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Gram. Supp.

14 Focus 2_The Use of WHEN and WHY in Relative Clauses

Objective: Students will be able to use 'when’' and "why" in relative clauses.


I will never forget the day. ‘When’ is used in an adjective clause to

I met you then (on that day). modify a noun of time (year, day, time,
century etc.)
(a) I will never forget the day when I met you.
(b) I will never forget the day on which I met you. ✓ If you want, you can use a relevant
(c) I will never forget the day that I met you. preposition before WHICH (ON/IN/AT
which) as is (b).
(d) I will never forget the day - I met you.
✓ If not, you can omit the preposition
and use THAT/ - as in (c&d).

➢ Monday is the day. We will come then. (on that day)
Monday is the day when we will come.
Monday is the day on which we will come.
Monday is the day that we will come.
Monday is the day - we will come.

➢ 7:05 is the time. My plane arrives then. (at that time)

7:05 is the time when my plane arrives.
7:05 is the time at which my plane arrives.
7:05 is the time that my plane arrives.
7:05 is the time - my plane arrives

➢ July is the month. The weather is usually the hottest. (in that month)
July is the month when the weather is the hottest.
July is the month in which the weather is the hottest.
July is the month that the weather is the hottest.
July is the month - the weather is the hottest.

Exercise 1. Combine the sentences by using ‘WHEN’ or ‘PREP+WHICH.

1. There was a time. Movies cost a dime then.
2. Summer is the time of the year. The weather is the hottest then.
3. There came a time. He had to spend his money then.
4. Yesterday was a day. Everything went wrong then.
5. 1960 is the year. The revolution took place in that year.
6. Do you remember the day? We went to the zoo on that day.

Why is an adverb of reason. The relative clause is relating to why something happened.
In this case it is replacing 'for which'

Preposition + Relative Pronoun (formal) Why as Relative Adverb (informal)

Do you know the reason for which he left? Do you know the reason why he left?

The reason for which I turned down the job is The reason why I turned down the job is that the
that the pay was too low. pay was too low.

There are many reasons for which people There are many reasons why people choose not
choose not to get married. to get married.

Some more examples;

The reason why (for which) I didn't call you is that I've lost your phone number.
We do not know the reason why (for which) he left.
Her mass of library of books is the reason why (for which) she's so well-spoken
Tell us the reason why (for which) you ditched your tent.
The reason why (for which) I called you is to ask for your advice.
The reason why (for which) I am meeting you is that I need to tell you something.

Exercise 2. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences with ‘WHEN’ OR ‘WHY’.

1. I’ll always remember the day __________________________________________________.

2. I’ll never forget the time ______________________________________________________.
3. The reason ___________________________________ was that I didn’t know your address.
4. Unfortunately, I wasn’t at home the evening ______________________________________.
5. The reason __________________________________________ is that they don’t need one.
6. _______ was the year _______________________________________________________.
7. I can’t seem to understand the reason ___________________________________________.
8. The reason why he left the company is __________________________________________.
9. Could you tell me the reason _________________________________________________?

Exercise 1

1. There was a time when movies cost a dime.

2. Summer is the time of the year when the weather is the hottest.
3. There came a time when he had to spend his money.
4. Yesterday was a day when / on which everything went wrong.
5. 1960 is the year when / in which the revolution took place.
6. Do you remember the day when / on which we went to the zoo.

Exercise 2
Students' own answers
Understanding and Using English Grammar, Pearson Education, 1999 by Betty Schrampfer Azar
English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, 2004

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