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3rd GP Long Quiz Reviewer Wednesday, Feb 2, 2022

Day 2

21st Century Literature

‣ Literature

- “Litera” which means letter

- Deals with ideas, thoughts, and emotions of man

- Literature is the story of man (Kahayon, 1998)

- Comes from the French word “belles-letters” which means beautiful writing
(Baritugo, 2004)

- The best way to understand human nature fully and to know a nation
completely is to study literature. (Garcia, 1993)

- Literature o ers us an experience in which we should participate as we read

and test what we read by our own experience.

- Does not yield as much unless we bring something of ourselves to it.

- Literature is one of the seven arts (ie. Music, dance, painting, sculpture,
theatre, and architecture) as such, literature is a creative product of a creative
workd, the result of which is form and beauty. (Nuggets, 2004)

• Literary Theory - The capacity to generalize about the phenomena and to develop
concepts that form the basis for interpretation and analysis—in this instance, of a
“literary” text.

• Literary Criticism - the disciplined application of theoretical principles of analyzing,

interpreting and evaluating literary texts.

3rd GP Long Quiz Reviewer Wednesday, Feb 2, 2022

Why do we have to analyze everything?

- Talking about experiences enhances our enjoyment of them

- Talking about experiences involves the search for the meaning which increases our
understanding of them.

- Socrates said so “the life which is unexamined is not worth living”

➡ Literary Criticism

- Helps us to understand what is important about the text

- Structure

- Context: social, economic, historical

- What is written

- How the text manipulates the reader

• 4 critical variables of literary theory and criticism:

3rd GP Long Quiz Reviewer Wednesday, Feb 2, 2022

3rd GP Long Quiz Reviewer Wednesday, Feb 2, 2022

‣ Kinds of Prose:

1. Prose Drama - drama in a prose; consists of entirely dialogues in prose

and meant to be acted on stage

2. Essay - short literary composition which is expository in nature; share

some of thoughts, feelings, experience, observations on some aspects of
life that have interested on the writer

3. Prose Fiction - something invented, imagined or feigned to be true;

Novel is a long, ctitious narrative with a complicated plot, whereas
Short Story is a ctitious narrative compressed in one unit of time, place,
and action.

4. Biography/Autobiography - biography (written by another piece of shit);

autobiography (written by some narcissistic fuck to himself)

5. Letter - message which displays aspects of an author’s psychological

make-up not immediately apparent in his public writings

6. Diary - daily written record or account of the writer’s own experience,

thought, activities, and observations

7. Journal - magazine or periodical especially of serious or learned nature.

8. Current Publication - books, magazines, newspapers that are currently

accepted in general usage

9. Literary criticism - analysis, interpretations, and evaluation of literary


10. Book review - an article dealing with the contents, literary worth of a

11. Philosophy - a prose that deals with the processes governing thought
and conduct

12. Travel - written account of the trips, journeys, tours, taken by the writer

13. Parody - an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with
deliberate exaggeration for comic e ect.

14. Anecdote - brief narrative concerning a particular individual or incident.

May be true or not. Teaches valuable lesson

3rd GP Long Quiz Reviewer Wednesday, Feb 2, 2022
15. Character Skethc - short description of the qualitites and traits of a

16. Parable - short tale, bible; usually an application of principle

17. Pamphlet - small book of topic of current interest

18. Eulogy - writing in praise of a dead person

19. Speech - general word for a discourse delivered to an audience whether

prepared or impromptu.

• Address - IMPLIES formality

• Oration - suggests eloquence, rhetorics, bombastic

• Lecture - intended to inform

• Talk - SUGGEST formality

• Sermon - by a clergy

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