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Blood flow and pressure monitoring recorders


A sphygmomanometer, also known as a blood pressure meter, blood pressure

monitor, or blood pressure gauge, is a device used to measure blood pressure, composed of
an inflatable cuff to collapse and then release the artery under the cuff in a controlled
manner, and a mercury or aneroid manometer to measure the pressure.

Fig. Spigmomanometer.
Fig. Sphygmomanometer with Stethoscope to measure blood pressure manually.

How does sphygmomanometer monitor Blood Pressure?

A sphygmomanometer is composes of an inflatable rubber cuff, which is wrapped

around the arm.

When the cuff's pressure equals the arterial systolic pressure, blood begins to flow
past the cuff, creating blood flow turbulence and audible sounds.

Manual sphygmomanometers are used with a stethoscope when using the auscultatory

Doppler US

An application of diagnostic ultrasound used to detect moving blood cells or other

moving structures and measure their direction and speed of movement. The Doppler effect is
used to evaluate movement by measuring changes in frequency of the echoes reflected
from moving structures.
Doppler ultrasound (US) can be used as an intermittent measurement of
cerebral blood flow velocity in large cerebral blood vessels, and to estimate cerebral
perfusion and resistance to cerebral blood flow (CBF).

Ultrasonic flow meter

An ultrasonic flow meter is a type of flow meter that measures the velocity of a fluid
with ultrasound to calculate volume flow.

Using ultrasonic transducers, the flow meter can measure the average velocity along the
path of an emitted beam of ultrasound, by averaging the difference in measured transit
time between the pulses of ultrasound propagating into and against the direction of the
flow or by measuring the frequency shift from the Doppler Effect.

Fig. Schematic view of a flow sensor.

Principle of operation of Ultrasonic flow meter

Ultrasonic flow meters measure the difference between the transit time of ultrasonic
pulses propagating with and against the flow direction. This time difference is a measure for
the average velocity of the fluid along the path of the ultrasonic beam.

By using the absolute transit times tup and tdown, both the averaged fluid velocity v and
the speed of sound c can be calculated.

Using these two transit times, the distance between receiving and transmitting transducers, L
and the inclination angle, α, if we assume that sound has to go against the flow when
going up and along the flow when returning down, then one can write the following
equations from the definition of velocity:

By adding and subtracting the above equations we get,

where v is the average velocity of the fluid along the sound path and c is the speed of sound.

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