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Sorbonne Université Anglais musicologique

UFR de Musique & Musicologie M1

Listening test

Choose the right answer(s) Les réponses fausses sont rayées

1. What aspects of Williams’ music for Home Alone does especially make us think of
a. His rhythm
b. His themes
c. The instruments
d. The orchestral texture and dynamics

2. According to the speaker, why does Williams refer the audience to Tchaikovsky?
a. Because he is inspired by Tchaikovsky’s themes
b. Because he expects the audience to understand the reference to Christmas
c. Because he wants to pay a tribute to his favourite composer
d. Because he is a past master at making pastiches

3. Which description best fits the job of a film composer?

a. He/she must always work from temp tracks in order to stay as close as possible to the
director’s vision
b. He/she selects temp tracks when he/she has not had time enough to compose the music
before the scene is filmed
c. He/she must abide by the whims of the film director even if it means composing a
soundtrack that is clearly inspired by or derived from existing music
d. He/she must set the director’s vision in music at all costs even if this might lead to an
infringement of intellectual property rights

4. How does the speaker explain resemblances between some of Williams’ themes and
pre-existing music?
a. It may sound similar at face value but Williams has altered details such as orchestration or
harmony so as to cover up the resemblance
b. The recognisable pattern serves a totally different purpose in Williams’ music
c. Each of the examples mentioned in this video is derived from a temp track
d. Each of these resemblances is meant to convey a specific meaning: for instance,
Tchaikovsky’s violin concerto is perfectly suited for the love theme because it is Romantic
5. Why does the speaker refer to Beethoven?
a. Because Beethoven is a model of authenticity, primarily writing music for the sake of his
b. Because Beethoven is a model of authenticity since all his musical ideas are original
c. Because Beethoven composed revolutionary music
d. Because Beethoven is the perfect example of a successful and authentic musician making
money with his own art

Answer the following questions

6. An error has slipped into this video: find it and explain how the speaker has tried to
partially correct it.

7. Why does the speaker mention Kubrik’s 2001: A Space Odyssey?

8. Are you convinced by the speaker’s arguments regarding Williams’ themes? Justify
your answer.

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