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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Albay
Estancia National High School
Estancia, Malinao Albay
SY: 2021-2022
NAME:_________________GRADE&SECTION_______DATE:________ SCORE:______

I.TRUE OR FALSE: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statements is wrong.

_____1. Jacques Charles discovered the relationship between pressure and temperature.
_____2. Charles Law states that volume is inversely proportional to its temperature at constant pressure.
_____3. Jacques Charles experimented on the J shape tube apparatus to show the relationship between
volume and temperature.
V1 V2
_____4. = is the general formula of Charles Law
T1 T2
_____5. Pressure and Volume are the two properties being relates in Charles Law
_____6. Amedeo Avogadro discovered the relationship between amount of gas in moles and volume.
_____7. 1 mole is equals to 6.02 x 10 23
_____8. How hot air balloon works is a one application of Charles Law
V1 V2
_____9. = is the general formula of Avogadro’s Law.
n1 n2
_____10. Restoring a dented ping pong ball using hot water is an example of Charles Law.

II. Multiple Choice: Encircle and choose the correct letter only
11. What state of matter has its molecules that are separated far from each other?
A. volume C. liquid
B. pressure D. gas
12. Which of the following does not characterize gas?
A. gas has definite shape and volume
B. The gas consists of tiny particles that has mass
C. The gas expands when the temperature is increased
D. A gas exerts a pressure equivalent to the force exerted per unit area.
13. Which of the following does not explain the kinetic molecular theory of gases?
A. gas particles move at a constant rapid motion in random directions.
B. gases have different average kinetic energy at a given temperature of the gas.
C. gases diffuse very rapidly which allows two or more gases to mix readily when combined.
D. gases are most likely empty space because of the wide distance between tiny particles.
14. When the gas particles collide with the walls of container it creates ______
A. temperature C. pressure
B. volume D. density
15. What do you call the amount of space that molecules of gases occupy?
A. volume C. temperature
B. pressure D. gas
16. This is the force exerted by the gas per unit area
A. volume C. temperature
B. pressure D. gas

17. What properties of gas in which it depends on the kinetic energy of gas?
A. volume C. temperature
B. pressure D. amount of gas
18. Which property of gas is measured by the units – atm, torr and kpa?
A. mass C. temperature
B. pressure D. volume
19. All of the following are common unit of volume EXCEPT?
A. millilitre (ml) C. liter (L)
B. kilopascal (kpa) D. cubic meter (m3)
20. Moles is a common unit for what?
A. Pressure C. Temperature
B. Volume D. Amount of Gas
21. What country does the Fahrenheit degree commonly used?
A. United State C. Canada
B. United Kingdom D. Philippines
22. How about degree Celsius?
A. United State C. Canada
B. United Kingdom D. Philippines
23. Who discovered the relation between pressure and volume?
A. Amedeo Avogadro C. Jacques Charles
B. Robert Boyle D. Charles Darwin

24. What is the proportionality in Boyle’s Law?

A. Inversely proportional C. Indirect proportional
B. Directly proportional D. Reversely proportional
25. Which is correct about how Boyle’s law state?
A. Pressure is directly proportional to the volume, provided that temperature remains constant
B. Volume is directly proportional to the temperature, provided that pressure is constant.
C. Pressure is inversely proportional to the volume at constant temperature.
D. Amount of Gas is directly proportional to the volume at constant pressure and temperature.
26. Robert Boyle’s experimented ________to show the relationship between pressure and volume.
A. Hot and Cold water C. L tube apparatus
B. J Shape tube apparatus D. how hot air balloon float
27. Which of the following show the graphical representation of Boyles Law?
A. v C. V
O o
L l
U u
M m
E e

Pressure Pressure

B. M D. V

volume temperature
28. Pushing the plunger of a syringe decreases the volume of air trapped under the plunger. Which Gas
Law is illustrated in this situation?
A. Avogadro’s Law C. Boyle’s Law
B. Charles Law D. Gay Lussac’s Law
29. What is constant in Boyle’s Law?
A. Pressure C. Temperature
B. Volume D. Amount of Gas
30. Which gas law state that the volume of the given mass of gas at constant temperature is inversely
proportional to its pressure?
A. Avogadro’s Law C. Boyle’s Law
B. Charles Law D. Gay Lussac’s Law
31. What did Robert Boyle put on his experiment to show the relationship between pressure and volume?
A. Gold C. Liquid Silver
B. Liquid Mercury D. Water
32. Jhon Edtrix can still pump air in the party balloon even though it is already inflated. What explains this
A. balloons look better if its size is bigger
B. balloons are made up of plastic
C. the air inside the balloon is hot
D. air molecules can be compressed.
33. What is most likely to happen when aerosol can is heated?
A. the can will be deformed
B. the can will stay the same
C. the can will eventually explode
D. the can will tarnish
34. Which of the following phenomena best illustrates Charles Law?
A. carbon dioxide being dissolved in water
B. expansion of the balloon as it is being submerged in hot water
C. breathing apparatus being used by a patient
D. leavening agent causing the fluffiness of cake products
35. Which of the following show the graphical representation of Charles Law?
A. v C. V
O o
L l
U u
M m
E e

Pressure Pressure

B. M D. V

volume temperature
36. Who discovered the relationship between amount of gas in moles and volume?
A. Amedeo Avogadro C. Jacques Charles
B. Robert Boyle D. Charles Darwin
37. Records show that the incident of tire explosion is high during summer season. Which of the following
gives the best explanation for this observation?
A. there are more travellers during summer vacation.
B. high temperature during summer season causes the air inside the tire to expand
C. vehicles tire are not well maintained.
D. there is too much air inside the tires.
38. How are amount of gas in moles and volume related as described in Avogadro’s Law?
A. directly proportional
B. inversely proportional
C. pressure and temperature are equal
D. amount of gas is always greater than volume
39. Which of the following describes the practical applications of Avogadro’s Law?
A. how hot air balloons float
B. a soda bottle pressurized with carbon dioxide
C. inhaling and exhaling as process of breathing
D. placing dented ping pong ball in a hot water
40. What gas law explains how the hot air balloon works?
A. Avogadro’s Law C. Boyle’s Law
B. Charles Law D. Gay Lussac’s Law
III. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

Increase Directly Volume Temperature

Amount of Gas Pressure Inversely Decrease

 Volume is 41._____________proportional to the temperature at constant

 Amount of gas is directly proportional to the volume provided that 43._____. ___
and pressure remains constant.
 Pressure is 44. _______________proportional to its 45.______________provided that
temperature remains constant.
IV. Solving Problem

Correct Given-------------------------------------------------- 4 points
Derivation of Formula--------------------------------------- 2 points
Solution--------------------------------------------------------- 4 points
Total------------------------------------------------------------- 10 points

Avogadro’s Law Problem General

46-55. A 2 L sample of gas is determined to contain 5 moles of nitrogen. At the same time temperature and
pressure, what amount would there be in a 10 L sample?
56-60. What is the name of your student teacher in Science?

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