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Ailyn Maung

Hnou Lee
Ethnics 21
November 16th, 2022

Reading Blog: Marcus & McVery & Sherry

This week’s reading blog we were given two reading assignments, Marcus & Mcvery - Using the
Decision Making Process and Sherry - Postgraduate Paralysis. With the first reading there is a
passage that really stood out to me. The first stating “recent research indicates that it is typical
for undergraduates to “try out” four or five majors before deciding which one best fits their
needs,” (Marcus & McVery, p. 290.) Although everyone is different and college is the prime time
to explore different career types, I cannot agree or disagree with this passage. Everyone is
different but I find it hard to believe that people switch their major up to 5x before deciding what
it is they really want to do. In my own situation, I’ve had a friend that switched his major around
4x but it was all regarding the same majors that he would go back and forth from. Overall, while
reading this article, I can say it is a great tool to use when it comes to deciding what to major in,
especially if you are having a hard time thinking about what truly interests you and how you
should make a career out of it. The other reading by Sherry - Postgraduate Paralysis, I think I can
relate this to some of my current family members. In the reading, the author states “Consider my
daughter- she graduated from college with a degree in economics two years ago. She was offered
a job by a recruiter who came to her campus – She turned it down,” (Sherry, p. 338). This is a
passage I strongly agree with, because my sister has been put into the same situation. My sister
graduated college with a bachelors in human biology, but turned out after getting her degree she
did not want to pursue a job in that field. It has been 2 years since she graduated college and she
is still unsure of what she really wants to pursue with her degree or if she wants to go to graduate
school. After reading this article, I can get a better understanding that even after you graduate
with a degree, you might not always know exactly what it is you want to do with it. In my own
experience and situation, I am still unsure of what to do after achieving a bachelor’s degree in
health science.

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