rate of reaction is


c. Fermentation and photosynthesis are some examples of a _________________


d. Activation energy is the ____________________ energy that is needed to activate

the particles of the reactants to ensure the chemical reaction takes place.

e. A refrigerator has a ______________ temperature that helps the foods to last


2. Read the statements below and determine if they are ‘True’ or ‘False’.
[1 mark each = 6 marks]

a. The volume of gas is measured by collecting it, using a

measuring cylinder. [ ]

b. The molecules will combine at a fast speed if the rate of

reaction is high. [ ]

c. When the particles have successfully formed a product, this

collision will be known as an effective collision. [ ]

d. The collision theory was proposed by a German chemist, Max

Trautz and a British scientist, William Lewis in 1926. [ ]

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e. The frequency of effective collisions will increase as the

temperature decreases. [ ]

f. Vanadium (V) oxide will lower down the activation energy of the
reaction and speeds up the rate of the hydrogenation reaction. [ ]

Multiple Choice Questions [1 mark each = 10 marks]

Select the most appropriate answer for each question. Select A, B, C or D.

3. The rate of reaction for the formation of precipitates can be calculated by dividing
one (1) by…

A. the total mass of the products.

B. the volume of the products.
C. the total time taken.
D. the changes in temperature.

4. Which of the following will not increase the rate of reaction?

A. The presence of a catalyst.

B. The increase in size of the reactants.
C. The increase in temperature.
D. The increase in concentration of the reactants.

5. Which of the following will help to lower down the activation energy for a reaction to
take place?

A. Adding a catalyst.
B. Increasing the temperature of the reaction.
C. Increasing the mass of the reactants.
D. Increasing the pressure of the reaction.

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6. A, B, C and D are the rates of reaction with different speeds. Among the four
different rates, at which rate will the molecules combine at a low speed?
Amount of the substances



7. Which of the following is not the characteristic of a catalyst?

A. A catalyst is very specific in its reaction.

B. A catalyst will remain the same until the end of the reaction but some physical
changes may occur.
C. A catalyst will affect the number of the products at the end of the reaction.
D. Only a small amount of the catalyst is needed to increase the rate of reaction.

8. Based on the collision theory, the particles must…

A. have low activation energy to react.

B. collide with a correct orientation.
C. have high pressure to collide.
D. have low pressure to react.

9. What will ensure an effective collision occurs?

A. A high activation energy.

B. A correct orientation.
C. A low activation energy.
D. None of the above.

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10. Activation energy is the minimum energy that is needed to activate the particles
during a…

A. collision.
B. reaction.
C. reduction.
D. compression.

11. During a collision, the reacting particles bounce back. This indicates that…

A. the temperature is too low for the reactants to react.

B. the activation energy is too low for the reaction to take place.
C. the pressure of the gas is not suitable for the reaction to take place.
D. an ineffective collision just occurs between the reacting particles.

12. Small size pieces of coal are more favourable because…

A. they have a larger total surface area.

B. they burn faster.
C. they burn with a high intensity of fire.
D. All of the above.

Answer These Questions

13. Define the rate of reaction. [2 marks]




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14. Draw and label a graph with two different rates of reaction. [4 marks]

15. Explain how an increase in temperature affects the rate of reaction. [2 marks]





16. Explain how an increase in the pressure of gas can help to increase the rate of
reaction. [2 marks]





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17. Based on the collision theory, explain how these factors affect the rate of reaction.

a. Presence of a catalyst [4 marks]





b. Decrease in the concentration of the reactants [4 marks]





18. Explain two applications of the rate of reaction in our everyday life. [6 marks]

a. _________________________________________________________________________________




b. _________________________________________________________________________________




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