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1. We usually eat dinner ….

a. In the morning

b. In the afternoon

c. In the evening

d. In the midnight

2. …., the sun is so hot.

a. In the morning,

b. In the afternoon,

c. In the evening,

d. In the midnight,

3. Glass is made from ….

a. Sand

b. Water

c. Metal

d. Silver

4. The object below is made from ….

a. Silver

b. Glass

c. Wood

d. Metal

5. Who helps us when we get sick?

a. Police officer
b. Firefighter

c. Doctor

d. Postman

6. What do we use to stir soup or pasta?

a. Spoon

b. Fork

c. Knife

d. Ladle

7. “I see sunset in the evening.”

Please translate the sentence in Indonesia!

a. Aku melihat hewan di kebun binatang

b. Aku mendengarkan musik

c. Aku sarapan di pagi hari

d. Aku melihat matahari terbenam di sore hari

8. I – help – must- to prepare – my parents – dinner.

Please arrange the sentence above!

a. I must help my parents to prepare dinner.

b. Must help dinner my parent to prepare.

c. I help to prepare must dinner my parents.

d. Must to prepare I help my parents dinner.

9. Example obligation in home is ….

a. Clean up my toys after I play

b. Respect for the teacher

c. Clean the classroom

d. Reading in library

10. What is an example of an obligation at school that should be done every day?
a. Talking during class

b. Listening to the teacher

c. Leaving school early

d. Bullying friend

11. Laila is …. with her parents.

a. Watering the garden

b. Eating dinner

c. Sweeping the floor

d. Cleaning the bathroom

12. I am …. in the bathroom.

a. Watching TV

b. Eating meal

c. Sleeping

d. Brushing teeth

13. Who flies airplanes?

a. Pilot

b. Chef

c. Carpenter

d. Farmer

14. It is very hot. Turn on the …. please.

a. Television

b. Radio

c. Dan
d. Stove

15. Charlie is sweeping the floor using ….

a. A broom

b. A fan

c. A chair

d. A book

16. My grandmother is going to cook. She needs ….

A. Table

B. Bag

C. Stove

D. Blanket

17. Humans breath using ….

A. Hearth

B. Liver

C. Lung

D. Kidney

18. Nana wears a scarf on her ….

a. Mouth

b. Neck

c. Stomach

d. Hand

19. What is a place where you park your car?

a. Airport

b. Train station

c. Parking lot

d. Bus stop
20. What is a place where you catch a bus?

a. Playground

b. Park

c. Train station

d. Bus stop

Please read carefully the paragraph below to answer questions 21-24!

Budi is a friendly boy who loves to play soccer. He has short black hair and a bright smile. He also has
a pointed nose. He likes to help his mother cook and clean the house. In his free time, Budi enjoys
reading books and playing video games. He is a good student who works hard in school and always
gets the best score. He always goes jogging every morning. That’s why he has a healthy body.

21. What color is Budi’s hair?

22. What does Budi like to do in his free time?

23. What does Budi do every morning?

24. What does Budi like to help his mother with?

25. I like helping my father cook in the …..

26. Mrs. Park – cooking – kitchen – is – in – the – soup

27. My brother …. television in the living room.

28. Mrs. Willis is a seller. She works in the ….

29. We can save our money in the ….

30. You usually have a bath or a shower in the …


My shoes are pink

Dani is wearing hat at school

Saudara laki-laki saya adalah Galih

Ayah saya adalah Pak Johan

Saya mempunyai dua mata

Saya mempunyai sepuluh jari

My cat name is Coki and I like it so much

I see many animals in the zoo, such as elephant, giraffe and tiger

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