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Vol.7 No.2 June 2000 J. CENT. SOUTH UNIV. TECHNOL.

Article ID: 1005-9784(2000)02-0057-04

Synthesis of Lithium-cobalt Oxides by Sol-gel Method

and their Cathodical Discharge Behavior at 500 °C

LI Zhi-you,HUANG Bai-yun,ZHU Yong-li,LIU Zhi-jian,QU Xuan-hui

(State Key Laboratory for Powder Metallurgy, Central South University of Technology, Changsha 410083, China)

Abstract: Three kinds d lithium-cobalt oxides with lithium to cobalt atomic ratios of 0.6, O. 8 and 1.0 respectively were pre-
pared using r,ltrates and citric acid by sol-gel process. During the baking of the dry-gel powder, two exothermic peaks occur, fol-
lowed by the fcmnation of Li20 and Co~04 and then the combination of LiCo~, which is testified by DTA and XltD. The powder
formed from an alkaline sol is finer than that from the acidic one. There are a single phase intercalation of lithium ion and an elee-
troch~aical reduction reaction for higher-valence cobalt ion when simulating the discharging process of Li-B/LiCI-KCl/lithimn-co-
bait oxides at 500 °C, and the voltage and specific capacity are not sensitive to the initial ratios of lithium to cobalt.
Key words: sol-gel; LiGo~; thermal battery; cathode
Docun't~ code: A

Li-alloys/FeS2 (or CoS2) thermal batteries have been thermal cells with a lithium-boron alloy anode.
the most widely-used electrochemical system, but their
low discharge voltage (about 2 . 0 V) deteriorates their 1 Expenmental
specific capacity and specific energy. The potential of Li-
alloys anode such as Li-B alloys[1'21 is almost equal to that 1.1 Preparation and characterization of powders
of pure lithium, therefore, developing new kinds of cath- Samples were prepared with l.iN%,
ode materials with high voltage and low impedance has be- C o ( N O 3 ) 2 ' 6 H 2 0 , citric acid and ammonia (these chemi-
come an important research subject on thermal battery for cals are all chemical-pure reagent grade). After dissolving
many years. nitrates in de-ionized water (the atomic ratios of lithium to
Transit/on-metal oxides have received a good deal of cobalt were 0 . 6 , O. 8 and 1.0, respectively), citric acid
attention over the last two decades as cathode materials for was added to the solution with stirring (the molar ratio of
rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, especially for citric acid to metal ion was 2 : 1 ) , and then ammonia was
LiCoO2[3] , LiNiO2[4] and LiMn204 I5~, which have an in- added'to control the pH value in the range of 3 - 4 or 8 ~
sertiorgde-insertion potential about 4 . 0 V vs Li/Li*, and 9. After the solution had been cohobated at 100~ 110 °C
layered structural LiCoO2 has been used practically for its for 6 h, it was dried slowly at 80 °C to obtain aqueous
easy preparation and good reversibility. Completely crys- gel, loose and porous dry gel was obtained by drying the
talline LiCoO2 is synthesised usually through high-temper- aqueous gel at 110 % . The powder of dry gel was heated
ature solid-phase reaction of lithic and cobaltic alkalis or in air at proper t~rnperature in terms of the TG and DTA
salts that have decomposable anion, and initial lithic re- experiment results. Phase determination and morphology
actants must be excessive in order to prevent the formation observation for the baked products were carried out with a
of Co304 E6.7]. Lithium-deficiency Lil.~ Co02 can be ob- mode 314-XRD analyzer (CuKa) and an Amray SEM, re-
tained by oxidizing LiCo02 chemically or electrochemi- spectively.
callytsJ , but its stability is not good enough so that deoxi- 1.2 Measurements of cathode behavior
The discharging process of Li-B/LiCl-KC1/oxides
dation takes place easily above 220 °C and weight-loss oc-
curs at the same time E91. We aim to synthesize such low- pellet cells was simulated at 500 °C and three current
densities, and the curves vs time were monitored by an
lithium lithium-cobalt oxides by Sol-Gel technique using
nitrates and citric acid, analyze the structure evolution of x-y function recorder. The Li-B alloy anode with 67 % Li
the precursor in the course of heat-treating, and investi- (mass fraction, the same below) was a two-phases mixed
gate their discharge behavior as a cathode material for material with LiTB6 and pure Li ( prepared in our

item: The DoctoralF~tmdati~d the Educati~ Ministryof China(No.96053311)

Of ~ first aulhot: LI 2~xi-you,born in 1968, majoringin mat~als for theama]battery.
Reos~d date: Nov. 15, 1999
58 doumal ~ Vol.7

laboratory, thickness 0.4 ram) El°l , the electrolyte separa- and that at 250 °C. After being heated at 400 °C or
tor ( thickness 0 . 8 ram) was a powder-pressed pellet of 480 %, the distinguishable spectra for LiCOO2 appear,
LiC1-KCI eutectic salt (with 45% LiC1, melting point 352 whose intensity increases with 'increasing temperature.
% ) including 45 % porous powdered MgO binder. In or-
The valence of cobalt in Co(N03)2 "6H20, a mate-
der to improve the conductivity of the cathode, 40% pow-
dered LiC1-KC1 and 10% graphite were added, and this rial chosen for this experiment, is + 2, but the average
mixture was exposed to air at 400 °C for 1 h to make valence in C%04 and LiCoO2 appearing after heat treat-
LiC1-KC1 adsorbed homogeneously. After being cooled ment is + 2.7 and + 3, respectively. So Co2÷ has un-
down and crushed, the mixture was pressed out as the dergone two oxidization reactions (exothermic reaction) in
cathode pellet, whose weight was 0.4 g. The diameter of the course of heating, that is, CoO through Co304 to
electrode was 17.5 ram, a piece of pure nickel (thickness
LiCoO2 (combining with Li20). These two exothennic
1.0 ram) was used as the collector. Preparalion of elec-
trodes was performed in a glove-bag box (relative humidi- peaks shown in the DTA thermograph may result from the
ty lower than 3 % ) in order to prevent the electrodes from heat of the oxidi~ation of Co2+ during the decoml~ition of
being wetted or oxidized. Before discharging, the cells citric acid and nitrates. Because the thermal analysis is
were kept between two isothermal metallic tablets for 1 peffomaed in N2, the oxygen for the oxidization of Co2+ is
min to be heated to the experimental temperature (500
°C). obtained only from NOr and the decomposing products of
citric acid. But in the course of baking, it can come also
2 Results and Discussion from air directly, so the oxidization of Co2+ goes on more
easily than that in N2 atomsphere, and the formation of
2.1 Procedureof phase evolution Co304 can be carried out at 250 °C under the latter condi-
Thermal analysis (TG and DTA) thermogram for the
dry-gel powder of Lio.sCoO2 is shown in Fig. 1. An endo-
It's clear from the above discussion that LiCOO2 is
thermie peak appears at 130 °C with the beginning of
weight-loss, which indicates that the volatilization of water the product of the reaction of C0304 and Li2O, so C0304
and the decomposition of solvent begin. Beginning at phase will exist unavoidably ff the mole ratio of lithium to
295 °C, two linked exothennic peaks at 329.3 °C and cobalt is loss than one, and even when the ratio equals
386.5 °C exist, and the sample weight loses quickly (up one, pure LiCoOz powder has not been obtained (shown
to 80.4% ). The dry-gel powder was baked respectively in Fig. 3) due to the influences of heating condition and
at 250, 350,400 and 480 °C for6 h in air, phase com-
other intrinsic factors.
position of the baked products was determined by XtLD
(shown in Fig. 2). It can be seen from Fig. 2 that after
o ~ LIOH,LiOH.H20 ]
being heated at 250 °C, the product is corc~sed of
~ ~c~o~
Co304, LiOH and LiOH" H20, where LiOH and
LiOH'H20 may be the reaction product of Li20 with
moisttrre while the specimens are cooled. There is not
distinct difference between the product heated at 350 °C

1.0 85.0
~ D
-3.2 56.0 ~ D ~l X

-7.4 27.0

-11.6 -2.0

- 15.8 -31.0
-20.0 t
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 100 7oo-6°'° 2o/(o)
(a) 25O~ ; (b) 35O°C; (~) 40O~C; (d) 48O~C
Fig. 1 TG and DTA thermogram for dry-gel Li0.sCoO~ R 0. 2 XRD spectra for the baked products (all from
powder in N2(acidic solution) acidic solution) at different temperatures
No.2 LI 2lai-yonet al: Sythesisof Li-Co Oxidesby Sol-geland their DischargeBehavior 59

/, I~OII,I~OH.H~O The complexation action of citric acid and the characteris-

tics of the complex compound are influenced by the pH
value of the solution. In the alkaline solution, citric acid
not only complexes Co2÷ and Li ÷ , but also combines with
(d) many NI-I4÷ . Some NI-I4+ can de-combine and escape from
X X the gel in the form of NH3 if the gel is dehydrated. This
de-combination reaction acts as a foamer and wakes the
dry-gel much more loose, which has been verified by the
experiment. After removing NO3- and citric acid, finer
particles of C0304 and Li20 can be obtained, which will
X make subsequent Li2C002 particles fmer too.
2.3 Cathodicaldischarge behavior
× × The typical voltage vs specific capacity curves
(shown in Fig. 5) for mixed oxides discharging at the
same current densities at 500 °C are not sensitive to the
initial ratio of lithium to cobalt, with the same open cir-
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 cuit voltage about 2.45 V. Under load, the voltage re-
2e/( °) duces steeply to 1.5 V, corresponding to a close specific
(a) 0.6; (b) 0.8 (from acidic solution); capacity about 200 A" s" g- 1(oxides), and then a voltage
(c) 0.8 (from alkalinesolution); (d) 1.0 plateau appears, which terminates almost at a total speci-
~.a XRD spectra for the baked productsafter being baked at fic capacity of 950 A" s" g-~. There is no remarkable dif-
480 °C far 6 h with differentinitial ratios of Li to Co
ference in voltage for the finer powder obtained from the
2.2 Morphology of powders alkaline solution and the coarser from the acidic solution.
The diameter of particles, obtained by heating the
dry-gel of Lio.sCo(~ at 480 °C for 6 h, varies in the range 2.5i
of several micrometers, and those from an alkaline solu-
tion are fmer than from acidic solution, ~ indicated in 2.0
Fig.4. 1 2 3


0 ldoo ,25o
Spectiilc capacity/(A" s'g -1 )

at 500 ¢C with Li0.sCo~ cathode,

Li-B alloymode, LiC1-KC1electrolyte
1---50 mA'cm-2; 2--100 mA'cm'-2; 3--200 mA'cm -2
Fig. 5 Typical discharge curves

In the beginning of discharging, the voltage reduces

linearly with the increase of capacity, and this is just the
characteristics of the intercalation of lithium in a single
phase region. So it can be concluded that 1 mole LiCoO2
can intercalate more than 0.2 mole Li ÷ without structural
transformation which occurs only after discharging further,
which can be calculated by the following formula:
200 A ' s ' g -1 x98 g/(9.648 x 104)A's'mo1-1 ~-0.2 tool
pH: (a) 3~4; (b) 8~9
Assume that Co304 intercalates less or the same amount of
~.4 SEM photographs of products heated at 480 "(2 for 6 h
with lithium to cobalt ratio O. 8 lithium. For the voltage plateau, the theoretical specific
capacity, corresponding to Co3÷ in LiCoO2 being reduced
60 JOUfl~l[ C~U'[" Vol.7

to Co2+ , is 985 A ' s ' g - ~ , which is reflected in Fig. 5 at charge capacity and a electrochemically reduction where
the terminal of the plateau. The initial ratio of lithium to the plateau voltage is about 1.5 V.
cobalt has small influence on the capacity, possibly be-
cause C0304 can also discharge in the ph~eau region. In References
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