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Ailyn Maung

Hnou Lee
Ethnics 21
October 21, 2022

Minnick & Williams Blog

This week, we were given another blog assignment based on two provided readings by
Minnick - Ideas as Proptery and by Williams - Avoiding Plagairism. While reading, I realized
that before plagiarism to me was just copying someone elses work or information from the web
without giving the other person who shared that information credit. After reading both of the
provided readings, I realize now that plagiarism is more than just copying since the author or
person that wrote the information used their own words, feelings, ideas, and thought process. As
well as that when someone’s thoughts and ideas are their property and if you are caught
plagairizing, you can be summoned to court. The readings also discussed word property, which I
would say is something that belongs to your or holds personal value. This reading again made
me realize that property isnt just a physical object like a home, phone, car, clothes, or anything
that belongs to you, but property can also be your own thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Overall
while reading the Ideas of Proptery by Minnick, it made me realize the true meaning of property.
As well as reading Avoiding Plagairism by Williams, it made me realize that plagarizing isn’t
just copying someone else’s work or information because sometimes people can use their own
personal experiences or feelings. For both readings, I say I learned a lot and it gave me further
knowledge and expanded my understanding that all words can have deeper meaning.

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