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Alexis Johnston

Final Reflection Paper

This class seemed like it was going to be a lot when it first started. Going
through the syllabus and the textbook for the first time I was a little worried with
the workload due to the other class I was taking. I decided to give the class a chance
and I am so grateful I did. This class ended up being one of the most influential
classes I have taken so far at Arizona State. Every piece of this class was designed to
be interactive and involved with other classmates.
The textbook seemed very dull during the first few chapters. A history on
ethics including philosophers such as John Locke and Karl Marx seemed never
ending. However, as the book progressed into more dilemma’s that are faced by
current employees and employers it became more relevant. The case studies dotted
throughout each chapter were both interesting and up to date. The questions at the
end of each study directly related to the text within the chapter and made it easier to
find correlating answers. The best part of the text was when it got into the nature
aspect of ethics. Many business owners are faced with the question of whether
helping communities that support their company should be taken care of before the
shareholders. There are arguments both for and against this tactic listed throughout
the text. Many believed customers and the immediate community should be helped
due to the fact that they line the shareholders pockets. Another argument was the
shareholders should be taken care of first since they have personally invested in the
company. Different ethical questions that may not have a black and white answer
were presented throughout the text, forcing us to think critically about these
possible outcomes. Throughout the duration of this course I was able to stay
engaged with the text and continuously looking at answers from all different
The format in which we had to take notes and submit them for the class was
very different. I had never used an online text that automatically submitted notes for
grading. This was a nice way to see how other students interpreted the text and
allowed for students to answer each other’s questions. Having the text at your
fingertips allowed for access no matter where I was. All I had to do was login to the
website and I was able to read the text and take notes on the go. These are things I
look for as an online student with a family and full time job. I just wish the bookstore
would have the Perusall edition of the text highlighted in a certain area when buying
a code.
The best part of this class was doing the Planet Jockey simulation game. I had
done this in a different class so I was worried I would be playing the same game. It
was totally different and I was able to go through each level and learn something
new. Some of the scenarios and there conclusions I did not completely agree with,
however. On the last level of the game I knew the right answer was to not launch the
product but I was curious to know the results if I did. I was able to do this and use it
as a teaching moment because the professor did not hold a portion of our grade for
wrong answers in the simulation. I was very happy with the feedback I was given
after each reflection paper during each module.
Some of the changes I have taken as a result of this class are taking a look at
the bigger picture. I was able to realize that I am just a small piece in a much large
machine. While I may not be forced to make huge ethical decisions when it comes to
a company dealing with the environment or shareholders, I can make small ethical
decisions that effect those immediately around me. Treating those around me with
respect, hearing the other side of an argument or not letting discrimination occur in
the workplace, these are small but powerful ethical decisions that can have a
positive impact on the workplace. One of the biggest takeaways from this class that I
have implemented in my leadership position is the fact that someone does not have
to be in a designated leadership position for other’s to follow them. Individuals can
make a huge impact from their current position and have the ability to influence
others in the same position as theirs. Being a drive for change and making sure all of
the voices are heard throughout my workplace has been a change for the better
following this class.
In order to continue developing my leadership skills now and in the future I
will continue to make sure I question everything. If a situation does not seem right
then I will make sure to raise the questions and push for change. As I continue to
grow I will make sure to also think of the company as a whole. While I have one job
in one warehouse, my actions affect the whole company. The more people I can get
to realize this, the more successful we will all be in the future. Also, having a strong
grasp on some of the acceptable and unacceptable ethical behavior will help build a
strong foundation as I continue to move up through the company. This class may be
a requirement for my major, but I am very glad I stuck with it and saw it through
until the end. Having ethical awareness is only the beginning of my leadership

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