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As long as climate change is expected to displace millions of people, scientists

worry that we may be pushing the planet toward an ecological breakdown.

climate = free, lexical morpheme, noun, simple word
as long as: free, functional morpheme, subordinating Conjunction
climate: free lexical morpheme, noun, simple word
change: free lexical morpheme, noun, simple word
is: free, functional morpheme, verb to be (present form)
expected: bound morpheme, adverb, complex word
to: free, functional morpheme, preposition
displace: bound morpheme, verb, complex word
millions: bound morpheme, noun, complex word
of: free, functional morpheme, preposition
people: free lexical morpheme, noun, simple word
scientists: bound morpheme, noun, complex word
worry: free morpheme, Adjective, simple word
that: free, functional morpheme, conjunction, simple
we: free, funtional morpheme, pronoun (first plural person), simple word
may: free morpheme, modal verb, simple word
be: free morpheme, verb, simple
pushing: bound morpheme, gerund, complex word
the: bound morpheme, particle (determiner), simple
planet: free lexical morpheme, noun, simple word
toward: free lexical morpheme, preposition, simple word
an: free, functional morpheme, determiner, simple
ecological: bound morpheme, adjective, complex word
breakdown: bound morpheme, noun, compound word

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