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Ailyn Maung

Hnou Lee
Ethnics 21
November 17th, 2022

Reading Blog: Carter & Lacey & Cosby

Carter - Outlooks and Insights: Succeeding on the Job and in Life, and Lacey & Cosby -
Job Outlook for College Graduates are both readings that were provided to us for this week's
reading blog. While reading Outlooks and Insights: Succeeding on the Job and in Life, written by
Carter, the author speaks about the accomplishments of graduating college and finding a very
good job. I like this reading because it reminds me of self recognition and how you should be
proud of everything you accomplish, no matter how big or small. One passage I agree with the
most in this reading is “Once you’ve landed your job, take pride in what you do. Concentrate not
just on job success but on overall happiness,” (Carter, p. 342.) I can agree with this passage
because I believe that with a career, it shouldn’t just matter how much money you make but as
well as if this job is something you’re actually passionate about or you see yourself being happy
and enjoying your job. Moving onto the next reading, Lacey & Cosby - Job Outlook for College
Graduates, the reading primarily focuses on the different job opportunities, the rates, and the
paths to complete in order to achieve a successful job. There isn’t a passage I feel like I can
overall say I agree with. Overall while reading this, I think that the reading would be very helpful
for those in need of help when it comes to looking for a job after college.

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