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1. Jahannam is for the disobedient.
2. Jahannam is a place of punishment, torture and pain.
3. It will be for the disbelievers and sinful Muslims.
4. The disbelievers will remain therein forever and ever.
5. The sinful Muslims will stay in Jahannam for a limited period of time, according
to their sins, and thereafter they will be taken out and sent to Jannah.
6. There will be no death in Jahannam.
7. The punishment will be very severe. The lightest punishment of Jahannam will
be that a person will have to wear shoes of fire which will make his brains boil.
He will think that he is undergoing the worst punishment.

Mention 2 points regarding Jahannam.
What will be the lightest punishment in Jahannam?


1. As Muslims, we should always be clean. We must keep our body, clothing,

homes and classrooms clean at all times.
2. Our Nabi Muhammad  said, “Allah is pure and He loves purity.” He also said,
“Cleanliness is half of Imaan.”
3. If a person remains dirty all the time, the Angels will stay far away from him.
4. We should make sure that we clip our nails once a week on a Friday.
5. We should also brush our teeth regularly so that no foul smell comes out of the
6. As muslims we should try to keep our environment clean, we should never litter.
7. We should try to always keep our house clean, whenever we use something we
should put it back where it belongs. When we go to use the washroom we should
sit and use the washroom.
8. We should be very careful that no splashes of urine come onto our body or
clothing. A person will be punished in his grave if he is not careful of the splashes
of urine.

Cleanliness is _____________ of Imaan.
Should one stand or sit when urinating? __________

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