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10/21/22, 12:12 PM Effective OKRs — getting them right the first time around.

| by Joonatan Samuel | Medium

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Joonatan Samuel
Jul 28, 2019 · 6 min read · Listen


Effective OKRs — getting them right the first

time around.
Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a popular management strategy for goal setting
within organizations. The purpose of OKRs is to connect company, team, and personal
goals to measurable results while having all team members and leaders work together in
one, unified direction.

This post will cover how effective and detrimental OKR implementations look like,
how to draft good ones and what should one keep in mind after they have been
implemented. Implementing OKRs is a process that takes usually three to four
quarters as everyone starts to structure their work around them, this post gives
pointers designed to get there faster.

How you will look like implementing OKRs after reading this quick guide. 1/7
10/21/22, 12:12 PM Effective OKRs — getting them right the first time around. | by Joonatan Samuel | Medium

Summary of OKRs
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OKR (Objectives and Key Results) is a goal-setting framework that helps companies
focus, communicate and align their work. OKRs consist of objectives — clearly
defined goals and key results — specific measures used to track the achievement of
that goal. OKRs are usually set quarterly, starting with company-level OKRs which
every team will align themselves to.

Example of OKRs at the end of the quarter

Well implemented OKR system will result in:

Alignment between teams and within a team

Better cooperation between teams due to shared vocabulary

Better communication due to a format understandable to everyone in the


Getting more things done because of focus

Getting the right things done because of planning

Optimizing for what’s best for the company, instead of individual team/person

Badly implemented OKRs might result in:

Multiple weeks per quarter of management overhead

Getting the wrong things done

Unempowering people 2/7
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Bad inter-team cooperation because team individual targets need to be met

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In order to reap the benefits of OKRs and be in the “well implemented” camp, you
need to keep in mind a couple of things:

1. Don’t measure performance with OKRs

People are often afraid to take OKRs into use because of fear of being graded on how
they do on their targets. Go out of your way to stand against it. OKRs are a tool to
reach for ambitious targets and achieve them, using them as a measurement of
performance will demotivate and cause low-shot performance. After all, setting
lower goals is a way to always achieve 100% of your goals.

2. Include people executing into the drafting process

OKRs have a strong potential to become the internal motivation for a team. One of
the best ways to achieve this is to have all the relevant people discuss and propose
changes to the initial drafts of OKRs. This will pay back down the line with
motivated executors and courage to speak up when OKRs become invalid.

3. Put time and effort into drafting OKRs

OKRs will define what you will be doing for the next 3 months. They are a multiplier
for speed and a direction where you want to go. If the direction is incorrect you will
not be achieving the right things. When OKRs are badly phrased you will lose in
productivity. We will cover how to get more speed out of OKRs later on, direction
needs to come from you.

4. Deprecate or rephrase OKRs when they lose relevance

Even if OKRs are not used for measuring performance, people feel that they need to
deliver on things they have agreed on — writing goals down has a strong effect.
When the goal itself becomes invalid but the expectation is still there, there is a
disconnect with reality which causes wasted work and demotivation. More on how
to deprecate and rephrase effectively later on.

Drafting OKRs — self-tests for maximum speed.

In order to get as much bang for your buck, you can use these self-tests for setting
OKRs. 3/7
10/21/22, 12:12 PM Effective OKRs — getting them right the first time around. | by Joonatan Samuel | Medium

1. Is more than 80% of teams work covered in OKRs?

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One of the keywords of OKRs is focus. What does your team need to achieve? If you
dropped everything that isn’t alignable with OKRs what will you not cover? Asking
these questions in the drafting process will allow you to say “no” down the line when
a whirlwind of request comes in for urgent and unimportant stuff. If something
important is not covered, add it to your OKRs.

2. Are my OKRs continuously measurable?

Best OKRs are highly measurable on multiple timescales. Can an individual measure
their own work output with the same metric? How much time does it take to get a
reliable estimate? If the output is measurable within 10 minutes of making the
change, this is a huge improvement to productivity and motivation. Often times it
seems that some OKR cannot be phrased in a continuous manner so it is phrased as
a binary answer. Fight against yes and no phrasings and spend a little bit more time
before deciding to stick to them. From binary to continuously measurable there is a
gradient. Try to nudge your OKRs towards measurability.

3. Are my OKRs ambitious and reachable enough?

70% of an OKR should be reachable. 100% is ambitious. When you estimate where
you can get optimistically, set that on 70% on the achievement scale.

4. Are they aligned with other teams and top-level OKRs?

Are you solving problems no-one cares about or are you actually helping the
company? It might be that some OKRs aren’t useful this quarter, but when will they
be? Are you sure you should be working on something that will not be useful within
3 months? Asking these questions will make sure you are working in the right

5. Are they output driven and promote agency?

Most of my attempts to write input into the OKRs have caused them to get
deprecated because a better alternative existed. Instead, write down why do you
want to do that work. E.g. “Write 3 blog posts” can be phrased as “Increase reach to
10000 people”. This allows for creativity and more efficient work. Writing down key
initiatives is still a good idea, just don’t forget to say they are optional as opposed to
OKRs. 4/7
10/21/22, 12:12 PM Effective OKRs — getting them right the first time around. | by Joonatan Samuel | Medium

6. Assign a singular owner to each OKR

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This simply means a person for each line in the OKRs table, who is responsible to
get it done.

This is the way I communicated ownership this quarter

During the quarter.

1. Push back on urgent and not important

Whenever something comes up that doesn’t align with your OKRs ask yourself if you
can work on something from your OKRs instead. Keep in mind that only 20% of your
time budget will be spent on things other than your OKRs and this includes the
unforeseen emergencies like all your servers catching fire because of a denial of
service attack. 5/7
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How to handle tasks depending on urgency and importance

2. Deprecate and remake OKRs explicitly

When it becomes apparent that an OKR didn’t age well, then it is important to
explicitly fail, deprecate or remake it. When there’s ambiguity in what needs to get
done, it creates confusion about priorities and jeopardizes the credibility of other
OKRs. This most recognizably creates inefficiency when work is being done on the
goal no longer relevant. Make sure the decision is definitive and every stakeholder is
on board. Unless explicitly communicated, it is not OK to make 0% progress on an

3. Talk about OKRs in a weekly and monthly cadence 6/7
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Have the OKRs visible as much as possible, talk about blockers weekly, fill in the
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OKR progress sheet monthly. In a world full of noise it is important to repeat the
direction to move towards. Managers often feel like broken records repeating the
same things over and over again, but research has shown (reference missing), that
moving from unknowledgeable to action takes 7 to 15 repetitions of what needs to
be done. Staying honest to yourself is hard and embedding it into your cadence will
help you and your team do that.

[1] Thanks to Taivo Pungas, and Triin Uustalu for reviewing this blog post.

Thanks to Egon Elbre (hide) 7/7

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