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Nicaraguan Packages

Military Science 15 Total Value 105
Infantry Tactics 5 Package Cost 95
Medicine 10 At the height of the cold war, the Nicaraguan
Aim 15 military was heavily subsidized by Cuba and
Autofire 5 Russia. Since then they have had massive
Longarm 5 financial problems. The majority of the
Hiding 10 vehicles and heavy equipment are no longer
Navigation 10 operational, and morale is at rock bottom.
Survival 10
Armed HTH 10
Unarmed HTH 10

Special Forces
Military Science 10 Total Value 110
Infantry Tactics 5 Package Cost 100
Aim 20 Slightly better equipped then the infantry, the
Autofire 5 Special Forces would be expected to perform
Longarm 10 light infantry and guerrilla duties in time of
Hiding 10 war. Requires Infantry package.
Concealment 10
Navigation 5
Land 5
Survival 10
Tropical 10
Armed HTH 5
Thrust 5

Law 5 Total Value 110
Military Science 10 Package Cost 100
Police Science 15 Still controlled by Sandinista factions, the
Aim 15 police have actively worked against
Longarm 5 government reforms. Latin American
Smallarm 5 standards apply (corruption, inefficiency,
Armed HTH 20 mistrust, etc.)
Swing 10
Unarmed HTH 10
Drive 5
Diplomacy 10

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