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Ronalyn T. Casanova
 Instructions
that tell what we are allowed
to do and what we are not allowed to
 Ethics and morality are set of rules that
govern human actions to ensure mutual
respect and cooperation.
Importance of Rules
 Rules organize relations between individuals
 Rules make it clear what is right to do/follow in
a society and what are wrong to refrain from
 Rules provide opportunity to achieve personal
and societal goals
 Rules regulate various social institutions to fulfill
their integral roles for the common welfare
“The existence of rules implies
constraints. However, such a
constraint can open up possibilities; it
may enable choices and actions that
otherwise would not exist. For
example the rules of language allow
us to communicate; traffic rules help
traffic to flow more easily and safety;
the rule of law can increase personal
safety. Regulations is not always the
antithesis of freedom; it can be its ally”
Moral Principles
 Do not cheat
 Be loyal
 Be patient
 Always tell the truth
 Be generous
Ethical Principles
 Truthfulness/Honesty
 Loyalty
 Respect
 Fairness
 Integrity
Moral Standards vs Non- Moral
Moral Standards deal with matters, which
can seriously injure or seriously benefit
human beings while it is not the case with
non-moral standards that refers to rules that
are unrelated to moral or ethical
Characteristics of moral standards further
differentiate them from non-moral
 Moral standards involve serious wrongs or
significant benefits.
 Moral standards ought to be preferred to other
 Moral standards are not established by authority
 Moral standards have the trait of universalizability
 Moral standards are based on impartial
 Moral standards are associated with special
emotions and vocabulary
 Derived from the Greek word dilemma (di
“twice” + lemma “premises”)
 A term used in logic and rhetoric when
causing an opponent to choose between
two unfavorable options.
 It is a difficult situation in which an individual is
confronted to choose between two or more
alternative actions to resolve the problem.
 When dilemmas involve human actions which
have moral complications, they are called
ethical or moral dilemmas.
Common Types of Dilemma
 Classic Dilemma
 Ethical Dilemma
 Moral Dilemma
Classic Dilemma
A choice between two or more
alternatives, in which the outcomes
are equally undesirable or equally
 The dilemma does not typically
involve a moral or ethical crisis.
Fast talk
 Night or morning?  Sneezing or coughing?
 Passenger or driver?  Photos or videos?
 Train or airplane?  Books or movies?
 Coffee or tea?  Loud or quiet?
 Family or friends?  Words or actions?
 Roommates or live alone?  Money or love?
 Winning the lottery or  See the future or change
finding your soulmate? the past?
 Zombies or vampires?  Painful truth or comforting
 Bad breath or body odor? lie?
Ethical Dilemma
 Anethical dilemma arises when a
person is forced to decide between
two morally sound options, but they
may conflict with the established
boundaries of a business, a
governmental agency, or the law.
 When making a purchase at a local store,
you are given too much change. Do you say
something or keep quiet?
 You receive a package at your home that
was delivered to the wrong address. The
shipping label indicates it is a favorite item
that you cannot afford to purchase yourself.
Do you keep it or notify the person it was
intended for?
 You really like your neighbors and they are a
great couple. The only problem is that they
throw wild parties occasionally. You think they
are into drugs, maybe even dealing. What do
you do?
A friend gives you a gift for your birthday.
Unfortunately, it is a type of perfume you
are extremely allergic to. Do you say
something and ask for a receipt to return
it, or keep quiet?
 Your friend has excitedly shared that she
has a new love in her life. Unfortunately,
you know the guy is a narcissistic player
who only stays with a woman as long as
he is getting what he wants from the
relationship. Do you try to convince her to
drop him or let her learn a lesson on her
Moral Dilemma
 A situation in which a person is torn
between right and wrong and looks at
the very core of a person's principles and
 A moral dilemma often forces the
individual to decide which option he or
she can live with, but any outcomes are
extremely unpleasant no matter what.
The Life Boat
You are on a cruise and the ship encounters an
unexpected storm. The storm continues to rage
and eventually you and the other passengers are
told you must head to the lifeboats and abandon
ship. As people begin to line up, you realize some
lines have fewer people, some have families, and
some seem to have younger, single people. You
know you are strong and capable. Do you choose
to help a group composed of three families with a
few young children, a group of seniors who
obviously could use your help, or go with the
young, strong people, with whom you might have
a better chance of survival?
Sarcastic Friend
Your friend has a great sense of humor.
However, sometimes his jokes involve
making fun of others in inappropriate ways.
He will point out a physical flaw or look for
something odd or different about a person
and make an unkind comment. You feel
uncomfortable when your friend does this.
Do you say something or just laugh along
with him?
Hit and Run
Late one night you are driving home in a bad
rainstorm. A drunk reels out in front of your car and
you try to stop, but hit him. Nobody sees you. The
guy looks and smells as if he is homeless. You check
to see how badly he is hurt and realize he is dead.
You have never even had a speeding ticket and are
an upright, professional, with a family and are well-
known and respected in your community. Do you
make a report anonymously, confess your crime, or
drive on home and forget about it, knowing no one
is going to pursue the death of a homeless drunk?
A memoir is a story about your life,
important moments that you want to share
with others that tell about what’s
important to you, what you value, and
what you want others to know.
 Remember a time when you had to make
a choice and each option was equally
unpleasant or something terrible
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