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Favorite place to travel

Traveling is going from somewhere to another place far from your origin
location. World is wide and everyone has ambitions to explore, traveling is vital
interest for almost each of us. Each person has desire to travel and see their
favorite place in the world based on same reasons, as my favorite place is USA. but
the question is, does everyone can travel to their favorite place? in the present era
traveling is much different than before, since it is era of technology. Also, the style
of travelling can be different from someone to another and among western and
eastern society inhabitants. Sometimes there might be hinders and obstacles that
prevent traveling. Traveling has several benefits, both physically and
psychologically. So, how do you travel to your favorite place? There are variety of
point of views regarding to traveling to your favorite place.
After we grew, we love to travel to see another place because it is instinct
desire, especially for those places that we love and interested in. there might be
several reasons why we choose a place to travel, such being interest in their
culture, such as their life style, their food or their attitude of the people. Another
reason might be sense of belonging or having sympathy toward that place, this also
can contain some sub-reasons such having sense of belonging because you have
learned their language. Personally, I love to travel to USA, because I love the place
and I see it as a land of dreams, also I love their culture and interested in their
language, for the love of the country I have chosen studying English language as a
career. However, technology era has facilitated traveling process but it
can be challenging sometimes, due to economical and psychological matters. There
are several needs for Traveling such as money, and some people suffers from fair
while they travel by plane, for instance, my favorite place is USA no one can get
there except using plane as a medium to travel.
Traveling to your favorite place can have variety of benefits mentally also
physically, physically you may walk and inhale fresh air which it can boost
immune system and metabolism, psychologically it broadens our perspectives and
declines stress, studies reclaimed that as well.
Some people thinks that while traveling to your favorite place
you must spend a lot of money, it is very common in our society, while when you
go to your favorite place you can take advantage at there and bring back unique
ideas to develop. based on my experience travelers from other countries, don’t see
spending money as a good idea, they say the best is what comes free.
Finally exploring the world, specifically traveling to our
favorite place, can impacts you positively and negatively according to your way of
traveling. In order to have better health, developing unique ideas and broaden our
perspectives we can travel.

Abdulqader Azeez




EXPENSIVE / arrive at airport 2 hours before depart/ reason previous curios
10th 1000th of people grim

Podcast summary

The podcast is about planning trip, comparing between planned meticulously not
planned, the speakers share their experiences in different countries, the jokes,
challenges and happy times as well. Podcast explains how you have to take
precautions and be aware of circumstances also having enough knowledge about
the place that you want to go or you may face challenges by different factors such
as language, authorities…etc. Also it gives some tips while traveling or even short
trips such, you have to arrive at airport at least 2 hours before depart. Eating garlic
will guarantee you the seat next to you in bus. Also talks about how rule of cycling
is complicated there, and explains how he faced challenge by authority when
deckhand asking him where are you come from?

What is leisure travel?

It is one person that travels solely without companions for having fun and
entertainment, usually taken during holidays.

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