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Andrew D. Wilson, a Microsoft Research employee, created a touch screen with gesture-
based imagery and a 3D display in 2017. The Touch Light turned a sheet of acrylic plastic into
an interactive surface by using a back-projection display. Because of its 3D capabilities, the
display could detect several users' fingers and hands, and it could also be used as a makeshift
mirror. As the world is currently undertaking one of its darkest medical eras nowadays due to
rampant spread of a highly contagious disease brought about by a Novel Corona Virus that has
not been previously identified in human in the start. It is a new strain of corona virus family
that has caused severe pneumonia in several cases in China and has been exported to a range of
countries and cities. Which was then identified by WHO (World Health Organization) as what
we refer now as Coronavirus Disease 19, otherwise known as COVID-19 Virus.

This Social Phenomenon has greatly affected human civilization in general from medical
security, economic status, life style, business condition and even an individual’s personal
growth. Human lives drastically changed in an instant from having a normal life of freely
interacting with another people to having a new normal scheme of interacting with them
virtually or with proper protocols imposed by the government that unable one from doing
things that he or she used in doing. Now, given the fact that humans are now facing a different
struggle according to the given situation, they also need to find a mean in order to adapt and
continue with life while bearing in mind the thigs to be cautious about. These led different
companies in turning to tech startups and firms for health screenings, contactless access, and
other solutions needed to bring economy back to life. With this, contactless biometric invention
happens to be first observed. The implementation of Abu Dhabi airport, has given a new hope
and security for everyone by making buildings and work places anti-COVID ‘safe place’ for
travelling. This revolutionized, changed or evolved science by its new mode of unique
approach of modifying and handling a complicated and complex situation such as pandemic
which only happens after so many years. It has changed on how experts view things in different
perspective of working hard to understand how things in this current world work, known as
science. Moreover, it has revolutionized science in general aspect of its research environment.
One that prioritizes teamwork and communication over everything else in order to generate
the most profound and innovative ideas in knowing key elements on how the virus behaves
and apparently discovers how to reverse with the application of modern technology.

Companies that facilitate a safe return to workplaces use touchless technology to reduce health
hazards while also delivering seamless experiences for workers and visitors the same as each
other. Change is unavoidable in today's world. As long as there is a demand for office space,
clear direction, advice, and planning from HR and workplace design and strategy specialists
can assist businesses in continuing to rethink and remodel workplaces utilizing touchless

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