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Clinical psychology: definition and function of clinical

Posted onNovember 19, 2021by admin

Clinical psychology is a sub-field within psychology that studies all factors related to

mental problems and, more generally, mental health.

As a result, medical psychology plays all the evaluation, analysis, prevention and
therapeutic interventions in people with some type of mental disorder or maladaptive
behavior, so that you can restore mental balance and all struggles.

medical psychology: a broad range of

psychologists for one type of scientific field may also have an education in the
faculty, including professional cognitive, behaviorist, psychoanalyst, humanist, gestalt
or systemic family therapy, among others.

What does scientific psychology do ?

Clinical psychologists are mental health professionals who are responsible for treating
people who experience certain types of psychological findings. on this feeling, clinical
psychology, appropriate psychological problems, to then offer personal intervention
through psychotherapy.
Although that is the main thing they are involved in, psychology is also the
participation of expertise in the field of study (for example, contributing it in various
scientific studies), in teaching (training as a professor in public or non-public
institutions), and even in other minorities. who include sports psychology, school
psychology or as an expert in clinical and forensic psychology.

Confusion between clinical psychology and psychiatry

In our article “what is the difference between psychology and psychiatry?” We
provide an explanation of the similarities and variations between these disciplines. Of
course, it is still a source of confusion to recognize the characteristics of the two
professional fields.

The main similarity between clinical psychology and psychiatry is that they have one
unusual component: treating and alleviating psychological struggles. but specialists
differ in their previous training: psychology research psychology and psychiatry,
medicine. Another important difference is that psychiatrists are authorized to
prescribe psychotropic pills, whereas psychologists are not. In scientific practice,
psychiatrists and psychologists are commonplace to paint collectively in treating
patients who require a multidisciplinary approach.

Fields and applications of scientific psychology

Psychology has been studied and refined at some stage in the twentieth century and
in recent years, and has been studied with the help of many academics and specialists
on human behavior.

Due to his early years with Wilhelm Wundt in his laboratory in Leipzig, while he was
looking for all observable and measurable variables, scientific psychology has
developed into a "par excellence" graduate or psychology graduate. In fact, and
despite developing in reality different branches (business, education, psychology,
social branches…), clinical psychology is constantly recognized for its high quality.

however, there are different methods and tools used by clinical psychology
professionals, who paint with a focus on multiple studies according to criteria, which
include the following:
• In-house interventions
• adult medicine
• toddler medical psychology
• medical neuropsychology • neuropsychological
• treatment and intervention in specific problems
• assessment
• Psychology

Each discipline expert in psychology can focus on the location where they want to
know their professional practice. people who may also desire therapeutic treatment
vary: from children to the elderly, from people with underlying illnesses to healthy
people, from people with severe mental problems, to others associated with poor
family or social dynamics.

To make better use of the expertise of each mental state, clinical psychologists can
broaden themselves in exclusive areas. through the expertise and tools received, they
will be able to offer more unique diagnoses and treatments to their patients.

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