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Script for Lindy’s Project

1. Introductions (what’s your name)

2. where do you work at?
3. what is it all about/how does it work
4. in what occasion do you use fractions
5. how important do you think it is applying fractions

Interviewer: What’s your name?

Alec: My name is Alec Jerome S. Albino / John Zedrick R. Castillo
Interviewer: Where do you work at?
Alec: I don’t exactly have a place I work at. My business tractions happen online. I use
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms to advertise, promote
and find costumers.
Interviewer: What is it all about? How does your business work?
Alec: My business is a simple buy and sell type wherein I buy products online, usually
those that are high in demand but low on supply in the local market and products that
can only be bought overseas. Why and how does it work exactly is as the technique
suggest. I buy and then sell the products for retail price, usually I add about 1/2, 1/3 or
1/4 of the products original price then include the shipping fee. An example of this would
be Hydroflasks. The general selling price of a Hydroflask on the local market is
somewhere between ₱600 to ₱1000, that’s to consider that the seller has already
included its retail value. Now I found a cheap knockoff version of the popular Hydroflask
which to give it credit actually does a good job of keeping whatever is inside it hot or
cold for prolong periods of time. Now I found this knockoff online and is sold for a
measly ₱110, include the shipping, it’s ₱165. Now remember how I retail my products?
Yeah, What I did was I got 1/2 of ₱165, then added the shipping fee, and sold it for
₱295. That gives me ₱130 worth of profit, even more so if I decide to bulk buy and sell
them for the same price which, if I did would give me ₱185 for every hydroflask I sell
after the first one. That’s how it works.
Interviewer: In what occasion do you use fractions?
Alec: For fractions, I use them for whenever I’m trying to find the fraction of a number.
Like what I did with the example beforehand, I usually look for 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 the price of
the product and then add that value as retail. Other instances are for when I’m trying to
find the percentage value to see whether or not the transaction is beneficial enough to
continue to doing.
Interviewer: How important do you think it is applying fractions?
Alec: How important? I wouldn’t say it is life threatening if you don’t know how to deal
with fractions, however I will say it has proven useful in multiple instances and situations
so I will say that it is worth learning and understanding. I would also like to add that, for
anyone out there who is thinking of starting a business, please, things like fractions,
percentage, basic maths multiplication, division, addition, subtraction is a must. So,
before you even consider starting a business, consider understanding how numbers
work first because it really helps in building a good business.
Interviewer: Thank you for your time and your answers Mr. Alec
Alec: Thank you as well Ms. Interviewer.

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