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Rationale for Salo -Salo or Boodle Fight:

It is a traditional way of eating with bare hands ,were in foods are shared with friends to promote

Rules and regulations for Salo-Salo:

1. Since each class is composed of 40 students, students would be group that will be composed
of 5 memebers and would bring foods that are needed for the Salo- Salo.
2. As much as possible stick to the traditional salo-salo or boodle fights that inclides essetial foods
such but not limited to
1. Plain Rice
2. Tortang talong
3. Grilled fish
4. Pancit Bihon
5. Mangoes with bagoong
6. Shrimps

3. There will be no plates, instead banana leaves would be use to prepare for the salo salo.
4. No using of utensils, only bare hands.
5. Ensure every body has wash their hands.
6. All foods must in the table must be finish. NO LEFT OVER
7. NO BREAKS ! Foods must be finish first.
8. All students are encourage to try all foods in the salo salo except for students who have allergies
on certain foods.
9. After the salo -salo students must help on cleaning the area.
10. Lastly ensure that the salo salo would be festive.

The following things would be needed for the salo salo but not limited to

1. Banana leaves
2. Tables
3. Alcohol for disinfecting
4. Tissues/ wipes
5. Trash plastic

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