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Tugas Kalimat Bahasa inggris

1. ( Televisi ) =  she watches television after studying every night.

2. ( sewing machine ) = My mother learned to sew clothes from an early age
3. = I had a picnic at the Bogor Botanical Gardens using a hat I just bought one day ago
5. ( surfboard ) = he is very good at using a surfboard on the beach with a vicious drug
6. ( high heels ) = That woman fits perfectly with the high heels she's wearing
7. ( painting tools ) = Dad bought canvas painting equipment, watercolors and brushes.
8. ( buoy ) = If you can't swim, wear a life jacket.
9. ( card ) = they are taking their time playing cards at the guard post
10. I brought a bag and a water bottle to play bowling
11. ( piano) = I am very good at playing the piano
12. my mother brings a vegetable shopping bag for home use
13. ( mold ) = You think mushrooms did that?
14. ( drums ) = he is very good at playing the drums
15. ( Hat ) = vacation in the middle of the sea on a cruise ship wearing a beautiful hat and using
binoculars to see the scenery at sea
16. ( Golf ) = I'll never call golf a dull game again
17. ( Football ) = We played football together, got in trouble together
18. ( book ) = Give you a little peek into our editorial notebook.
19. ( racket ) = they are both very good at playing badminton
20. ( guitar ) = You neνer told me you play the guitar so well

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