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Dalton's theory 1




Names: Naideline Meza, Rangel Canul

Course: General Chemistry
Date: September 23,2021
Teacher: Erika Silva
Dalton's theory 2

Research paper on John Dalton's atomic theory

The premise of the following paper primarily deals with the evolution of atomic theory.
Throughout the ages the study of what we call today chemistry has evolved into a highly
developed point of study. One distinct element of chemistry is atomic theory. Throughout the
ages atomic theory has been developed and extended by many different men who were all
well-known chemists and physicists in their day. According to research John Dalton is famed for
his enunciation of the Atomic Theory (John Dalton | Biography, Discoveries, Atomic Model, &
Facts, 2021).This research paper will discuss who is John Dalton, the laws of conservation of
mass, and the law of constant composition. What is Dalton's Atomic Theory, and how do the
laws contribute to it?

Furthermore, John Dalton was a British chemist and a physicist and meteorologist. John Dalton
was born on September 6, 1766, in Eaglesfield, England, UK. Both of his parents were Quakers.
Although Quakers were Christians, the official Church of England saw them as dissidents. As a
result, John Dalton's further education options were limited to dissident educational institutions
(Famous Scientists, 2019).John had two surviving siblings; he and his brother were both born
colorblind. Daltons' father made a career as a handloom weaver despite receiving a low wage.
Dalton was forced to assist with family money from an early age as a result of his family's
poverty. John Dalton was a bright youngster who was fascinated by the world around him and
sought to learn everything he could. John Dalton published in a variety of fields, including
mathematics and English language, but he is most recognized for his science. John Dalton's
contribution to the theory of nuclearism is well-known. He is recognized as the father of modern
theory of atomics on the basis of the atomic theory (Helmenstine, 2019). John Dalton also
participated in weather predictions. He was one of those scientists who loved to set the devices at
home to watch the weather. Meteorological devices in his house were found via which he could
create the foundation for the weather prediction study.The interest of John Dalton in meteorology
led to a major finding in his Atomic Theory.He lived a great life until his death on July 27, 1844
as he died of a stroke in Manchester, England (Helmenstine, 2019).

The theory of Dalton is based on two laws, the law of mass conservation of mass and the law of
constant composition. The Law of Conservation of Mass originates from Antoine Lavoisier's
discovery in 1789, the law states that mass is neither generated nor eliminated in chemical
processes. If all starting materials are accounted for in a chemical change, the total mass will be
the same at any point in time in any closed system (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011) . The law of
composition, discovered by Joseph Proust is also known as the law of Definite Proportions,
implies that pure compound samples always possess the same components in the very same
Dalton's theory 3

proportions in mass. In other words, no matter how a compound is obtained or prepared it will
always contain the same element in the same mass proportion (Libretexts, 2020).

The laws of chemical combination were the foundation of Dalton's atomic theory. His theory
explained both the rule of mass conservation and the law of definite proportions. All substances,
according to Dalton's atomic theory, are made up of atoms, which are indivisible and
indestructible building blocks. While all atoms of a given element were identical, various
elements possessed atoms of varying sizes and masses, also that Compounds are produced
through different whole-number combinations of atoms and that a chemical reaction results in
the rearrangement of atoms in the reactant and product compounds.(Dalton’s Atomic Theory
Definition and Meaning | Collins English Dictionary, 2021). Dalton based his theory on the law
of conservation of mass and the law of constant composition.Since the theory explains the law of
conservation as follows, if in a chemical reaction, the atoms of one element cannot be changed
into atoms of another element ,then only the attachment between atoms changes.while in the
other hand law of constant composition says that a pure compound will always have the same
proportion of the same element. Due to that Dalton believed that the law of conservation of mass
and the law of definite proportions/constant composition could be explained using the idea of
atoms. Therefore, he proposed that all matter is made of tiny indivisible particles called atoms,
which he imagined as "solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, movable particle(s)"(History of Atomic
Structure | Boundless Chemistry, n.d.).

In conclusion, Dalton was a British man who propounded that matter is composed of tiny
particles called atoms and that atoms can neither be changed nor destroyed.In simple words the
atomic theory is a scientific theory put forward to shed some light on the nature of matter. which
is defined as anything that has mass and occupies space. Furthermore, the atomic theory is stated
that all matter is made up of discrete particles called atoms. When the atomic theory was first
proposed, an atom was thought to be the smallest ‘indivisible’ part of matter. But due to his
discovery we can explain the laws of chemical combination with all possibilities based on theory.
Since he was the first person to recognize the molecular differences of elements and compounds.
Now we have the ability to explain the law of conservation of mass and the law of constant
composition by using Dalton atomic theory. Although it's about two centuries old, Dalton's
atomic theory remains valid in modern chemical thought.Therefore John Dalton is considered as
the father of the Atomic theory (Helmenstine, 2019).
Dalton's theory 4


conservation law | Definition, Examples, & Facts. (n.d.). Encyclopedia Britannica.

Retrieved September 23, 2021, from

Dalton’s atomic theory definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary. (2021,
September 23). Collins Dictionaries.Retrieved from

Famous Scientists. (2019, September 2). John Dalton - Biography, Facts and Pictures.

Helmenstine, A. H. (2019, July 3). Biography of John Dalton, the “Father of Chemistry.”
ThoughtCo.Retrieved from

History of Atomic Structure | Boundless Chemistry. (n.d.). Lumen. Retrieved September

23, 2021, from

John Dalton | Biography, Discoveries, Atomic Model, & Facts. (2021, July 23).
Encyclopedia Britannica.Retrieved from

Supplemental Modules (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry). (2020, December 13).

Chemistry LibreTexts.Retrieved from
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