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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Symbolic Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the symbolic frame
2. Apply the symbolic frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1. Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

I will be in product development for Nokona ball gloves based out of Nocona Texas, and the situation I’m
in is looking to freshen up the organization in groundbreaking designs that they have not done in a long
time. The issue is, they have a lot of old time employees and the owner is stuck in the past and does not
want to adapt with the times. The situation is finding out how to adapt to both sides and create a winning
environment while staying respectable of the organization.

2. Describe how the symbols of the organization influenced the situation.

The symbols of the organization influence the situation because by definition, the symbolic frame
focuses on how humans use meaning, beliefs, and faith to create a culture. The culture at this organization
is very old-school, and this is due to the fact that the old ways of creating baseball gloves is still running
this company. Executive board still have the same culture that was made when this company was built,
but unfortunately with the times changing that culture needs to change to help save the organization.
Without change, this company could go under in the next 10 years. There’s symbolic frame is one of the
reasons that is holding this organization from adapting to the newer times and targeting the audience of
the younger baseball player who is buying more gloves than the older baseball player.

There has to be a way that the culture can be broken in a way, and adapt to the new format of baseball
gloves. Nacona pride to themselves on being an American company where their clubs are made here.
They are the only club company to do that and I don’t think it is a great business decision due to the fact
of how expensive it is to manufacture baseball gloves here. Every other organization has their gloves
created in Asia, a much cheaper option. There must be swift action before this cultured company sinks
below the black.

3. Recommend how you would use organizational symbols for an alternative course
of action regarding your case.
I would recommend using their organizational symbols and alternate way by still maintaining the
power and culture that they possess being an American made glove, but also enforcing that
working harder is something that will be present in their organization until they choose to get
their gloves produced in Asia. I would also enforce a stricter business plan when it comes to
social media, which is something that they lack in strongly. Social media is the new wave of
marketing, and the best thing about it is that it is free. Free marketing is the best marketing, and
apps like tiktok Instagram and Twitter are all great ways to get the organizations name out there. I
would change the culture at Nacona to more outgoing organization the interacts with fans on
social media and also is a contact creator.

People love to be entertained, and having a strong brand along with people who can wrap the
organization is even better. Another recommendation I would give is to sign a big-time player to
the organization, and make them use the glove. For example, I think a player like Fernando Tatis
Junior would be an excellent choice due to the fact of how popular he is in the amount of
influence he brings to the game of baseball. It would be very expensive to try and book him an
attempt to sign him, but if Nokona Could somehow land a player like that, there will be millions
of dollars to earn in that role. Watching him make big plays every night wearing a Baseball Glove
made by them would inspire millions of young baseball players to wear in a cone a baseball
glove, and I know that because the gloves I wore when I was a kid or the same ones that my
heroes war at the time.

4. Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.
Something that I would do differently. is to freshen up the organization by bringing in individuals
who influence the culture of baseball currently. They do not have any professional players that
are big name athletes, or household names. If they could somehow land athletes of this caliber
while also finding influencers in social media to help build their brand reputation, I see both of
those are strategic plans they could push them pass the competition. That will be hard to do, due
to the fact that the whole executive board are older individuals who have been in the organization
for a long time, and must find a way to police them without making them upset.

Something that I would not change is the branding that this organization has built the symbolic
frame of their organization is a very strong-willed group of individuals who support the
organization greatly. I would have to find a happy zone of where I could bring someone in
without pissing off everyone in the organization. The organizational culture and background is
extremely strong, and their ties to the beginning of the game of baseball and how long they’ve
been making gloves is also something I cannot change in this organization. I cannot expect them
to change something that is tied so tightly to their hearts.

Reference or References
Nokona Baseball Gloves

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