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Branko T.

Regional Anatomy


1. The “scalp” of the frontoparietooccipital region refers to:

A. skin
B. superficial fascia and epicranial aponeurosis
C. skin, superficial fascia and epicranial aponeurosis
D. superficial fascia, epicranial aponeurosis and subaponeurotic space
E. subaponeurotic space and pericranium

2. Frontoparietooccipital region’s “dangerous region” refers to:

A. pericranium
B. subaponeurotic loose connective tissue
C. epicranial aponeurosis
D. superficial fascia
E. skin

3. Which layer dose the large area avulsion of the parietal soft tissue of head often occur in:
A. skin
B. superficial fascia
C. epicranial aponeurosis
D. subaponeurotic loose connective tissue
E. pericranium

4. The nerves and vessels of the frontoparietooccipital region are distributed within:
A. within the superficial fascia
B. the deep side of the epicranial aponeurosis
C. the deep side of the occipitofrontalis muscle
D. the layer of the subaponeurotic loose connective tissue
E. the superficial side of the pericranium

5. The characteristic of the frontoparietooccipital region’s skin are:

A.the healing of wound is slow
B.vessels and lymphatic ducts are rich
C.difficult to hemorrhage when injure ,heal quickly
D.hemorrhage more ,heal slowly
E.a bit of hair follicles and sweat glands
Branko T.

6.Which nerve accompanies the occipital artery:

A.lesser occipital nerve
B.greater occipital nerve
C.suboccipital nerve
D.greater auricular nerve
E.third occipital nerve

7.The hematoma which appears obvious local mass with severe pain is:
A.subcutaneous hematoma
B.subaponeurotic hematoma
C.subperiosteum hematoma
D.extradural hematoma
E.subdural hematoma

8.Epicranial aponeurosis is:

A.anterior part connects the occipitofrontalis’ frontal belly
B.not belong to “scalp”
C.two sides bond occipitofrontalis’ temporal belly
D.cross fracture is easy to suture
E.two sides tend to be thicker and thicker

9.Auriculotemporal nerve comes from:

A.facial nerve
B.mandibular nerve
C.cervical plexus
D.glossopharyngeal nerve
E.vagus nerve

10.Auriculotemporal nerve: the branch of the maxillary nerve the branch of the facial nerve
C.controls occipitallis muscle and frontalis muscle
D.accompanies deep temporal vessels
E.distributes in the skin of the external auditory, auricle and temporal area

11. Middle meningeal artery:

A.communicates with the anterior cranial fossa through the foramen rotundum
B.communicates with the middle cranial fossa through the foramen spinosum
C.communicates with the posterior cranial fossa through the foramen spinosum
D.communicates with the anterior cranial fossa through the foramen spinosum
E.communicates with the middle cranial fossa through the foramen rotundum
Branko T.

12. Which structures pass through the foramen magnum besides the spinal cord:
A.the left and right vertebral arteries and the spinal roots of the accessory nerve structure except the spinal cord
C.only the the spinal roots of the accessory nerve
D.only the left and right vertebral arteries
E.none of the above

13. Which structure is adjacent to the sphenoidal sinus to the superior separated by a thin
bony wall:
A.maxillary sinus
B.superior nasal meatus
C.sphenoethmoidal recess
D.cerebral hypophysis
E.none of the above

14. Which structure is constricted firstly when the hypophysis is swelling is

A.oculomotor nerve
B.ophthalmic nerve
C.maxillary nerve
D.abducent nerve
E. trochlear nerve

15. A patient with the symptom of intracranial hypertension is diagnosed as the

cerebrospinal fluid circulation disorder because of the constriction of hypophysis tumour.
Please answer which part does the hypophysis tumour has oppressed:
A. the central part of the lateral ventricle
B. third ventricle
C. the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle
D. fourth ventricle
E. the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle

16. The cranial nerve that is involved easily when it is the herniation of the cerebellar
incisura tentori is:
A. abducent nerve
B. ophthalmic nerve
C. oculomotor nerve
D. maxillary nerve
E. hypoglosal nerve
Branko T.

17. A patient with cranial traumatization shows the contralaeral limb paralysis, the
ipsilateral mydriasis and the loss of direct and indirect light reflex, because the herniation of
the cerebellar incisura tentori led to intracranial hypertension. Please answer which part of
the brain stem is oppressed:
A. the basement of the pons and abducent nerve
B. the tectum of the midbrain
C. crus cerebri and oculomotor nerve
D. the tegmen of the pons
E. the lateral part of the medulla oblongata

18. A patient’temple is fractured suffered from the exogenic hit. The doctor diagnoses it to be
epidural hematoma. Please answer which vessel the bone fragment damaged:
A. the superficial anterior branch of the superficial temporal artery
B. the posterior branch of the middle meningeal artery
C. the anterior branch of the middle meningeal artery
D. the middle cerebral artery
E. the anterior choroid artery

19. A patient with fracture of the middle cranial fossa shows the flow of bloody cerebrospinal
fluid from the nasal cavity. Please answer which paranasal sinus it may damage:
A. frontal sinus
B. maxillary sinus
C. ethmoidal sinus
D. sphenoidal sinus
E. maxillary sinus and frontal sinus

20. A patient to the emergency shows the overflow of bloody cerebrospinal fluid from the
external acoustic meatus through examination. Which part of the skull base may be
A. the anterior cranial fossa is fractured
B. the middle cranial fossa is fractured
C. the posterior cranial fossa is fractured
D. the foramen magnum is fractured
E. the frontal orbital plate is fractured

21. Which of the followings belongs to the characteristics of the skin of face:
A. less blood vessels
B. thick and soft
C. sensitive
D. less nerves
E. the healing of the wound is slow
Branko T.

22. Facial artery:

A. arises from the external carotid artery
B. passes through the submental triangle
C. locates at the lateral of the carotid triangle
D. crosses through the parotid gland
E. pulses at the posterior edge of the masseter

23. Which is right of the following statements about the facial vein:
A start from supraorbital vein
B. start from angular vein
C. start form subraorbital vein
D. start form superficial temporal vein
E. start from facial transverse vein

24.Patients with a purulent boil near upper lip has got intracranial infection after squeezing
it with his hand, so which part inside the cranium and facial veins joined that give path to
the bacteria:
A. superior sagittal sinus
B. sigmoid sinus
C. transverse sinus
D. cavernous sinus
E. confluence of sinuses

25. Which is correct of the following statements about the superficial vein of the face:
A. backflow to the external jugular vein
B. don't backflow to facial vein
C. there are lots of venous valves
D. communicates with pterygoid venous plexus through facial deep vein.
E. none of the above

26.Trigeminal nerve:
A.have three large branches B.have five large branches
B. sensory branches only distribute to facial superficial part
C. motor branches mainly distribute to facial muscle
D. motor branches mainly distribute to the superficial face skin

27. The cheek burned with paroxysmal spasm is the symptom of the stimulation of which
A.trochlear nerve
B.Trigeminal nerve
C.Abducent nerve
D.Facial nerve
E.Lingual nerve
Branko T.

28. The cutaneous branches of trigeminal nerve:

A. distribute in facial muscle
B. don't distribute in the skin of frontal-parietal-occipital area
C. only distribute in facial skin
D. distribute in occipital skin and facial skin
E. most of them accompany with blood vessels

29.Which of the following structures are accompanying with motor branches of facial nerve:
A. temporal branches companying with superficial temporal vessel
B. zygomatic branches companying with parotid duct
C. buccal branches companying with parotid duct
D mandibular marginal branches companying with facial artery
E. cervical branches companying with facial artery

30.Facial muscle:
A. muscular fiber are quite thick
B. stop at pericranium
C. mainly distribute in eye fissure
D. originate from the bones of cranium facial or fascia
E. all are dominated by trigeminal nerve

31. What 's the structure rampaging through the parotid gland from back to front:
A. maxillary artery
B. auriculotemporal nerve
C. retromandibular vein
D. inferior dental nerve
E. superficial temporal vein

32. What does the parotid duct run from:

A. openings in the maxillary first molar buccal mucosa relative
B. accompany with the buccal branches of the facial nerve
C .in the deep parotid face walking
D. in the parotid gland trailing edge
E. in the parotid gland on the edge

33. Which bristle to the parotid gland

A. internal cervical artery and vagus nerve
B. external cervial artery and external cervical vein
C. facial nerve and external cervical artery
D. retromandibular vein and external cervical artery
E. internal cervical vein and internal cervical artery
Branko T.

34. What do the structures about facial nerve in parotid gland from back to front pass
A. retromandibular vein and superficial part of external cervical artery
B. between retromandibular vein and external cervical artery
C. retromandibular vein and the deep part of external cervical artery
F.between retromandibular vein and internal cervical artery
D. retromandibular vein and the deep part of internal cervical artery

35. The ptergoid venous plexus:

A. located in temporalis cavity
B. locates in deeper temporalis muscle
C. locates in ptergoid cavity
D. locates in superfical mandibula
E. locates in medial pterygoid, lateral ptergoid and temporalis muscle vein

36. The retromandibular vein can be divided into

A. facial vein & posterior auricular vein
B. superficial temporal vein & maxillary vein
C. deep temporal vein & maxillary vein
D. superficial temporal vein & facial vein
E. external jugular vein & facial vein

37. The first part of maxillary artery have the main branches of:
A. inferior alveolar artery & superior alveolar artery
B. inferior alveolar artery & infraorbital artery
C. middle meningeal artery & infraorbital artery
D. middle meningeal artery & inferior alveolar artery
E. middle meningeal artery & superior alveolar artery

38. The nerve which starts from mandibular nerve and joins tympanum fiber:
A. auriculotempopral nerve
B. masserter nerve
C. buccal nerve
D. lingual nerve
E. infraprbital nerve

39. A patient whose mandibular molar teeth had abscess, please answer the abscess can
spread to which part of the head:
A. retropharyngeal space
B. masseter space
C. mandibular space
D. superficial temporal space
E. pterygomandibular space
Branko T.

40. Pterygomandibular space:

A. locates between medial pterygoid and mandibular branches
B. locates between lateral pterygoid and mandibular branches
C. locates between medial pterygoid and angle of mandible
D. hypoglossal nerve pass though the space
E. there is superior alveolar passing though

41. Which of the following is not the part of neck:

A. anterior part
B. sternocleidomastoideus part
C. external part
D. deltoid part

42. Which of the following is not the triangle made of the anterior part of the neck:
A. submental triangle
B. submandibular triangle
C. carotid triangle
D. muscular triangle
E. occipital triangle

43. Prevertebral fascia:

A.separates the prevertebral space and retropharyngeal space
B.separates the retropharyngeal space and the pretracheal space
C.locates on the anterior side of the trachea
D.locates on the retropharyngeal wall
E.none of the above

44. Which of the following fasciae making of the axillary sheath:

A. superficial cervical layer
B. investing fascia
C. pretracheal layer
D. buccopharyngeal fascia
E. prevertebral fascia

45. Which of the following is correct about submandibular gland:

A. it is inside the fascia sheath mading of pretracheal layer
B. most of the superficial part is located in the superficial surface of the mylohyoid muscle
C. the tube of submandibular gland begins from the anterior part of the superficial region of the
D. the deep part is loated in the musculi stylohyoideus
E. none of the above is right
Branko T.

46. The pathway of hypoglossal nerve in the submandibular triangle:

A. it is passing through the superficial part of posterior pleon of digastric
B. it is located in the internal superior part of the submandibular
C. it is passing across the surface of musculi stylohyoideus
D. it is passing through the superficial of mylohyiod muscle
E. it is passing through the deep part of the musculi stylohyoideus

47. Which one of the following is part of the carotid triangle:

A. anterior side of trapezius muscle
B. posterior side of sternocleidomastoid
C. superior pleon of levator scapulae
D. anterior pleon of digastric muscle
E. pretracheal fascia

48. Which of the following is wrong about digastric muscle:

A. it is the symbol of the boundary of carotid and submandibular triangle
B. it is the main symbol of the boundary of the neck and maxillofacial part
C. retromandibular vein is passing through the deep part of it
D. external carotid artery is passing through the deep part of it
E. cervical branch of the facial nerve is passing through the superficial part of it

49. Internal carotid vein:

A. it is accompanied with internal carotid artery
B. it is accompanied with the vagus nerve
C. it has no branches in the carotid triangle
D. it only collects the intracranial veins
E. it goes into superior vena cava

50. Carotid triangle contains:

A. common carotid artery and its branches
B. ICV and its branches
C. sublingual nerve
D. glossopharyngeal nerve
E. vagus nerve

51.The thyroid gland isthmus is located in:

A. the anterior of the thyroid cartilage
B. the anterior of cricoid cartilage
C. the front of 1st-3rd cartilage of trachea
D. the front of 2nd-4th cartilage of trachea
E. the front of 4th-6th cartilage of trachea
Branko T.

52. The fascia of thyroid gland:

A. anterior fascia of trachea forms thyroid gland sheath
B. the parathyroid gland is in the true envelope
C. the true envelope is outside of pseudoenvelope
D. suspensory ligament of thyroid gland is formed by true envelope
E. when swallowing ,thyroid gland can move up and down with larynx

53. The superior thyroid artery comes from:

A. common carotid artery
B. internal carotid artery
C. facial artery
D. thyrocervical trunk
E. external carotid artery

54. The nerve which can cross the inferior thyroid artery is:
A. the lateral branch of superior laryngeal n.
B. the medial branch of superior laryngeal nerve
C. recurrent laryngeal nerve
D. vagus nerve
E. cervical sympathetic trunk

55. Crystic sheath space can not include:

A. the vessels of thyroid gland
B. laryngeal nerve
C. the loose connective tissue
D. suspensory ligament of thyroid gland
E. parathyroid gland

56. Recurrent laryngeal nerve:

A. the right is more superficial than left
B. the right is short than left
C. the right is vertical ,the left obliques upward line
D. the right locates behind the inferior thyroid artery ,the left is in the anterior of thyroid gland
E. none of all above

57. After the operation of thyroid gland ,one woman voice hoarse. Via the laryngoscopy,
when she enunciates, the right vocal cord paralysis the injuryness may be:
A. the internal branch of right superior laryngeal n.
B.the external branch of right superior laryngeal n.
C. right recurrent laryngeal n.
D. right sympathetic trunk
E. right cricothyroid muscle
Branko T.

58. The nerves which consist of neck loops:

A. hypoglossal n. and the descending of vagus n.
B. radix superior ansae cervicalis and inferior ansae made up by c2,c3
C. the inferior hypoglossal n, and the descending branch of glossopharyngeal n.
D. hypoglossal n. and the descending branch of brachial plexus
E. the internal and external branch of superior laryngeal n.

59. Carotid sheath includes:

A. cervical sympathetic trunk
B. vertebral a.
C. glossopharyngeal n.
D. internal carotid a.
E. external carotid a.

60. The puncturing point where the anesthesia can be blocked in cervical cutaneous nerve is:
A. the cross point above the superior and middle 1/3 of posterior margin of sternocleidomastoid
B. the superior above the medial third of clavicle
C. the medial point of posterior margin of sternocleidomastoid muscle
D. the medial point of anterioe margin of sternocleidomastoid muscle
E. the cross point below the medial third of posterior margin of steroncleidomastoid muscle

61. A patient suffered the left apex–pulmonary carcinoma , with his left eye smaller, left
palpebrae, sinking, and his left head, neck and left upper limb fevering and perspiration
stagnation. What location did the tumor invade:
A. left recurrent laryngeal nerve
B. left phrenic nerve
C. left vagus nerve
D. left cervical sympathetic trank
E. left brachial plexus

62. The phrenic nerve is located:

A. the anterior of the prevertibral fascia
B. the anterior of anterior scalenus
C. the anterior of sternocleidomastoid
D. the anterior of the superior belly of omohyoid
E .the anterior of the medial scalenus

63. The surface projection of the cupula of pleura located:

A. extend 2~3cm above the medial third of the clavicle
B. extend 2~3cm above the internal third of the clavicle
C. extend 2~3cm above the external third of the clavicle
D. extend 2~3cm above the first rib
Branko T.

E. above the seventh cervical vertebral transverse process about 1cm

64. What is the puncturing position, when anesthesia the supraclavicular brachial plexus:
A. the superior of the internal of clavicle
B. the superior of the median third of clavicle
C. the superior of the median of clavicle
D. the cross of the median of third of clavicle and the external of third of clavicle
E. the cross of the median of third of clavicle and the internal of third of clavicle

65. What separate the subclavicular nerve to three parts:

A. clavicle
B. the first rib
C. the scalenus anterior
D. the scalenus median
E. pectoralis minor

66. What is the structure perforating the scalene fissure:

A. subclavicular artery and phrenic nerve
B. subclavicular artery and subclavicular vein
C. transverse artery of neck and brachial plexus
D. brachial plexus and subclavicular vein
E. subclavicular artery and brachial plexus

67. After the operation of blocking of the left subcervical ganglion ,the patient has a pain in
the right chest ,oppression in chest and dyspnea .what may it injure:
A. phrenic nerve
B. vagus nerve
C. subclavicular artery
D. the cupula of pleura
E. vertebral artery

68. A gastric carcinoma patient can touch several painless and tumid lymph nodes in the
crossing of the posterior margin of the left sternocleidomastoid and the superior margin of
clavicle Q: what are the lymph nodes:
A. superficial anterior cervical lymph nodes
B. deep anterior cervical lymph nodes
C. superficial lateral cervical lymph nodes
D. apical lymph node
E. virchow lymph node

69. Xiphocostal angle is:

A. the angle of both sides of the costal arches and the body of sternum
B. the angle of the costal arch and the xiphoid process
C. the angle of both sides of the costal arches which is opening downward
Branko T.

D. the angle of the costal arch and the sternum

E. the angle of the rib and the xiphoid process

70. The wrong description about the sternal angle is:

A. the level of the origin of the aortic arch
B. the level of the thoracic duct from right to left
C. the level of the lower border of the 6th thoracic vertebrae
F.the level of the second constriction of the esophagus
E. the level of the bifurcation of trachea

71.Xiphocostal angle is:

A. the angle of the right costal arch and the body of sternum
B. the angle of both sides of the costal arches which is opening downward
C. the junction of the body of sternum and the xiphoid process
D. the left side is the site of the needle inserted in pericardiocentesis
E. the both sides are the site of the needle inserted in pericardiocentesis

72. The sternal angle:

A. the junction of the manubrium sterni and the xiphoid process
B. the both sides is on a level with the second costal cartilage
C. the only sign of vertebral counts
D.the level is the lower border of the 5th thoracic vertebra backward
E. the back is adjacent to the pericardium

73. The lymphatic return of the female breast:

B. the lymphatic vessels of the lateral part drain into the parasternal lymph node
C. the lymphatic vessels of the medial part drain into intercostal lymph node
D. the superficial lymphatic plexus traffic with the contralateral
E. the deep lymphatic vessels drain into the inferior phrenic lymph nodes
F. the lymphatic vessels of the inferior part drain into pectoral lymph node

74. A 52-year-old female patient who has a mass outside the breast is suspected that she has
breast cancer. She needs to take the lymph nodes for the pathological examination, the
lymph nodes should be taken from:
A. the pectoral lymph nodes
B. the subscapular lymph nodes
C. the supraclavicular lymph nodes
D. lateral axillary lymph nodes
E. the parasternal lymph nodes

75. Which of the following lymph nodes do not take in the breast lymph:
A. the interpectoral lymph nodes
B. axillary tip group
C. the parasternal lymph nodes
Branko T.

D. the pectoral lymph nodes

E. the deep cervical lymph nodes

76. Female breast:

A. overlies the 1st to the 7th ribs B. only consists of mammary gland
C. each lobe of the breast has several lactiferous ducts
D. overlies the 2nd to the 6th ribs
E. the breast abscess drainage should be incised lowly and transversely

77. A patient suffers from the breast abcess ,the docter decided to do radial incision drainage
, the reason is:
A. so as not to damage the lactiferous ducts
B. so as not to damage the blood vessels and the nerves
C. so as not to damage the breast
D. so as not to damage the Cooper ligament
E. It is easy to the drainage of the pus

78. The intercostal space:

A.there are 12 pairs of intercostal spaces
B. the lower intercostal space is wide
C. there are the intercostal vessels and intercostal nerve in the intercostal space
D. the intercostal artery is from the thoracic aorta
E. the anterior part of the lower intercostal space is narrow while the posterior part is wide

79. The intercostal nerves:

A. are the anterior rami of the 1st to 12th thoracic nerves
B. always run in the internal intercostal space
C. are accompanied by the posterior intercostal arteries and veins
D. give off the anterior cutaneous branches near the anterior axillary line
E. none of the above

80. The intercostal nerves:

A. are 12 pairs
B. run between the superficial fascia and the deep fascia
C. only supply the skin and muscles in the thoracic wall
D. supply the skin and muscles in the thoracic wall and the abdominal wall
E. give off the lateral cutaneous branches near the anterior axillary line

81. Segmental distribution of the thoracic nerves:

A. The 1st is below the clavicle
B. The 2nd is at the level of the sternal angle
C.The 3rd is at the level of the nipple
D. The 4th is at the level of the xiphoid process
E. The 6th is at the level of the costal arch
Branko T.

82. In the lateral thoracic wall, the intercostal nerves lie:

A. between the intercostals external and the intercostals internal
B. between the external intercostals membrane and the intercostals internal
C. between the intercostals external and the internal intercostals membrane
D. between the internal intercostals membrane and the endothoracic fascia
E. between the intercostals internal and the intercostals intimi

83. In the costal groove of the rib, the arrangement of the posterior intercostal vessles and
the intercostal nerves from top to bottom is:
A. posterior intercostal arteries, posterior intercostal veins, inyrtcostal nerves
B. posterior intercostal veins, posterior intercostal arteries, inyrtcostal nerves
C. posterior intercostal veins, inyrtcostal nerves, posterior intercostal arteries
D. inyrtcostal nerves, posterior intercostal veins, posterior intercostal arteries
E. posterior intercostal veins, posterior intercostal arteries, inyrtcostal nerves

84. Where is the needle inserted in the thoracentesis so as not to damage vessles and nerves:
A. the 8th intercostal space near the paravertebral line
B. the superior border of the lower rib in the 8th intercostal space near the scapular line
C. the inferior border of the upper rib in the 9th intercostal space near the midaxillary line
D. the superior border of the lower rib in the 7th intercostal space near the midclavicular line
E. the 10th intercostal space near the paravertebral line

85. Diaphragm:
A. is divided into anterior thoracic part, costal part and lumbar part
B. the stemocostal triangle is between the rib and the vertebra
C. the lumbocostal triangle is between the lumbar part and costal part
D. the descending aorta and the vagus nerve go through the aortic hiatus
E. the azygos vein and the esophagus go through the esophageal hiatus

86. The lumbocostal triangle:

A. is in front of the diaphragm B. is next to the front of the kidney
C. the azygos vein go through it D. the internal thoracic vessels go through it
E. is easy to form diaphragmatic hemia

87. Which structure go through the aortic hiatus except the descending aorta:
A. the vagus nerve
B. the thoracic duct
C. the great splanchnic nerve
D. the azygos vein
E. the lesser splanchnic nerve

88. The thoracic cavity:

A. the bottom is a convex downward conical cavity
Branko T.

B. is surrounded by the diaphragm and the thoracic wall

C. is the cavity between the visceral pleura and the parietal pleura
D. is opened to the abdominal cavity downward
E. has a small amount of serous fluid

89. The pleural cavity:

A. is a closed narrow cavity surrounded by the visceral pleura and the parietal pleura
B. is formed by recurrent of the parietal pleura
C. is communicated with the outside by respiring
D. the left and the right pleural cavity connect by the trachea
E. there are the left and the right lung and a small amount of fluid in it

90. The two sides of the pleural cavity:

A. communicate by the transverse sinus of pericardium
B. connect with the abdominal cavity by the aortic hiatus
C. there are two lungs in it
D. is negative pressure which has a small amount of serous fluid
E. connect by the root of lung

91. The costodiaphragmatic recess:

A. is ringlike which is the lowest part of the pleural cavity
B. is the biggest pleural recesses
C. is surrounded by the thoracic wall and the diaphragm
D. usually contains no serious fluid
E. the anterior part is low while the posterior is high

92. The projection of the inferior line of pleural reflection in the left midclavicular line is at
the level of:
A. the 6th rib
B. the 8th rib
C. the 7th rib
D. the 9th rib
E. the 10th rib

93. The projection of the pleura:

A. the upper bound is above the 1/3 of the inside clavicle 2~3 cm
B. the two sides of the interval has the upper, middle and lower pleural intermediate zone
C. the lower bound is at the level of the 6th rib at the midclavical line
D. the lower bound is at the level of the 8th rib at the midaxillary line
E. is at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebrae’s spinous process at the posterior median line

94. The lung:

A. lies in the pleural cavity
B. can full the costodiaphragmatic recess during deep inspiration
Branko T.

C. there is the hilun of lung in mediastinal surface

D. clavi left lung has upper, middle and lower lobe
E. the lower bound is at the level of the 8th rib at the midclavicle line

95. The structure which is not out of the hilum of the lung is:
A. pulmonary nerves
B. pulmonary lymphatic
C. pulmonary vein
D. pulmonary artery
E. trachea

96. The surface projection of lungs:

A. the apex of lung is inferior to cupula pleurae about 2cm
B. the 6th rib intersects the midclavicular line at the boundaries of lower
C. the inferior lower boundary finally for the 12th thoracic vertebra process
D. the 10th rib intersects the midaxillary line at the boundaries of lower
E. up and down inside boundary is close

97. Root of lung:

A. the main structures are the principal bronchus, pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein
B. is located between two pulmonary hilums
C. is the only structure to fix lung
D. downward elongation to form pulmonary ligament
E. top-down is the pulmonary vein, pulmonary artery and principal bronchus

98. The segments of the lung:

A. usually the left lung has 10 segments and the right lung has 9 segments
B. the vein is companied by the bronchi in the segments of lung
C. each segments of lung is pyramidal in shape, bottom towards the surface of lung
D. segmental bronchi is the secondary branches of the bronchial
E.pulmonary segment artery travels in the lung segment

99. The structure which is travelling in the pulmonary segments:

A.pulmonary segment vein
B. pulmonary segment artery
C. bronchial artery
D. bronchus
E. pulmonary ligament

100. Segmental bronchi:

A. secondary bronchial
B. there are three in right upper lobe
C. the part of enter the lung is called the secondary pulmonary hilum
D. is not companied by the pulmonary segment artery
Branko T.

E. distributed in between the lung segments

101. The root of lung:

A. the aortic arch is superior to the right lung root
B. the azygos vein arch is superior to the left lung root
C. the phrenic nerve is traveling behind the lung root
D. the vagus nerve is traveling behind the lung root
E. the pulmonary ligament is superior to the left and right lung root

102. It easily damage if we cut pulmonary ligament:

A. phrenic nerve
B. phrenic blood vessels of pericardium
C. subpulmonary vein
D. bronchial artery
E. azygos vein

103. The inferior boundary of lung:

A. intersect with the 6th rib in midclavicular line
B. intersect with the 8th rib in midclavicular line
C. intersect with the 10th rib in midaxillary line
D. intersect with the 11th rib in midaxillary line
E. intersect with the 11th rib in scapular line

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