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What are common secondary sexual male and female characteristics and how do
changes occur? Use the table in the next slide to fill it up.

Common Male and Female Secondary

How do changes occur?
Sexual Characteristics

Due to the rising hormones levels, these

pubic, underarm, and facial hair growth
hairs started to grow.

With the development of the adam’s apple a

deepening of the voice
man’s voice becomes deeper.

Due to the rising of hormones, it can

increase muscular development
increase muscle mass.

This occurs when a woman’s body started to

widening of the pelvic bowl

This happen when puberty started to

fat deposits on breasts and hips,

2. How did you experience these changes?

-As a man, I just notice that these changes are happening in my body. I didn’t think too
much of as I know that these changes are normal when we reach our puberty age.

3. How does the society influence the sexual behavior of an individual?

-The society influence the sexual behavior of an individual through socialization as it

teaches how we behave as an individual and our environment can also influence to it

4. Can we really change our natural or innate sexual organ and sexual response?

-For me, no because of the fact that we cannot control our hormones or the things that
are happening in our body, but with the use of medical practices like surgery, pills, etc.
a person can alter his/her own natural sexual organ and even control the hormones
that their body produces.

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