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Please post your insights or pieces of learning about the discussion

History itself has significant events that happened thousand

years ago that were studied by the historians and the
information/findings would have a big impact on the current
generation. After I watched the video recording I realized how
important studying history is, the way people live, religion, and
some political stuffs. Through the video recording, it explains the
value of historical sources that we should take into consideration to
give us answer where the sources or findings may be true or fake,
It gives a purpose to study to dig some information that happened
in the past because it will be able to help the next generation that
happens in our history.


History seeks in our life that brings the past events, Studying
history helps me to understand why things happened in the past
that particularly affects our life, May history can be fun to us by
discovering new things on our own, it allows us to dig some
information about history to find out, to explore more, and to
discover what exactly happened in those thousand year’s ago. It is
important to keep our history it gives us a purpose to be enabled to
comprehend who we are and where we came from by digging
some information that happened in the past because it will be able
to help the next generation that happens in our history. As history
gives us a sense of self-worth and belonging that greatly helps us
immensely in making of the present and planning for the future and
and and and and and and and and

Cavity Mutiny

As Spaniards Version role perverting the facts they’ were used the
Cavity Munity to hide their accounts/backgrounds as to have a revolution in
with their groups (BIASED)

They were attended or aims to turn out the leaders, and their companions
(para ang sila ang mo turnover sa paglead which risky kaayo inig sila na). And
to turnout the Filipinos to have revolt against government for being slave

In this section the 3 martyrs being executed because of the cavity mutiny that
they were conduct (revolt/revolution), those who assassinated including the
Spaniards people against the government (cavity mutiny)

Their attaining for

as the authorities they were received a anonymous communications with the

information that the uprising would may break out against with Spaniards
and that all would be assassinated, including the friars

In the spanish revolution overthrew a secular throne with the propaganda

carrier by the press against the principles of monarchy (monarchia

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