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Ailyn Maung

Hnou Lee
Ethnics 21
October 19
Online Session - Week 9

This week we were given three different provided readings all based on higher education.
The provided reading I am focusing on is by Pellegrino - Having a Degree and Being
Educated. To me higher education is when an individual willingly chooses to further
expand their knowledge by seeking education outside/past high school. Higher education
is something related to college/university or seeking even more education after you
graduate high school. With higher education, it is given that overtime you will develop
the essential skills needed in your future career and/or work life. By going to college, it
will allow your chances of employment to jump higher, employers tend to be more
attracted to applicants that have a degree. You are also able to earn more and have a
bigger opportunity when it comes to job searching. The author in the reading states
``Develop your leadership, communication, human relations, and time management skills
by taking active roles of responsibility in student organizations and activities.” I agree
with this statement because I believe college is really the time where you begin to gain all
the skills of adulting and responsibilities and will help you figure out how to solve real
life adult problems. Another statement in the reading was “Your career process will be
easier if you fully use the career planning and placement services provided at your
university.” I agree with this fully because I believe colleges and universities really do
give you the resources to seek higher education and get a future career settled in.

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