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老子 Lao Zi

Group 5 - Arlantico, Armenion, Brugada,

Cortez, Coscolla, Dumo, Monforte, Ocfemia
PSY-112, GROUP 5
Lao Zi's Profile

Born: unknown, 6th century - 4th century BCE,

in Chujen village, state of Chu (present-day Luyi, Henan)

Died: unknown, late 4th century BC,

in Didao, state of Qin (present-day Lintao, Gansu)

Laozi, Laotze, Lao tzu, or Li Er. Claimed ancient chinese philosopher and writer.
Founder of philosophical Taoism/Daoism and the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching
Notable ideas: Tao, Wu wei

PSY-112, GROUP 5
What is Taoism?

Chinese Philosophy based on the writing of Lao - tzu.

From the Chinese word "Tao" which means "Way or Path".
Believes in spiritual immortality.
An ancient Chinese philosophy and religion that instructs
believers on how to exist in harmony with the universe..

PSY-112, GROUP 5
How is it related to Psychology?

1. Mankind is an inseparable part of the universe where everything in the

world relates.
2. Any human intervention will only bring about disharmony and conflicts.
3. Certain principles of Taoism are used as the basis of specific counseling
4. Bolen's (1979) book, The Tao of Psychology.
PSY-112, GROUP 5
Modern Taoism
There are various kinds of Taoism.

Some Taoism is based on the study and belief of ancient scriptures like the Dao De Jing.

Most “Taoists” in China who probably wouldn’t call themselves Taoists.

Daojiaotu practice native folk religion that varies from place to place.

This folk religion is more common in the country among peasants.

This includes ancestor worship and palm reading or Feng Shui

PSY-112, GROUP 5
Modern Taoism

Many modern Chinese practice Tai Chi exercise or Qigong

that is a kind of Taoism.

This exercise is especially popular among older women.

They can be seen practicing in groups after sunrise in

public places all over China.
PSY-112, GROUP 5
Thank you for listening.

PSY-112, GROUP 5

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