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The Economist October 1st 2022 Leaders 13

action? And why comply with onerous rules if you don’t have to? avoiding the cost of decarbonising by paying lip-service to green
Firms, too, are discovering that speaking out has repercus- goals. According to Climate Action 100+, a group of investors,
sions. In 2019 the Business Roundtable, a group of corporate big- more than two-thirds of the world’s 166 biggest greenhouse-gas
wigs, said that the objective of a company should be to benefit its emitters have promised to reach net zero by 2050 or sooner. But
stakeholders. Jamie Dimon, the boss of JPMorgan Chase who less than a fifth have medium-term targets; a similarly low share
was then the group’s chairman, has now taken to denying that he have set out quantified decarbonisation strategies.
is “woke”. Unilever, a consumer-goods firm, has cast itself as a
sustainability icon, but its shareholder returns have lagged far No shortcuts
behind those of its rival, Nestlé. On September 26th Unilever’s It falls to governments to reconcile the goals of profit maximisa-
boss, in only his fourth year in the job, announced plans to step tion and a safer climate. The best way of doing this is to set a high
down (see Business section). enough price on carbon, forcing companies to internalise the
The esg dream was that capital markets would penalise those costs of their dirty activities, so that going green is also good for
firms that ignored the looming costs of climate change on their the bottom line. Mandated standards and disclosures must be
businesses. But in practice the costs are too uncertain and dis- brought in more quickly, to help firms assess their exposure to
tant to play a big part in firms’ or investors’ financial calculus. higher carbon prices. Companies can help save the planet—but
Most companies can win the gains of appearing green while only if doing so is good for business. 

Rebellion in Iran

Is this time different?

If the protests gather momentum, there is no knowing how they will end

T he most poetic scenes are sometimes the most powerful. A

young woman dances in front of a bonfire, then tosses her
headscarf into the flames. A lone old lady, her white hair uncov-
Iran’s ills on foreigners. For sure, American-led sanctions have
deepened the economic distress, but the chief perpetrator of the
people’s poverty is the regime itself. Under its corrupt theocracy
ered, shuffles down the street waving her headscarf in tune to swathes of the economy are controlled by military men and aya-
the words “Death to Khamenei!” Such acts of defiance against tollahs whose policies, even at the best of times, seem designed
Iran’s supreme leader and his regime, prompted nearly a fort- to scare off foreign investors. Hardliners dominate Iran’s parlia-
night ago by the murder of a young woman arrested by the “mo- ment, and most relatively reform-minded politicians have been
rality police” for not covering all her hair, have spread to dozens barred from running in elections.
of Iranian cities. They mark the most menacing threat to the aya- Moreover, after decades of aggressive foreign policy, Iran is
tollahs’ dictatorial rule for many years. isolated. It backs militias in Iraq and Lebanon and brutal leaders
Revolutions are often sparked by individual acts of courage. in Syria and Yemen. It menaces the Gulf states. And it persists
Witness the self-immolation of a vegetable-seller in Tunis that with nuclear plans that terrify Israel and unnerve the region. Re-
started the wave of rebellions that raced across the Arab world in cent efforts to revive the un-backed deal that curbed Iran’s nuc-
2011. Several times in the past dozen or so years Iranians have lear programme look doomed. While protests continue, Presi-
erupted against their regime, only for huge de- dent Joe Biden would be unwise to re-engage
monstrations to fizzle out under the lash of a with the regime or risk seeming to offer the aya-
well-practised system of repression. Might this tollahs a lifeline.
time be different? To be candid, there is little the West can do to
It is impossible to predict, as Iran is closed to encourage the rebellion, especially at a time of
the world’s press. Anger is certainly more wide- turmoil elsewhere in the world. Sanctions have
spread than ever before. The unrest has drawn weakened the regime, but have plainly failed to
in young and old. It has encompassed Iranians bring it down. Enough of Iran’s oil leaks into
from every corner of the country, including countries that care nothing for human rights,
Kurds and other minorities. So far it is women who have shown particularly China, which has long been a buttress of Iran’s econ-
the most exhilarating bravery. But if Iran’s men weigh in with omy. The most vital help that Western governments can give to
equal valour, the removal of a vile system, though still unlikely Iran’s brave resisters is to ensure that sanctions do not bar them
in the short run, may no longer be inconceivable. from access to internet services or to tools such as vpns that help
The dominant part played by women in the protests is new. them evade censorship and surveillance.
Another difference is that the demands are more drastic. Young It will be up to Iranians to get rid of their rotten regime. So far
people, connected to their contemporaries elsewhere on social the protests have been spontaneous and disorganised. No po-
media, are chafing more furiously than ever under the rule of tential leader has emerged. More than a decade after the opposi-
grey-bearded clerics. Since 2012 income per head has stagnated, tion Green Movement was suppressed, its champions remain
leaving legions of Iran’s 85m-plus people destitute. Inflation has muzzled. Real change may yet come from within the ranks of
soared. The environment has palpably suffered. Rivers have run disgruntled clerics, though that scenario has often failed to ma-
dry. Farmland is parched. For many Iranians the only path to a terialise. This latest revolt may eventually fade, as previous ones
decent life is emigration. did. But one day Iranians will cast off not just their veils but also
And the regime is more rotten than ever. It is keen to blame their joyless overlords. It cannot come too soon. 

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