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“As we express our gratitude, we “Whenever you are to do a thing, Some were blessings and some were

must never forget that the highest though it can never be known but to lessons.” —Anonymous
appreciation is not to utter words, yourself, ask yourself how you
but to live by them.” —JFK would act were all the world “It’s really nice to wake up in the
looking at you, and act morning realizing that God has
“You cannot do a kindness too soon accordingly.” —Thomas Jefferson given me another day to live. Thank
because you never know how soon you God.” —Anonymous
it will be too late.” —Ralph Waldo “I’m thankful for my struggle
Emerson because without it I wouldn’t have “Thank you, dear God, for this good
stumbled across my strength.” — life, and forgive us if we do not love
“Never let the things you want make Anonymous it enough.” —Garrison Keillor
you forget the things you have.” —
Anonymous “Be grateful for what you already “Thank you God for giving me the
have while you pursue your goals. If strength to keep going.” —
“The real gift of gratitude is that the you aren’t grateful for what you Anonymous
more grateful you are, the more already have, what makes you think
present you become.” —Robert “Thank you God for all your
you would be happy with more.” —
Holden blessings to me and my family. For
Roy T. Bennett
the strength you give me each day
“A moment of gratitude makes a “I will forever remain humble and for all the people around me
difference in your attitude.” — because I know I could have less. I who make life more meaningful…”
Bruce Wilkinson will always be grateful because I —Anonymous
know I’ve had less.” —Anonymous
“When we focus on our gratitude, “O Lord, who lends me life, lend
the tide of disappointment goes out “For one minute, walk outside, me a heart replete with
and the tide of love rushes in.” — stand there, in silence. Look up at thankfulness.” —William
Kristin Armstrong the sky and contemplate how Shakespeare
amazing life is.” —Anonymous
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of “God thank you for keeping me
virtues, but the parent of all others.” “I want to thank you for never being together when I’m falling apart.” —
—Cicero there anymore. Your absence has Anonymous
forced me to find my own way.” —
“It is not joy that makes us grateful; “Sometimes I just look up, smile
it is gratitude that makes us joyful.” and say, ‘I know that was you God!’
—David Steinall-Rast “We can only be said to be alive in Thanks!” —Anonymous
those moments when our hearts are
“Gratitude can transform common “God gave you a gift of 86,400
conscious of our treasures.” —
days into thanksgiving, turn routine seconds today. Have you used one
Thorton Wilder
jobs into joy and change ordinary to say, ‘thank you’?” —William
opportunities into blessings.” — “Be thankful for what you have; Arthur Ward
William Arthur Ward you’ll end up having more. If you
“Thank you God for blessing me
concentrate on what you don’t have,
“Develop an attitude of gratitude much more than I deserve.” —
you will never, ever have enough.”
and give thanks for everything that Anonymous
—Oprah Winfrey
happens to you, knowing that every
step forward is a step toward “God will make a way when there
“If we magnified blessings as much
achieving something bigger and seems to be no way. Thank you
as we magnify disappointments, we
better than your current situation.” God.”
would all be much happier.” —John
—Brian Tracy Wooden “What I have done is worthy of
“Gratitude is the open door to nothing but silence and
“Now and then it’s good to pause in
abundance.” —Anonymous forgetfulness, but what God has
our pursuit of happiness and just be
done for me is worthy of everlasting
happy.” —Guillaume Apollinaire
“Gratitude is the sign of noble and thankful memory.” —Joseph
souls.” —Aesop “It isn’t what you have in your Hall
pocket that makes you thankful, but
“Showing gratitude is one of the “The best things in life aren’t
what you have in your heart.” —
simplest yet most powerful things things.”
humans can do for each other.” —
Randy Pausch “Love begins at home.”
“Thank you God for everything in
my life. The good and the bad.
“Can’t live with them, can’t live “Time is not measured by clocks but “Intelligence is the ability to adapt
without them.” by moments.” to change.”

“Family is the heart of a home.” “Family gives you the roots to stand “Becoming is better than being.”
tall and strong.”
“Together is our favorite place.” “Always be a first-rate version of
“The fondest memories are made yourself, instead of a second-rate
“The best thing about memories is when gathered around the table.” version of somebody else.”
making them.”
“Home is where love resides, “When we strive to become better
“Home is wherever I’m with you.” memories are created, friends than we are, everything around us
always belong, and laughter never becomes better too.”
“Life takes us unexpected places
and love brings us home.” “Sometimes the fall kills you. And
“Excellence is not an act, but a sometimes, when you fall, you fly.”
“Home is where you treat your
friends like family and your family “Build your own dreams or
like friends.” “Be the change you wish to see.” someone else will hire you to build
“There’s no place like home.” “Failure is the condiment that gives
success its flavor.” “Make each day your masterpiece.”
“Family. A little bit of crazy. A
little bit of loud. A whole lot of “What we fear of doing most is “You didn’t come this far only to
love.” usually what we most need to do.” come this far.”
“Like branches of a tree, we grow in “Fall 7 times, stand up 8.” “Don’t count the days, make the
different directions, yet our roots days count.”
remain the same.” “Set Goals. Reach. Repeat.”
“Success is the sum of small efforts
“We may not have it all together, “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build repeated day in and day out.”
but together we have it all.” a door.”
“Every great achievement was once
“Home. A place where your feet “I never dreamed about success. I considered impossible.”
may leave but your heart will worked for it.”
always be.” “Success comes from having
“Your imagination is your preview dreams that are bigger than your
“The best is yet to come.” of life’s coming attractions.” fears.”
“Today’s little moments become “Make the most of yourself by “If you want to lift yourself up, lift
tomorrow’s precious memories.” fanning the tiny, inner sparks of up someone else.”
possibility into flames of
“Do small things with great love.” achievement.” “Impossible is just an opinion.”
“Live well. Laugh often. Love “Fall in love with the process.” “What lies behind us and what lies
Much.” before us are tiny matters compared
“The creation of a thousand forests to what lies within us.”
“And so… Together, they built a is in one acorn.”
life they loved.” “To fall in love with yourself is the
“The only time I set the bar low is first secret to happiness.”
“The best things in life are the for limbo.”
people you love, the places you’ve “Owning our story and loving
been, and the memories you’ve “The more I want to get something ourselves through that process is the
made along the way.” done the less I call it work.” bravest thing that we’ll ever do.”
“It’s the little memories that will “Opportunities don’t happen, you “You deserve the love you keep
last a lifetime.” create them.” trying to give to everyone else.”
“Every family has a story… “Good things come to people who “Live simply. Love abundantly.”
Welcome to ours.” wait, but better things come to those
who go out and get them.” “Be happy – it drives people crazy.”
“May our home know joy. Every
room hold laughter. Every window “Start where you are. Use what you “Love grows best in little houses
open to great possibilities.” have. Do what you can.” like this.”
“Thinking: the talking of the soul “There is only one happiness in this “A house is made of bricks and
with itself.” life, to love and be loved.” beams. A home is made of hopes
and dreams.”
“…And they lived happily ever “You yourself, as much as anybody
after.” in the entire universe, deserve your “Home is not a place…it’s a
love and affection.” feeling.”
“Always on my mind, forever in my
heart.” “Thank you for being the reason I “With you, I am home.”
smile.” —Anonymous
“Every story I create, creates me.” “What I love most about my home
“Thank you for being you.” — is who I share it with.”
“Be yourself, everyone else is Anonymous
already taken.” “There is nothing more important
“Here’s to those who inspire you than a good, safe, secure home.”
“Always remember you are braver and don’t even know it.” —
than you believe, stronger than you Anonymous “Home is a place you grow up
seem, smarter than you think, and wanting to leave, and grow old
loved more than you know.” “Thank you for brightening my wanting to get back to.”
world.” —Anonymous
“Be your own kind of beautiful.” “There’s no place like home.”
“Let us be kinder to one another.”
“Nothing is impossible, the word —Aldous Huxley “Where we love is home- home that
itself says ‘I’m possible!’” our feet may leave, but not our
“You’ve always believed in me. hearts.”
“Think like a proton. Always Thank you!” —Anonymous
positive.” “In this home… We do second
“Thank you for being an important chances. We do real. We do
“The journey isn’t about becoming part of my story.” —Anonymous mistakes. We do I’m sorrys. We do
a different person. It’s about loving loud really well. We do hugs. We
who you are right now.” “Saying thank you is more than do together best of all.”
good manners, it is good
“She believed she could, so she spirituality.” —Alfred Painter “May your home always be too
did.” small to hold all of your friends.”
“Kindness is a language which the
“Say yes to new adventures.” deaf can hear and the blind can see.” “The ache for home lives in all of
—Mark Twain us, the safe place where we can go
“Life is too important to be taken
as we are and not be questioned.”
seriously.” “When I started counting my
blessings, my whole life turned “You will never be completely at
“Be the reason someone smiles
around.” —Willie Nelson home again, because part of your
heart will always be elsewhere. That
“There is always, always, always is the price you pay for the richness
“Be someone who makes everybody
something to be thankful for.” — of loving and knowing people in
feel like a somebody.”
Anonymous more than one place.”
“You can’t pour from an empty cup.
“When we give cheerfully and “Bless out house as we come and
Take care of yourself first.”
accept gratefully, everyone is go. Bless our home as the children
“Do something today that your blessed.” —Maya Angelou grow. Bless our families as they
future self will thank you for.” gather in. Bless our home with love
“Home is where our story begins…”
and friends.”
“Make your life a story worth
“Home is the starting place of love,
telling.” “Home is a shelter from storms-all
hope and dreams.”
sorts of storms.”-William J. Bennett
“I love you not because of who you
“The magic thing about home is that
are, but because of who I am when I “Home is where one starts from.” –
it feels good to leave, and it feels
am with you.” T.S. Eliot
even better to come back.”
“Love is a friendship set to music.” “The most important thing in the
“Home is where love resides,
world is family and love.” –John
“Life is a question and how we live memories are created, friends
it is our answer.” always belong, and laughter never
“Nothing is better than going home
to family and eating good food and
relaxing.” –Irina Shayk

“To us, family means putting your

arms around each other and being
there.” –Barbara Bush

“In family life, love is the oil that

eases friction, the cement that binds
closer together, and the music that
brings harmony.” –Friedrich

“Other things may change us, but

we start and end with the family.” –
Anthony Brandt

“Having somewhere to go is home.

Having someone to love is family.
And having both is a blessing.”

“Being a family means you are a

part of something very wonderful. It
means you will love and be loved
for the rest of your life.” –Lisa

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