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Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky

Elphinstone Dayrellhy






Earth- this where the story begins because water was placed on land

Sky- this is the last setting of the story this where the story ended.


Numerous years prior, the sun and water were extraordinary companions, and the two of them
lived on the earth together. The sun regularly used to visit the water, yet the water stayed away
forever the visits. Finally, the sun asked the water for what good reason he never visited. The
water answered that the sun's home was not large enough, and that in the event that he
accompanied every one of his kin, he would drive the sun out of his home. The water at that
point stated, 'On the off chance that you need me to visit you, you should construct a greater
house. Yet, I caution you that it should be enormous, as I have numerous family members and
companions and we occupy a ton of space. The sun vowed to construct an immense house, and
soon a short time later he got back to his significant other, the moon, who welcomed him with an
expansive grin. The sun mentioned to the moon what he had guaranteed the water, and the
following day they started fabricating a huge house to engage the water and all his loved ones. At
the point when it was done, the sun requested that the water come and visit him. At the point
when the water showed up, he shouted to the sun and asked him whether it would be ok for all
his loved ones to enter, and the sun replied, 'Truly, you may all come in. The water started to
stream in, trailed by the fish and the various water creatures. Very soon, the water was knee-
somewhere down in the house, so the water inquired as to whether it was as yet sheltered, and
the sun again stated, 'Indeed, if you don't mind come into my home.' So the water and all his
family kept on coming in. When the water was at the degree of a man's head, the water said to
the sun, 'Do you despite everything need a greater amount of my kin to come?' Not knowing any
better, the sun and the moon both stated, 'Indeed, more is always better.' So increasingly more of
the water's kin came in, until the sun and the moon needed to sit on the rooftop. At the point
when the water streamed over the highest point of the rooftop, the sun and the moon had to go
out of sight ...

… and they have been there from that point forward.

Theme/Main idea

The theme or the main idea of the story is about friendship, love and hospitability because sun
and moon provided a huge area for water and they don’t even care how many relatives of water
will come. Until the husband and wife go up and stay on the sky up until now. The relevance of
this on the present time, which is we are facing an issue right now-Covid 19, people nowadays
are helping through money, shelter, food, compassion and hospitability people also today will
do everything to help because what we only need to do is unity to flatten the curve and our main
goal is to stop the spread of this virus.

Quotes from the story

“Indeed, more is always better.”

Myth of Leto










This is an island where Leto found her refuge to give birth to her twins


This is where the Giant Tityos attempted to abduct Leto

Leto was one of the Titanides (female titans), a bride of Zeus, and the mother of the twin Gods
Apollon and Artemis. She was the goddess of motherhood and, with her children, a protectress
of the young. Her name and iconography suggest she was also a goddess of modesty and
womanly demure. Like her sister Asteria she may also have been a goddess of the night, or
alternatively of the light of day.

When Leto was pregnant with the twins she was pursued relentlessly by the goddess Hera, who
drove her from land to land preventing her from finding a place to rest and give birth. The
floating island of Delos eventually provided her refuge. Later when she was later travelling to
Delphoi (Delphi), the giant Tityos (Tityus) attempted to abduct her, but Apollon intervened and
slew him with arrows.

Theme/main idea of the story

The theme of the story is about bravery and compassion because it is shown that a mother would
do everything to protect her son and there is always someone will bear a hand to help you to find
a safe place. In our current situation our careful mothers is our front liner that will do everything
and risk their lives just to flatten the curve of the cases of COVID-19 and the other one is just
like Hera there are people that will donate some of their money just to distribute foods for the
poor and PPE’s for the front liners.

Quote of the story

“with courage you will dare to take the risk”

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