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Synonym- is a word which has the same meaning as the word being defined.
Antonym- word which has the opposite meaning

Subject-Verb Agreement
Scanning- is a reading strategy that involves locating specific facts or information
without requiring the reader to go through an entire text.
Look for “keywords”
Basic Parts of a Paragraph
 Topic sentence- is the main idea. It tells what the paragraph is all about.
 Body- composed of several sentences. These are the details that expound on
the topic sentence.
 Closing sentence- concludes all the details that have been presented.
Stress- is the relative emphasis given to syllables in a word or words in a phrase
or sentence.

 Nouns that contain two syllables are usually stressed on the first syllable
 Verbs stress is usually on the second syllable
 If the word has a suffix-tion, -sion, -ic, or -ity, the stress is usually on the
syllable before the suffix
Words can be classified into two (2)
 Content words- are nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, interrogatives, and
demonstratives. They are the important words in a phrase or sentence
 Function words- are pronoun, prepositions, articles, conjunctions and
auxiliaries. Stress is usually on the last content word.
Skimming- is a reading strategy in which a reader rapidly moves his or her eyes
over a text with the purpose of getting only the main idea of an article.
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
Common Purposes of Writing
 To Describe- explain characteristics or qualities of a person,
place. Things, events or experience.
 To Inform- to teach or give information about something,
 To Narrate- tell story called narrative
 To persuade- about issues and influence your readers to make a stand on
Phrasing- how to break or divide a statement into thought unit or breath units.
 Through units- group of words that state one idea
 Breath unit- refers to a group of words said in one breath
 Using:
Commas, semicolons, colons…
Intonation- rise or fall in pitch to achieve speech rhythm
3 levels of pitch
 1-low
 2-normal
 3-high

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