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1. Tell me about yourself

Thank you so much for giving me a good time, My name is .
I am . years old.

2. Tell me about your work experience

I have years of experience in . As an
specialist, I made .

3. Tell me about your education

I graduated from , majoring in . There, I learned a lot
about I also joined some clubs to improve my soft skills and

4. Why do you want this?

is in my blood. I have loved to things around me
since elementary school. Then, I joined some courses to improve my skill.
Until now.

5. What is your greatest strength?

I’m a natural problem-solver. I find it rewarding to dig deep and uncover
solutions to challenges—it’s like solving a puzzle. It’s something I’ve always excelled at
and something I enjoy.

6. What is your greatest weakness?

My greatest weakness is I often lose focus when I am occupied with so many
tasks. To overcome this, I came up with a to-do list and time-management system that
allows me to organize all my tasks.

7. Tell me how you think other people would describe you

I think people would say that what I see is what I get. If I say I will do something,
I do it. If I say I will help, I help.
I’m not sure that everyone likes me, but they all know they can count on what I
say and how hard I work.

8. Do you find it difficult to adapt to new situations?

Adaptation is not easy. Of course I will find it difficult to adapt at the beginning.
Based on previous experience, I feel like I’m starting to adapt after working for 1 week.
9. How do you manage stress and pressure?
My first step in managing stress is to try to circumvent it by keeping my work
processes very organized, and my attitude professional.
I also break down my projects into smaller tasks. I make a list of action items with
reasonable deadlines.

10. How do you prioritize work?

I always see work from two things: urgency and importance. From those
consideration, I will always start doing work that is urgent and important, then urgent,
important, and work that is not in both.

11. When were you most satisfied in your work?

It’s when I completed my job properly, on time, and hit the target. When I see my
boss, clients, or company satisfied with my work, I’m also satisfied.

12. Where do you see yourself five years from now?

I’m really excited by this position at because in five years, I’d like
to be seen as someone with deep expertise in .
I’m also really excited to take on more managerial responsibilities in the next few
years and potentially even take the lead on some projects.

13. What is your dream job?

I’ve been interested in the content industry. That, combined with my interest in
traveling and foods, is my dream job to be a travel writer that takes readers around the
world with me.

14. What do you like to do outside of work?

I’m raising a family, so a lot of my time is focused on that.
I’m also using my commute time to learn foreign languages. Now, I’m learning Japanese.

15. How do you handle conflict at work?

Conflict is inevitable when a company works hard to get things done. When it
happens, I try to listen and understand others’ point of view. I try to make a discussion
and not be defensive. I’m sure that we will find the best solution if we have the same

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