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Name: ________________________________Year and Section: __________ Score:________

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank before the number.

___1. What do you call the Cambodian musical ensemble or an orchestra that usually
accompanies ceremonial music of the royal courts and temples?
a. Gamelan b. Hsaing waing c. Piphat d. Pinpeat
___2. This orchestra or ensemble is the most popular form of music in Indonesia.
a. Gamelan b. Hsaing waing c. Piphat d. Pinpeat
___3. This music refers to the ethnic music that originated from the” kinh “people of Vietnam.
a. Nha Nac b. Nhac viet nam c. Sep noi d. Sep Nyai
___4. Determine the time signature of the song Burung kakatua.
a. 2 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
2 4 4 4
___5. Which Japanese instrument is the counterpart of the kayageum?
a. Geomungo b. Koto c. Shamisen d. Zheng
___6. It is a Japanese folk song depicting spring, which is the season for cherry blossoms.
a. Arirang b. Burung Kakatua c. Mo Li Hua d. Sakura
___7. Zum Gali Gali is a folk song originated from what country?
a. India b. Israel c. Pakistan d.United Arab Emirates
___8. It is the meter or time signature used in the folk song Zum Gali Gali.
a.2 b.4 c.3 d.2
2 4 4 4
___9. An hourglass-shape drum which is used in Japanese noh and kabuki.
a. Changgo b. Odaiko c. Shamisen d. Tsuzumi
___10. It is a combination of music, dance and acrobats.
a. Gamelan b. Kabuki c. Peking opera d. Wayang Kulit
___11. It is a traditional theatre art of Indonesia.
a. Gamelan b. Kabuki c. Peking opera d. Wayang Kulit
___12. A mouth-blown free reed instrument consisting of vertical pipes.
a. Qupai b. Rebab c. Sheng d. Suling
___13. This refers to Myanmar’s traditional music ensemble.
a. Gamelan b. Hsaing waing c. Pinpeat d. Piphat
___14. It is the most popular Imperial Court Music of Vietnam which is also performed in honor of
the gods and scholars in temples.
a. Nha Nac b. Viet nam c. Sep Noi d. Sep Nyai
___15. The time signature used in the Japanese folk song “Sakura”.
a. 2 b. 3 c. 2 d. 4
4 4 2 4
___16. Most Chinese music is based on the 5-tone scale. What is the other term for the five-tone
a. Chromatic Scale b. Major Scale c. Minor Scale d. Pentatonic Scale
___17. What melody is used in the folk song “Mo Li Hua”?
a. Diatonic b.harmonic c. melodic d. pentatonic
___18. It is a category of Korean music which is associated with the upper –class people.
a. Chong-ak b. Minyo c. pansori d. sog-ak
___19. A classification of Indian Musical instruments which can be described as a non-
membranous percussive instrument with solid resonators is called _____.
a. Avanaddh b. Ghan c. Sushir d. Tat
___20. What are the two vocal styles of singing in Pakistan?
a. Carnatic and Hindustani c. Ghazal and Qawalli
b. Devotional and Secular d. Tala and Raga
___21. It is an ancient Indian sacred collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns and counted among the
four canonical sacred texts of Hinduism.
a. Hazan b. Raga c. Rig Veda d. Tala
___22. It is an Israeli musical instrument made of a Ram’s horn which is utilized in synagogue
a. Psalterion b. Shank c. Shofar d. Surpeti
___23. It is used to express the lyric mood such as mild, placid and gentle.
a. Bonang b. Dalang c. Erhuang d. Kendang
___24. Horizontal drumbeat with the fingers on both ends.
a. Bonang b.Kabuki c.Kata d. Kendang
___25. Determine the three primary instrumental ensembles of Thailand.
a. Khruang sai, Pi phat, Mahori c. Sep noi, Pi phat, Mahori
b. Khruang sai, Pi phat, Sep noi d. Sep noi, Pi phat, Khruang sai
___26. ______________ meter applied in the Chinese folk song “Mo Li Hua”?
a. Compound b. Duple c. Quadruple d. Triple
___27. Determine the traditional Korean music category associated with the lower class.
a. A-ak b. Chong-ak c. Sog-ak d. Tang-ak
___28. Determine the Japanese instrument known as the ” dragon flute”.
a. Hichiriki b. Ryuteki c. Shakuhachi d. Shinobue
___29. Determine the meter used in the Koran folk song “Arirang”.
a. Compound meter b. Duple meter c. Quadruple meter d.Triple meter
___30. Determine the Japanese word describing detailed choreographed patterns of movements
practice either solo or in pairs.
a. Bonang b. Kabuki c. Kata d. Kendang
___31. Determine the combination of acting, dancing and music which includes the manifestation
of form, color and sound.
a. Bonang b. Dalang c. Kabuki d. Kendang
___32. The following are categories of Vietnamese Traditional Music. Which does not belong to
the group?
a. Imperial court music c. Religious and ceremonial music
b. Folk music d. Pop music
___33. The following are significant musical instruments of Israel. Which does not belong to the
a. Jewish Lyre b. Psalterion c. Shofar d. Toft
___34. Which of the following are two divisions of Jewish music?
a. Carnatic and Hindustani c. Ghazal and Qawalli
b. Devotional and Secular d. Tala and Raga
___35. The puppeteer and narrator of Wayang kulit is classified as_______.
a. Bonang b. Dalang c. Kendang d. Erhuang
___36. _____________ is classified as a self-contained expressive melody for one voice, usually
with orchestral accomplishment.
a. Aria b. Bonang c. Peking Opera d. Wayang kulit
___37. The following are musical instruments of Myanmar, Which one does not belong to the
a. Khene b. Kyi waing c. Maung saing d. Pat waing
___38. The following are significant musical instruments of Israel, which does not belong to the
a. Jewish lyre b.Psalterion c. Shofar d.Toft
___39. The ___________ is a combination of martial arts with a mixture of dance and music
usually accompanied by gongs, drums, and Indian oboes?
a. Agung and kulintang b. Dikir barat c. Kertok d. Silat melayu
___40. Which Japanese instrument is called “dragon flute”?
a. Hichiriki b. Ryuteki c. Shakuhachi d. Shinobue

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