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Jaxon Jabara
OGL 340: The Future of Humanity: Dialogue in the Workplace
Dr. Michael Pryzdia

Total Word Count: 2,316


1. If actions create our day to day reality, where in our timeline do we begin to morph our

2. Is creativity a gift from birth, or do preexisting circumstances affect our creativity levels
early in life?

3. Will becoming at peace with your mind and situation produce productive dialogue and
have a higher chance of healthy interaction in a workspace or organization?

4. How can I demonstrate the deeper levels of thought when I am upset or angered by

5. Is the FUNCTION of thought the most important action us as civilized humans can

6. In my day to day life, how can I attempt to suspend assumptions of people who I do not
agree with on a radical level?

7. Is the key to a bliss, modern life simply the action of healthy dialogue between people
around us?


One(Aug 27): Coming into this class I had a very small perception of what I thought a system

was. I have held jobs back home that have a system like setting where I work with others in

groups and must work well together for us to have a productive team. I have in the past heard of

learning organizations, where we all have to present a growth mindset going into every day of

work. I think this class is going to be very productive for myself and follow a lot of the same

guidelines that I have learned in the past. In this module when I learned about how our daily

lives can affect our reality, I thought back to my childhood and tried to pinpoint where I think

certain mindsets and ideas came from. Module one has opened up my eyes to the reality of how

malleable we are as children and how everything that we see and interact with in our lives has

some form of change upon us. Moving on from today, we now have the understanding of how

every day life changes our opinions and ideas. After hearing this it has helped me understand

what I need to do to better myself and how to open myself up to coworkers and other people.

Sometimes in the past I am guilty of not Opening up my mind to other people that I am working

with. I have a feeling this class is going to help me a lot with that and make me a better

coworker. I have always been very interested in the human mind and how something as simple

as where you grew up can I have a drastic change on your life. I’ve been fortunate enough to live

in multiple states growing up so I can really understand what it means. I have always been very

interested in the human mind and how something as simple as where you grew up can have a

drastic change on your life. I’ve been fortunate enough to live in multiple states growing up so I

can really understand what it means.

Two(Sep 2): This module interested me a lot because creativity is something that I always pride

myself in. I am happy to say that I have always been able to think outside the box and get
creative when I need to. In the past I have had a lot of friends say to me that they are simply not

creative and that they always need help getting a creative mindset going. I don’t believe that to

be true, because I believe creativity is inside all of us and it is something that you just have to

search for within. It is true though that a lot of it has to do with how you were raised and certain

circumstances around your upbringing. That maybe true but this module has helped me

understand how to open my mind and dig deeper into my brain for creativity and other deeper

awarenesses. Learning about David Bohm this week has also opened my mind up to other

endless possibilities and mindsets that I didn’t think existed before today. Learning about order

in this world and connecting things that I did not believe were connected before helped open my

mind to all of this. So far, I think this module has been the most productive for me and my

mindset. Once I understood of how everything is connected together, it made it a lot easier to

mentally understand my mind and it’s functions. Also diving into the spirits was something that

was very interesting to me and I’m going to take that home. I am a very spiritual person, so that

portion had a very deep interest for me. I’m excited to see you were next week takes us and I’m

even more excited to read more in Bohm’s book, because that seems to push me harder than any

other text!

Three(Sep 10): Before module three, I understood what dialogue was but did not understand it in

the deeper meeting in which this class has open me up to. Dialogue is just not speaking I’ve

learned, it’s more of dancing in my opinion. You have to work with the other person to create

healthy dialogue and you must focus on keeping biases away at all times. In many social settings

I have been in in workspaces, I realize how important dialogue truly is. Thinking back to a job

held in high school at a local baseball glove company, I had a very good coworker that I would
work with, but often we disagreed on many levels. I did not know these great teachings before

that time, but I do remember working my very hardest with him even when we did not agree on

certain actions or topics. I tried my hardest to have a growth mindset, and work with him in any

possible way I could. I would have to bite my tongue sometimes and just listen to what he was

saying and not blurt out my opinion that would probably start an argument. Another part of this

weeks module that I really enjoyed was the discussion I had with my classmates about the HEAR

Process, and how useful that was for myself. Using it in my own life and not in a controlled

setting like the classroom was very beneficial to myself and I really enjoyed this section. It

helped me get out of my comfort zone and really try to attempt what we have been learning this

semester so far. I would say the conversation went extremely well and I am definitely using this

and many more conversations in my future. It will create a healthier workspace for me and my

coprocess, and how useful that was for myself. Using it in my own life and not in a controlled

setting like the classroom was very beneficial to myself and I really enjoyed this section. It helps

me get out of my comfort zone and really try to attempt what we have been learning this

semester so far. I would say the conversation went extremely well and I am definitely using this

and many more conversations in my future. It will create a healthier workspace for me and my

coworkers in organizations.

Four(Sep 16): I was extremely joyed when I read the title to this weeks module, because thought

is something that has interested me throughout my whole life and it is something that I work on

every day. When I am alone or even doing simple tasks like driving, I am always thinking about

very deep thoughts about myself and people around me, because I have realize that thinking has

done wonders for me for my mental health. The difference for this week is that when I dove into
my thoughts, this module has helped me understand how to observe my own thoughts and check

myself if I start to linger towards biases. Us as humans take thought for granted, and we don’t

understand how truly powerful of a blessing it is. We have many thoughts a day but we do not

check them or try to understand them. Another part of this module that stood out to me is the

systems thinking idea, and how organizations can have a singular thought that flows within the

whole group. We might see certain ideas as common knowledge, but at other points in this world

it might not be the same. Watching the matrix clip was very interesting because it made me

realize sometimes we get caught in the system and we do not understand reality from other

perspectives of life. Something that I thought about during the lesson was that this could even be

viewed in our own families. Each family has their own system thinking based on their religion,

background and where they came from. it is hard for us to mentally wrap our heads around how

many realities there are in the world, but this class has open my eyes up to the idea of that.

Understanding those differences opened up my perspective and I have a new outlook on life


Five(Sep 24): This week focusing on collective thought is very interesting, because with social

media today all of our individual thoughts can be put out into the world with a simple click of a

button. Any thought that comes to mind can be spread throughout the world and I think that is a

good thing but also at the same time it can be a very bad thing. The idea of thought is a blessing

to us as people, but there are certain groups out there that have negative thoughts that can harm

people. Collective thought can be the understanding of all of us in life, and I honestly did not

know or have a good answer about what collective thought was before taking this course. If we

look around in today’s world you can see collective thought almost anywhere. In my experience
I have seen collective thoughts and a lot of organizations I have worked for, because we all want

to believe and put out the mentality and thoughts of exactly what our boss wants. It also helps

working together when you all are on the same mental page, in this class is certainly helping me

understand those settings and how to adapt to them. Visiting the oracle was something very

interesting to me and like I said in my response, I had to re-watch the clip multiple times to get a

full understanding of what was truly going on in the clip. just like the clip, thought has a deeper

meaning when you truly look into it and I think we all have to work together and share ideas for

us to be successful. Life can be very hard to understand sometimes but sometimes the deepest

meaning are the ones that will help you the most. This clip did that for me.

Six(Oct 1): After going through module six, this has by far been the most useful module to me in

this class, because I know that we all can relate to it on some level. Having a biased towards

people is something that we honestly all go through and it is very sad but it is reality. The easy

part is to suspend assumptions that we can understand we have and to be able to recognize which

we need to stop assuming. The hardest part is to assume assumptions that are assumptions in our

head which we do not have full control over. Sometimes we can assume something about a

group of people or someone, without even realizing what we are truly doing and thinking. This

module has open my eyes to those possibilities and giving me the strength to question my

thoughts when I sometimes think I am going down the wrong path mentally. This is why I

believe this module was so important and honestly my favorite one so far in this course. It is in

my honest opinion that if we all somehow can get rid of assumptions and truly get to know each

other as individual people, we can better ourselves in this world on a micro and macro level. Yes,

this will help organizations but in my mind I feel like it can go a lot bigger than that and even to
the world scale. Unfortunately we see in today’s world that assumptions can be used as racist or

degrading comments, and it is up to us to put those assumptions behind us and I understand that

we are each individually on our own path and that we have come through certain circumstances

that make us all very different. Unfortunately we see in today’s world that assumptions can be

used as racist or degrading comments, and it is up to us to put those assumptions behind us and

understand that we are each individually on our own path and that we have come through certain

circumstances that make us all very different.

Seven(Oct 8): Coming to the final module in this class, I was looking forward to seeing what the

grand finale was. This is one of those “real life” classes that I have always looked forward to

taking in college, because all of the knowledge that you have given to me and the rest of the

classmates is knowledge that we can use in our lives. It can better us as people and make all of

our conversations a lot more healthy in the future. I think the most valuable thing that I’ve

learned in this class is the way I can use dialogue and become the leader in any situation.

Speaking to someone with different opinions as you is something very valuable, and I think it

can push us as humans further into the future. Our number one problem these days in politics and

in life is being able to speak to other people about issues in which both people have different

opinions for. I see too often in today’s world people shutting down each other over dumb

comments or even something as small as a different viewpoint of life. That makes me deeply sad

because that slows down our progress into the future and progress as humans, because we are all

working together towards a comment end goal in life. I wish a course like this was mandatory at

Arizona State, because I think we all could use this knowledge and different teachings. This class

has helped me open up my mind and understand what true thought is, and how deep our minds
truly are. This has been one of my most enjoyable courses here at Arizona State and I can’t think

the professor enough for a wonderful semester and all the knowledge I have been gifted. I will

use it for the rest of my life!

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