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Universidad de El Salvador

Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas

Departamento de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia

Carrera: Licenciatura en Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia

Asignatura: Fisiología Animal I

Título: Práctica 7, Ejercicio 3 del simulador virtual PhysioEx 9.1 “Neurofisiología

del impulso nervioso, actividades de la 1 a la 9”

Coordinador de cátedra: M. V. Z. Juan Manuel Alvarado Sorto

Docente colaborador: MSP M. V. Z. María José Vargas Artiga

Grupos N°: 05

Ciclo I 2022

N° Integrantes N° de carné %

1 Br. Márquez Romero, Kenia Allison MR20107 100%

2 Br. Martínez Jovel, Michelle Beatríz MJ19012 100%

3 Br. Mejía Quintanilla, Kevin Alejandro MQ19011 100%

4 Br. Méndez Barrera, Daniel Edgardo MB18021 100%

5 Br. Mendoza Cruz, Ingrid Dayana MC20003 100%

Ciudad universitaria, 16 de mayo del 2022

Name: Grupo 05

Exercise 3: Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses: Activity 1: The Resting Membrane Potential Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. What is the approximate concentration of K+ inside a typical cell (intracellular concentration)?

You correctly answered: a. 150 mM

2. What is the approximate concentration of K+ outside a cell (extracellular concentration)?

You correctly answered: b. 5 mM

3. What is the approximate concentration of Na+ inside a cell (intracellular concentration)?

You correctly answered: b. 5 mM

4. What is the approximate concentration of Na+ outside a cell (extracellular concentration)?

You correctly answered: a. 150 mM

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: Predict what will happen to the resting membrane potential if the extracellular K+ concentration is
Your answer : b. The resting membrane potential will become less negative.

Stop & Think Questions:

What is the polarity of the resting membrane potential (voltage)?
You correctly answered: b. negative

What does it mean that the voltage just inside the membrane is negative?
You correctly answered: b. There are more negative charges than positive charges just inside the membrane.

The membrane of most cells, including neurons, contains passive, open,

K+ leak channels. Given the normal K+ concentrations and the resultant concentration gradient, which direction would K+
be expected to move (diffuse) through these leak channels?
You correctly answered: b. out of the cell

What effect does increasing extracellular K+ have on the net diffusion of K+ out of the cell?
You correctly answered: b. It decreases the net diffusion of K+ .

Which way would Na+ move across the membrane if there were open Na+ channels?
You correctly answered: a. Na+ would diffuse into the cell.

The membrane has open K+ channels, and changing extracellular K+ concentration results in a change in membrane
potential. Changing the extracellular Na+ concentration does not significantly change the membrane potential. What do
your results suggest about the number or state (open or closed) of Na+ channels in the resting membrane of a neuron?
You correctly answered: b. Na+ channels are mostly closed.

Experiment Data:

Extracellular Fluid (ECF) Microelectrode Position Voltage (mV)

Control Cell body extracellular 0
Control Cell body intracellular -70
Control Axon extracellular 0
Control Axon intracellular -70
High K+ Axon intracellular -40
High K+ Axon extracellular 0
High K+ Cell body extracellular 0
High K+ Cell body intracellular -40
Low Na+ Cell body intracellular -72
Low Na+ Cell body extracellular 0
Low Na+ Axon extracellular 0
Low Na+ Axon intracellular -72

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 3 out of 3 questions correctly.

1. A negative membrane potential was recorded when the tip of the microelectrode was
You correctly answered: d. both inside the cell body and inside the axon.

2. Which of the following caused a change in membrane potential from -70 to -40 in the cell body?
You correctly answered: a. an increase in extracellular K+

3. Which of the following has the most negative voltage?

You correctly answered: c. between the inside of the axon and the outside of the axon with control K+ ECF

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Review Sheet Results
1. Explain why increasing extracellular K+ reduces the net diffusion of K+ out of the neuron through the K+ leak
Your answer:
La difusión neta de K+ se ve reducida porque al aumentar el potasio extracelular se reduce el gradiente de concentración
(pierde su potencia)

2. Explain why increasing extracellular K+ causes the membrane potential to change to a less negative value. How well
did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
El potasio adentro de la célula se encuentra concentrado, en cambio, afuera de la célula la concentración es baja, por lo
tanto, si se quiere aumentar la concentración de potasio de forma extracelular a este se le hará difícil salir porque estará
en contra de su gradiente y esto es lo que hace que la célula y su potencial se hagan menos negativos

3. Explain why a change in extracellular Na+ did not significantly alter the membrane potential in the resting neuron?
Your answer:
No hubieron cambios significativos en el potencial de la membrana porque esta no es permeable a la acción del ion sodio
por lo tanto contiene menos canales de fuga para Na y esto limita o detiene la difusión neta de sodio dentro o fuera de la
celula de la neurona

4. Discuss the relative permeability of the membrane to Na+ and K+ in a resting neuron.
Your answer:
La membrana de la neurona es sumamente permeable al potasio ya que esta posee una gran cantidad de canales de fuga
que están abiertos y disponibles para el ion K, en cambio, la permeabilidad de la membrana para el sodio es muy baja
porque sus canales de fuga son reducidos y están prácticamente cerrados

5. Discuss how a change in Na+ or K+ conductance would affect the resting membrane potential.
Your answer:
Un cambio en la conductancia del K+ tiene un mayor efecto sobre el potencial de reposo de la membrana que un cambio
en la conductancia del Na+ porque como ya se mencionó en las respuestas anteriores la membrana de la neurona es
mucho más permeable al ion potasio gracias a su gran cantidad de canales de K

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Name: Grupo 05

Exercise 3: Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses: Activity 2: Receptor Potential Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. Assuming that the resting potential of a sensory neuron is -70 mV, which of the following represents a depolarization?
You correctly answered: c. a change to -60 mV

2. Which of the following is a sensory modality (type of sense)?

You correctly answered: e. all of the above

3. Which of the following is a sensory stimulus?

You correctly answered: d. all of the above

4. Which of the following is true of the response of a sensory neuron to the appropriate sensory stimulus?
You correctly answered: c. both a and b

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question 1: The adequate stimulus for a Pacinian corpuscle is pressure or vibration on the skin. Which of the
following modalities will induce the largest amplitude receptor potential in the Pacinian corpuscle
Your answer : c. moderate-intensity pressure

Predict Question 2: The adequate stimuli for olfactory receptors are chemicals, typically odorant molecules. Which of the
following modalities will induce the largest amplitude receptor potential in the olfactory receptor?
Your answer : a. moderate-intensity chemical

Stop & Think Questions:

Why didn't the Pacinian corpuscle respond to high-intensity light?
You correctly answered: b. Light-transducing proteins are not present in the Pacinian corpuscle.

Judging from these results, does light have a smell?

You correctly answered: b. no

Why did the free nerve ending respond to several different modalities?
You correctly answered: c. The sensory end of this nerve is less specialized.

Experiment Data:

Receptor Modality Intensity Resting Peak Value of Amplitude of

Potential (mv) Response (mv) Response (mv)
Pacinian corpuscle --- --- -70 -70 0
Pacinian corpuscle Pressure Low -70 -60 10
Pacinian corpuscle Pressure Moderate -70 -45 25
Pacinian corpuscle Pressure High -70 -30 40
Pacinian corpuscle Chemical Low -70 -70 0
Pacinian corpuscle Chemical Moderate -70 -70 0
Pacinian corpuscle Chemical High -70 -70 0
Pacinian corpuscle Heat Low -70 -70 0
Pacinian corpuscle Heat Moderate -70 -70 0
Pacinian corpuscle Heat High -70 -70 0
Pacinian corpuscle Light Low -70 -70 0
Pacinian corpuscle Light Moderate -70 -70 0
Pacinian corpuscle Light High -70 -70 0
Olfactory receptor --- --- -70 -70 0
Olfactory receptor Pressure Low -70 -70 0
Olfactory receptor Pressure Moderate -70 -70 0
Olfactory receptor Pressure High -70 -70 0
Olfactory receptor Chemical Low -70 -64 6
Olfactory receptor Chemical Moderate -70 -58 12
Olfactory receptor Chemical High -70 -45 25
Olfactory receptor Heat Low -70 -70 0
Olfactory receptor Heat Moderate -70 -70 0
Olfactory receptor Heat High -70 -70 0
Olfactory receptor Light Low -70 -70 0

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Receptor Modality Intensity Resting Peak Value of Amplitude of
Potential (mv) Response (mv) Response (mv)
Olfactory receptor Light Moderate -70 -70 0
Olfactory receptor Light High -70 -70 0
Free nerve ending --- --- -70 -70 0
Free nerve ending Pressure Low -70 -70 0
Free nerve ending Pressure Moderate -70 -70 0
Free nerve ending Pressure High -70 -65 5
Free nerve ending Chemical Low -70 -70 0
Free nerve ending Chemical Moderate -70 -70 0
Free nerve ending Chemical High -70 -70 0
Free nerve ending Heat Low -70 -60 10
Free nerve ending Heat Moderate -70 -40 30
Free nerve ending Heat High -70 -20 50
Free nerve ending Light Low -70 -70 0
Free nerve ending Light Moderate -70 -70 0
Free nerve ending Light High -70 -70 0

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. A very intense stimulus can sometimes stimulate sensory neurons that have evolved for a different modality. Thus, with
a blow to the eye, one "sees stars." In this example the photoreceptors in the eye are responding to
You correctly answered: c. intense pressure.

2. Olfactory receptor neurons respond to low concentrations of chemical odorants because there are membrane proteins in
the receptor ending of this sensory neuron that
You correctly answered: b. can bind and respond to the specific odorant.

3. The sequence of events starting with a sensory stimulus and ending with a change in membrane potential is called
You correctly answered: c. sensory transduction.

4. Starting at a resting membrane potential of -70 mV, a change to which of the following represents the largest receptor
You correctly answered: d. a change to -50 mV

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Review Sheet Results
1. Sensory neurons have a resting potential based on the efflux of potassium ions (as demonstrated in Activity 1). What
passive channels are likely found in the membrane of the olfactory receptor, in the membrane of the Pacinian corpuscle,
and in the membrane of the free nerve ending?
Your answer:
El canal pasivo de potasio (K+) se encontrará en los receptores olfativos, las membranas de los corpúsculos de Pacini y en
la membrana de la terminación nerviosa libre

2. What is meant by the term graded potential?

Your answer:
Los potenciales graduados son cambios breves de polarización que se dan en el potencial de la membrana y puede ser
despolarizante o hiperpolarizante

3. Identify which of the stimulus modalities induced the largest amplitude receptor potential in the Pacinian corpuscle. How
well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
La modalidad de presión de intensidad moderada y alta provocó el potencial receptor de mayor amplitud en el corpúsculo
de Pacini ya que este tiene receptores en su membrana celular que ayudan a reconocer específicamente la presión, tal
como se predijo

4. Identify which of the stimulus modalities induced the largest amplitude receptor potential in the olfactory receptors. How
well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
La modalidad química de intensidad moderada y alta sí indujo el potencial receptor del mayor
amplitud en el olfato

5. The olfactory receptor also contains a membrane protein that recognizes isoamylacetate and, via several other
molecules, transduces the odor stimulus into a receptor potential. Does the Pacinian corpuscle likely have this
isoamylacetate receptor protein? Does the free nerve ending likely have this isoamylacetate receptor protein?
Your answer:
El acetato de isoamilo es un comouesto químico por lo tanto es improbable que el corpúsculo de Pacini y la terminación
nerviosa libre tengan el receptor de acetato de isoamilo porque son estructuras que no respondieron a los estímulos
químicos que se les aplicó

6. What type of sensory neuron would likely respond to the green light?
Your answer:
Seguramente las neuronas que forman parte de los ojos pueden responder ante un estímulo de luz ya que tienen
receptores específicos para ello

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Name: Grupo 05

Exercise 3: Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses: Activity 3: The Action Potential: Threshold Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. Axons are
You correctly answered: d. long, thin structures that extend from a neuronal cell body.

2. Which of the following is easier?

You correctly answered: a. extracellular recordings of the action potential

3. An action potential is usually initiated in an axon at or near

You correctly answered: d. all of the above

4. The initiation of an action potential in a sensory neuron in the body normally

You correctly answered: a. follows a sufficiently large depolarizing receptor potential.

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: How will the action potential at R1 (or R2) change as you continue to increase the stimulus voltage?
Your answer : c. The action potential will not change.

Stop & Think Questions:

Why is the action potential recorded by the second recording electrode (R2) delayed relative to the action potential recorded
by the first recording electrode (R1)?
You correctly answered: c. The action potential had to propagate from R1 to R2.

An increase in extracellular K+ would depolarize a neuron. This depolarization would occur if neurons were damaged. From
what you have just learned about generating an action potential, what effect would this have on nearby axons? The nearby
axonal membranes will ___________.
You correctly answered: b. be depolarized to values near or above threshold voltages.

Experiment Data:

Stimulus Voltage (mV) Peak Value at R1 (µV) Peak Value at R2 (µV) Action Potential
10 0 0 No
20 100 100 Yes
30 100 100 Yes
40 100 100 Yes
50 100 100 Yes

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 3 out of 3 questions correctly.

1. The threshold voltage in an axon is usually

You correctly answered: a. less negative than the resting membrane potential.

2. If a graded receptor potential made the resting membrane potential of the axon more negative (for example, -70 mV
changes to -75 mV), you would expect
You correctly answered: d. it to be more difficult for this axon to reach the threshold voltage.

3. Failure to reach the threshold voltage in the axon of a sensory neuron could be caused by
You correctly answered: d. all of the above.

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Review Sheet Results
1. Define the term threshold as it applies to an action potential.
Your answer:
Umbral es el estímulo mínimo o el voltaje que debe alcanzar para generar un potencial de acción

2. What change in membrane potential (depolarization or hyperpolarization) triggers an action potential?

Your answer:
La despolarización es el cambio en el potencial de la membrana que desencadena un potencial de acción

3. How did the action potential at R1 (or R2) change as you increased the stimulus voltage above the threshold voltage?
How well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
La predicción coincidió con los resultados ya que el potencial de acción no cambió a medida se aumentaba el voltaje
debido a que el axon que se encuentra en los canales de Na y K (los regula el voltaje) se va a cerrar en el momento en que
llegue a una determinada polarización (apróximadamente 30 mV +) evitando que entre Na y permitiendo la
hiperpolarización de la célula donde se liberará K

4. An action potential is an "all-or-nothing" event. Explain what is meant by this phrase

Your answer:
Los potenciales de acción se consideran un evento de “todo o nada”, en el sentido de que, una vez que se alcanza el
potencial umbral, la neurona siempre se despolariza por completo. Una vez que se completa la despolarización, la célula
ahora debe restablecer el voltaje de su membrana al potencial de reposo

5. What part of a neuron was investigated in this activity?

Your answer:
El axón y su zona de activación fue lo que se observó en la realización de este experimento

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Name: Grupo 05

Exercise 3: Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses: Activity 4: The Action Potential: Importance of Voltage-Gated Na+
channels Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. Voltage-gated Na+ channels are membrane channels that open

You correctly answered: b. when the membrane depolarizes.

2. When open, Na+ channels allow

You correctly answered: a. Na+ ions to diffuse into the cell.

3. Which of the following is true of an action potential?

You correctly answered: d. All of these answers are correct.

4. Which of the following can reduce the likelihood of an action potential?

You correctly answered: d. All of these can reduce the likelihood of an action potential.

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question 1: If you apply TTX between recording electrodes R1 and R2, what effect will the TTX have on the action
potentials at R1 and R2?
Your answer : c. TTX will block the response at R2 but have no effect at R1.

Predict Question 2: If you apply lidocaine between recording electrodes R1 and R2, what effect will the lidocaine have on
the action potentials at R1 and R2?
Your answer : c. Lidocaine will block the response at R2 but have no effect at R1.

Stop & Think Questions:

2. Enter the peak value of the response at R1 and R2 in the field below and then click Submit Data to record your answer
in the lab report.
You answered: 100 µV

With a slower timescale, the appearance of the action potentials generated at R1 and R2 will appear to
You correctly answered: c. be compressed in time but have the same peak value of response.

Why do you think TTX is not used during dental procedures?

You correctly answered: c. TTX irreversibly blocks voltage-gated sodium channels in axonal membranes.

Experiment Data:

Condition Stimulus Electrode Peak Value Peak Value Peak Value Peak Value Peak Value
Voltage (mV) of Response of Response of Response of Response of Response
(µV) 2 sec (µV) 4 sec (µV) 6 sec (µV) 8 sec (µV) 10 sec
Control 30 R1 100 100 100 100 100
Control 30 R2 100 100 100 100 100
TTX 30 R1 100 100 100 100 100
TTX 30 R2 100 100 0 0 0
Lidocaine 30 R1 100 100 100 100 100
Lidocaine 30 R2 100 100 100 0 0

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. In the control, the amplitudes of the action potentials at R1 and R2 are the same. Which of the following explains this?
You correctly answered: d. All of these are reasonable explanations.

2. Blocking the voltage-gated Na+ channels between R1 and R2 with TTX blocks
You correctly answered: d. the propagation of the action potential from R1 to R2.

3. When voltage-gated Na+ channels between R1 and R2 are blocked with TTX, an action potential is still recorded at R1
You correctly answered: b. the voltage-gated Na+ channels between the stimulus and R1 are unaffected by the TTX.

4. Puffer fish must be prepared carefully and properly before they can be eaten. Eating puffer fish can cause numbness of
the lips, probably because
You correctly answered: a. action potentials from sensory neurons in the lips are blocked.

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Review Sheet Results
1. What does TTX do to voltage-gated Na+ channels?
Your answer:
La tetrodotoxina es una neurotoxina potente que bloquea irreversiblemente la difusión de Na+ a través de los canales de
Na+ dependientes de voltaje

2. What does lidocaine do to voltage-gated Na+ channels? How does the effect of lidocaine differ from the effect of TTX?
Your answer:
La lidocaína a diferencia de la tetrodotoxina es unanestésico local, por lo tanto su efecto es reversible y bloquea la
difusión de ion sodio a través de los canales de Na+ dependientes del voltaje

3. A nerve is a bundle of axons, and some nerves are less sensitive to lidocaine. If a nerve, rather than an axon, had been
used in the lidocaine experiment, the responses recorded at R1 and R2 would be the sum of all the action potentials (called
a compound action potential). Would the response at R2 after lidocaine application necessarily be zero? Why or why not?
Your answer:
Probablemente la respuesta no sería necesariamente cero porque el potencial de acción no puede asegurar al 100% que
todos los axones van a verse afectados ante la lidocaína ya que algunos pueden mantenerse intactos por diversos factores

4. Why are fewer action potentials recorded at recording electrodes R2 when TTX is applied between R1 and R2? How
well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Se cumplió la predicción ya que TTX bloqueó los canales de sodio evitando la propagación del potencial de acción de R1 a

5. Why are fewer action potentials recorded at recording electrodes R2 when lidocaine is applied between R1 and R2?
How well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
La lidocaína al igual que la tetrodotoxina sí bloqueó los canales de sodio y evitó que el potencial de acción se propagara o
diseminara de R1 a R2, debido a que al estímular la lidocaína esta entró al axon, se activó y bloqueó

6. Pain-sensitive neurons (called nociceptors) conduct action potentials from the skin or teeth to sites in the brain involved
in pain perception. Where should a dentist inject the lidocaine to block pain perception?
Your answer:
La inyección se aplica directamente en el espacio periodontal mesial y distal de los dientes anteriores y en los premolares,
específicamente la lidocaína se debe aplicar a los receptores para prevenir la generación de un potencial de acción que
conduciría a la percepción del dolor

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Name: Grupo 05

Exercise 3: Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses: Activity 5: The Action Potential: Measuring Its Absolute and Relative
Refractory Periods Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. Which of the following occurs after the peak of the action potential?
You correctly answered: d. All of these occur.

2. What is meant by Na+ channel inactivation?

You correctly answered: b. The Na+ channel no longer allows Na+ ions to pass through it.

3. What happens when voltage-gated K+ channels open?

You correctly answered: d. All of these occur.

4. It is harder to generate a second action potential soon after the first action potential because
You correctly answered: d. All of these make it harder to generate a second action potential.

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: If you further decrease the interval between the stimuli, will the threshold for the second action potential
Your answer : c. The threshold for the second action potential will be higher (requiring a larger depolarization).

Stop & Think Questions:

Threshold can be defined as the minimum voltage needed to generate an action potential. Is the threshold for the first action
potential the same as, or different from, the threshold for the second action potential with a 60 msec interval?
You correctly answered: a. The threshold for the first action potential is lower than the threshold for the second action

Experiment Data:

Interval Between Stimuli (msec) Stimulus Voltage (mV) Second Action Potential?
250 20 Yes
125 20 Yes
60 20 No
60 25 No
60 30 Yes
30 30 No
30 35 No
30 40 No
30 45 Yes
15 60 Yes
7.5 60 Yes
3.75 60 No

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.

1. What is the original threshold for this neuron?

You correctly answered: a. A 20 mV depolarization to -50 mV.

2. As the interval between stimuli decreases, the depolarization needed to generate the second action potential
You correctly answered: a. increases.

3. Judging from your results, what time period after the first action potential best describes the relative refractory period
(the time when a second action potential can be generated only if the stimulus intensity is increased)?
You correctly answered: c. 7.5 ms-60 msec

4. At what interval between stimuli did the second action potential fail, regardless of the stimulus intensity?
You correctly answered: d. 3.75 msec

5. What is the absolute refractory period for this neuron?

You correctly answered: d. 3.75 msec

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Review Sheet Results
1. Define inactivation as it applies to a voltage-gated sodium channel.
Your answer:
Los canales de Na+ dependientes de voltaje están inactivos cuando ya no permiten que el sodio o cualquier otro ion pase a
través de ellos

2. Define the absolute refractory period.

Your answer:
Es el intervalo en el que falla o no se puede generar el segundo potencial de acción sin importar la fuerza de un estímulo

3. How did the threshold for the second action potential change as you further decreased the interval between the stimuli?
How well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Se cree que la predicción se cumplió ya que efectivamente se observó que el umbral para el segundo potencial de acción
fue más alto y requirió una mayor fuerza en el estímulo

4. Why is it harder to generate a second action potential during the relative refractory period?
Your answer:
Es más difícil porque algunos de los canales dependientes de voltaje como el de sodio y potasio se oponen a la
despolarización y están abiertos durante este tiempo, por lo tanto, esta oposición requiere un estímulo más fuerte

05/10/22 page 10
Name: Grupo 05

Exercise 3: Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses: Activity 6: The Action Potential: Coding for Stimulus Intensity Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. The time after an action potential when a second action potential cannot be generated no matter how intense the
stimulus is called the
You correctly answered: b. absolute refractory period.

2. The time after an action potential when a second action potential can be generated only if the stimulus intensity is
increased is called the
You correctly answered: c. relative refractory period.

3. The term frequency refers to

You correctly answered: c. the number of action potentials per second.

4. The purpose of this activity is to explore

You correctly answered: b. the relationship between stimulus intensity and the frequency of action potentials.

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question: What effect will the increased stimulus intensity have on the frequency of action potentials?
Your answer : c. The frequency of action potentials will increase.

Stop & Think Questions:

4. At the site of stimulation, the stimulus keeps the membrane of the axon at threshold for a long time, but this depolarization
does not spread to the recording electrode. After one action potential has been generated and the axon has fully recovered
from its absolute and relative refractory periods, the stimulus is still present to generate another action potential

Measure the time (in milliseconds) between action potentials. This interval should be a bit longer than the relative refractory
period (measured in Activity 5).

Click Measure to help determine the time between action potentials. A thin, vertical yellow line appears at the first action
potential. You can move the line in 10 millisecond increments by clicking the + and - buttons beside the time display, which
shows the time at the line. Subtract the time at the first action potential from the time at the second action potential to
determine the interval between them.

Enter the interval between action potentials in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your answer in the data
You answered: 100 milliseconds

5. The interval between action potentials is sometimes called the interspike interval (ISI). Action potentials are sometimes
referred to as spikes because of their rapid time course.

From the ISI, you can calculate the action potential frequency. The frequency is the reciprocal of the interval and is usually
expressed in hertz (Hz), which is events (action potentials) per second. From the ISI you entered, calculate the frequency of
action potentials with a prolonged (500 msec) threshold stimulus intensity. Frequency = 1/ISI. (Convert the ISI to seconds
before calculating the frequency.)

Enter the frequency in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your answer in the data table.
You answered: 10 Hz

7. Enter the interval between action potentials (the ISI) in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your answer
in the data table.

Click Measure to help determine the time between action potentials. A thin, vertical yellow line appears at the far left side of
the oscilloscope screen. You can move the line in 10 millisecond increments by clicking the + and - buttons beside the time
display, which shows the time at the line.
You answered: 60 milliseconds

8. From the ISI you entered, calculate the frequency of action potentials with a prolonged (500 msec) 30 mV stimulus
intensity. Frequency = 1/ISI.

Enter the frequency in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your answer in the data table.
You answered: 17 Hz

11. Enter the interval between action potentials (the ISI) in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your

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answer in the data table.

Click Measure to help determine the time between action potentials. A thin, vertical yellow line appears at the far left side of
the oscilloscope screen. You can move the line in 10 millisecond increments by clicking the + and - buttons beside the time
display, which shows the time at the line.
You answered: 30 milliseconds

12. From the ISI you entered, calculate the frequency of action potentials with a prolonged (500 msec) 45 mV stimulus
intensity. Frequency = 1/ISI.

Enter the frequency in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your answer in the data table.
You answered: 33 Hz

Experiment Data:

Stimulus Voltage (mV) Stimulus Duration (msec) ISI (msec) Action Potential Frequency (Hz)
20 0.5 --- ---
20 500 100 10
30 500 60 17
45 500 30 33

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05/11/22 page 4
Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. If the interval between action potentials (the interspike interval) is 0.1 (1/10) seconds, what frequency of action potentials
would be observed?
You correctly answered: c. 10 Hz

2. With a prolonged stimulus that is just above (more depolarized than) threshold, you would expect to get additional action
potentials when the membrane has completed
You correctly answered: b. the absolute and relative refractory periods.

3. Which of the following changes occurs when you increase the stimulus intensity?
You correctly answered: c. The frequency of action potentials increases.

4. The absolute refractory period is about 3.75 msec. What intensity stimulus would produce action potentials with this
interspike interval?
You correctly answered: d. None of these stimuli would produce action potentials at this high frequency.

05/11/22 page 5
Review Sheet Results
1. Why are multiple action potentials generated in response to a long stimulus that is above threshold?
Your answer:
Un estímulo prolongado o largo que está por encima del umbral da tiempo para la recuperación y por lo tanto activa
múltiples potenciales de acción después del período refractario relativo

2. Why does the frequency of action potentials increase when the stimulus intensity increases? How well did the results
compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
En el experimento la frecuencia de los potenciales de acción sí aumentó debido a que fue creciendo la intensidad del
estímulo y desencadenó o estimuló dichos potenciales de acción haciendo que surgieran una gran cantidad de ellos dentro
del período refractario

3. How does threshold change during the relative refractory period?

Your answer:
Surge un aumento del umbral durante ese período

4. What is the relationship between the interspike interval and the frequency of action potentials?
Your answer:
La frecuencia de los potenciales de acción es el recíproco del intervalo entre picos con una conversión de milisegundos a

05/11/22 page 6
Name: Grupo 05

Exercise 3: Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses: Activity 7: The Action Potential: Conduction Velocity Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.

1. An action potential can be propagated along an axon because there are __________ channels in the membrane.
You correctly answered: d. voltage-gated

2. The units of conduction velocity are

You correctly answered: d. meters/second.

3. Which of the following will affect axonal conduction velocity?

You correctly answered: c. both the diameter of the axon and the amount of myelination

4. Which of the following describes an A fiber?

You correctly answered: a. large diameter, heavily myelinated

5. Which of the following describes a C fiber?

You correctly answered: c. small diameter, unmyelinated

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question 1: How will the conduction velocity in the B fiber compare with that in the A Fiber?
Your answer : b. The conduction velocity in the B fiber will be slower because the B fiber has a smaller diameter and less

Predict Question 2: How will the conduction velocity in the C fiber compare with that in the B Fiber?
Your answer : b. The conduction velocity in the C fiber will be slower because the C fiber has a smaller diameter and less

Stop & Think Questions:

3. Note the difference in time between the action potential recorded at R1 and the action potential recorded at R2. The
distance between these sets of recording electrodes is 10 centimeters (0.1 m).

Convert the time from milliseconds to seconds, enter the time (in seconds) in the field below, and then click Submit Data to
display your results in the grid.
You answered: 0.002 sec

4. Calculate the conduction velocity in meters/second by dividing the distance between R1 and R2 (0.1 m) by the time it took
for the action potential to travel from R1 to R2.

Enter the conduction velocity in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the grid.
You answered: 50 m/sec

7. Note the difference in time between the action potential recorded at R1 and the action potential recorded at R2.

Convert the time from milliseconds to seconds, enter the time (in seconds) in the field below, and then click Submit Data to
display your results in the grid.
You answered: 0.01 sec

8. Calculate the conduction velocity in meters/second by dividing the distance between R1 and R2 (0.1 m) by the time it took
for the action potential to travel from R1 to R2.

Enter the conduction velocity in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the grid.
You answered: 10 m/sec

11. Note the difference in time between the action potential recorded at R1 and the action potential recorded at R2.

Convert the time from milliseconds to seconds, enter the time (in seconds) in the field below, and then click Submit Data to
display your results in the grid.
You answered: 0.1 sec

12. Calculate the conduction velocity in meters/second by dividing the distance between R1 and R2 (0.1 m) by the time it
took for the action potential to travel from R1 to R2.

Enter the conduction velocity in the field below and then click Submit Data to display your results in the grid.
You answered: 1 m/sec

05/11/22 page 2
Experiment Data:

Axon Type Myelination Stimulus Distance From Time Between Time Between Conduction
Voltage (mV) R1 to R2 (m) APs (msec) APs (sec) Velocity (m/sec)
A fiber Heavy 30 0.1 2 0.002 50
B fiber Light 30 0.1 10 0.01 10
C fiber None 30 0.1 100 0.1 1

05/11/22 page 3
05/11/22 page 4
Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. Action potential conduction velocity is fastest in which of the following fibers?

You correctly answered: a. A fibers

2. Action potential conduction velocity is slowest in which of the following fibers?

You correctly answered: c. C fibers

3. Why did the timescale have to be changed to measure the conduction velocity of the C fibers?
You correctly answered: b. The total time shown on the oscilloscope would have been too short to see the action potential at

4. The axons from touch fibers are A fibers, and the axons from pain fibers are C fibers. When you stub your toe, which
would you expect to perceive first?
You correctly answered: b. your toe touching something

05/11/22 page 5
Review Sheet Results
1. How did the conduction velocity in the B fiber compare with that in the A Fiber? How well did the results compare with
your prediction?
Your answer:
La predicción seleccionada fue correcta ya que la velocidad de conducción en la fibra B fue mucho más lenta que en la
fibra A, esto debido a que a simple vista se observaba que la fibra B tenía un diámetro más pequeño o mediano y estaba
menos mielinizada que la fibra A

2. How did the conduction velocity in the C fiber compare with that in the B Fiber? How well did the results compare with
your prediction?
Your answer:
En este caso se realizó el mismo analisis anterior y se logró observar que la fibra C era aún más pequeña y delgada en
comparación con la fibra B y por lo tanto no presentaba mielina, estos factores fueron los que hicieron que la velocidad de
conducción en la fibra C fuese menor en comparacion con la fibra anterior, por lo tanto la predicción fue correcta

3. What is the effect of axon diameter on conduction velocity?

Your answer:
Cuando el diámetro del axón es grande se genera una velocidad de conducción mayor debido a la menor resistencia del
flujo de iones

4. What is the effect of the amount of myelination on conduction velocity?

Your answer:
La mielina es una sustancia que envuelve y protege los axones de ciertas células nerviosas y cuya función principal es la
de aumentar la velocidad de transmisión del impulso nervioso, esto se da gracias a que hay menos fugas de iones por el
aislamiento de mielina

5. Why did the time between the stimulation and the action potential at R1 differ for each axon?
Your answer:
El tiempo entre la estimulación y el potencial de acción en R1 difirió porque cada axón tenía un tamaño de diámetro y una
cantidad de mielinización diferente

6. Why did you need to change the timescale on the oscilloscope for each axon?
Your answer:
Fue necesario cambiar la escala de tiempo porque a medida se iba disminuyendo la velocidad de conducción para la fibra
B y C se llevaba más tiempo en registrar y detectar sus potenciales de acción y se debe tomar en cuenta que la fibra B era
10 veces más lenta que la fibra A y la fibra C era 100 veces más lenta que la fibra A debido a sus diametros pequeños y su
falta de mielinización

05/11/22 page 6
Name: Grupo 05

Exercise 3: Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses: Activity 8: Chemical Synaptic Transmission and Neurotransmitter Release
Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.

1. The end of the axon where it contacts a target is called the

You correctly answered: c. axon terminal.

2. Neurotransmitter is released into the synaptic gap by

You correctly answered: a. exocytosis.

3. Exocytosis of neurotransmitter from the axon terminal is triggered by an increase in the intracellular concentration of
You correctly answered: c. Ca2+ .

4. Neurotransmitter released into the synaptic gap reaches the target cell by
You correctly answered: b. diffusion.

5. At the target, neurotransmitter

You correctly answered: d. does all of the above.

05/13/22 page 1
Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question 1: You have just observed that each action potential in a burst can trigger additional neurotransmitter
release. If calcium ions are removed from the extracellular solution, what will happen to neurotransmitter release at the axon
Your answer : d. There will be no neurotransmitter release.

Predict Question 2: What will happen to neurotransmitter release when low amounts of calcium are added back to the
extracellular solution?
Your answer : b. Neurotransmitter release will increase a small amount.

Predict Question 3: What will happen to neurotransmitter release when magnesium is added to the extracellular solution?
Your answer : b. There will be less neurotransmitter release than in the control solution.

Stop & Think Questions:

Why does the stimulus intensity affect the amount of neurotransmitter release at the axon terminal?
You correctly answered: d. Both a and b are correct.

Why is there no neurotransmitter release from the axon terminal when there are no calcium ions in the extracellular
You correctly answered: c. Exocytosis of the synaptic vesicles is calcium dependent.

Why did the high intensity stimulation fail to trigger the same amount of neurotransmitter release in the presence of
extracellular Mg2+ as in the control extracellular solution?
You correctly answered: a. Mg2+ blocks the calcium channels in the axon terminal.

Experiment Data:

05/13/22 page 2
Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. How is the neurotransmitter stored in the axon terminal before it is released?

You correctly answered: c. contained in synaptic vessicles

2. Are neurotransmitter molecules released one at a time or in packets?

You correctly answered: b. in packets

3. With the normal extracellular calcium concentration, [Ca2+ ], when the action potential reaches the axon terminal it
You correctly answered: b. release of neurotransmitter by exocytosis.

4. Comparing the low intensity stimulus to the high intensity stimulus, the high intensity stimulus causes
You correctly answered: b. more synaptic vesicles to undergo exocytosis

05/13/22 page 3
Review Sheet Results
1. When the stimulus intensity is increased, what changes: the number of synaptic vesicles released or the amount of
neurotransmitter per vesicle?
Your answer:
Cuando se aumentaba la intensidad del estímulo se elevaba el número de vesículas sinápticas liberadas, este resultado
dependía de la presencia de Ca2+ ya que es el elemento que ayuda a estimular la liberación de neurotransmisores

En las soluciones de Ca2+, bajo Ca2+ y Mg2+, la estimulación de la neurona en las diferentes intensidades promovió una
alta o baja liberación de neurotransmisores dependiendo de la concentración o presencia de calcio, en cambio, cuando la
neurona se sometió a la solución sin el ion calcio no pasó nada porque no los canales estaban cerrados y no había

2. What happened to the amount of neurotransmitter release when you switched from the control extracellular fluid to the
extracellular fluid with no Ca2+ ? How well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
La predicción seleccionada fue la correcta ya que no se liberó ningún neurotransmisor cuando se hizo el cambio del líquido
extracelular control al líquido extracelular sin calcio ya que como se mencionó anteriormente dicho elemento debe estar
presente para que funcione la exocitosis de las vesículas sinápticas

3. What happened to the amount of neurotransmitter release when you switched from the extracellular fluid with no Ca2+
to the extracellular fluid with low Ca2+ ? How well did the results compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Efectivamente, tal como se predijo, la cantidad de liberación de neurotransmisores aumentó cuando se realizó el cambió de
líquido extracelular sin calcio a líquido extracelular con poco calcio porque en lugar de liberar 0 neurotransmisores como
se dio en la solución sin Ca2+, en "Low Ca+2" se liberó 1 vesícula sináptica en la estimulación baja y alrededor de 3
vesículas en la intensidad más alta

4. How did neurotransmitter release in the Mg2+ extracellular fluid compare to that in the control extracellular fluid? How
well did the result compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Sí hubo una liberación de neurotransmisores en el líquido extracelular de magnesio, por lo tanto la predicción fue correcta,
sin embargo, dicha liberación fue notoriamente mucho más baja en comparación con el líquido control de calcio

En el experimento se pudo ver que, con una estimulación de baja intensidad, se liberó 1 vesícula sináptica en la solución
de magnesio, a diferencia de las 2 vesículas liberadas en el fluido de Ca2+ control, luego, con una estimulación alta, se
liberaron 3 vesículas sinápticas en el fluido Mg2+ en comparación con las 6 vesículas que se liberaron en el fluido de

5. How does Mg2+ block the effect of extracellular calcium on neurotransmitter release?
Your answer:
El magnesio bloquea los canales de calcio e impide la liberación de neurotransmisores

05/13/22 page 4
Name: Grupo 05

Exercise 3: Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses: Activity 9: The Action Potential: Putting It All Together Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. Sensory neurons respond to an appropriate sensory stimulus with a change in membrane potential that is
You correctly answered: b. graded with the stimulus intensity.

2. If the depolarization that reaches the axon is large and suprathreshold, the result in the axon is
You correctly answered: c. action potentials at higher frequency.

3. At the axon terminal, each action potential causes the release of neurotransmitter. This neurotransmitter diffuses to the
receiving end of an interneuron, where it binds to receptors and causes
You correctly answered: a. ion channels to open, so that the receiving end of the interneuron depolarizes.

4. Interneurons respond to chemical (neurotransmitter) stimulation with a change in membrane potential that is
You correctly answered: b. graded with the stimulus intensity.

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Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question 1: If you apply a very weak, subthreshold stimulus to the sensory receptor
Your answer : b. a small, depolarizing response will occur at R1, an action potential will occur at R2, and no responses will
occur at R3 and R4.

Predict Question 2: If you apply a moderate stimulus to the sensory receptor

Your answer : d. small, depolarizing responses will occur at all four locations.

Predict Question 3: If you apply a strong stimulus to the sensory receptor

Your answer : c. action potentials will be generated at all 4 locations

Stop & Think Questions:

Observe the two neurons in the petri dish. What do you think is the resting membrane potential at the receiving end of the
sensory neuron (sensory receptor) and the receiving end of the interneuron?
You correctly answered: c. -70 mV

Why is there no response at R3 when you apply a very weak stimulus to the sensory receptor?
You correctly answered: c. The very weak stimulus does not depolarize the axon of the sensory neuron to threshold.

Why is there a larger, depolarizing response at R1 when you apply a moderate intensity stimulus?
You correctly answered: c. The stimulus induces a graded receptor potential at R1.

Experiment Data:

Stimulus Sensory Neuron Sensory Neuron Sensory Neuron Interneuron Interneuron

Membrane Potential AP Frequency Vesicles Released Membrane Potential AP Frequency (Hz)
(mV) Receptor (Hz) in Axon from Axon Terminal (mV) Receiving End in Axon
None -70 -70
Weak -60 0 0 -70 0
Moderate -40 16.6 4 -50 5
Strong -25 33.3 6 -40 10

05/14/22 page 2
05/14/22 page 3
Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.

1. What determines the amplitude of the depolarization at the sensory receptor (R1)?
You correctly answered: a. The strength of the stimulus applied to the sensory receptor.

2. What determines the frequency of action potentials in the axon of the sensory neuron (R2)?
You correctly answered: a. The amplitude of the depolarization at the sensory receptor (R1).

3. Which of the following directly determines the amount of neurotransmitter released at the axon terminal of the sensory
You correctly answered: c. The amount of calcium that enters the sensory receptor.

4. Which of the following directly or indirectly determines the amount of neurotransmitter released at the axon terminal of
the sensory neuron?
You correctly answered: d. All of the above play a role in determining the amount of neurotransmitter released.

5. Which of the following directly or indirectly determines the frequency of action potentials in the axon of the interneuron?
You correctly answered: d. All of the above play a role in determining the frequency of action potentials in the axon of the

05/14/22 page 4
Review Sheet Results
1. Why is the resting membrane potential the same value in both the sensory neuron and the interneuron?
Your answer:
El potencial de membrana en reposo tiene el mismo valor tanto en la neurona sensorial como en la interneurona porque es
el potencial de membrana en reposo típico, por lo que no importa el tipo de neurona que sea este siempre es el mismo

2. Describe what happened when you applied a very weak stimulus to the sensory receptor. How well did the results
compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Según los observado en los resultados del experimento, en efecto se produjo una pequeña respuesta de despolarización
en R1 y un potencial de acción en R2 pero no se generó ninguna respuesta en R3 y R4 tal como se predijo debido a que la
información en envió el receptor sensorial no alcanzó a generar un potencial que superara el umbral

3. Describe what happened when you applied a moderate stimulus was to the sensory receptor. How well did the results
compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
Se cree que la predicción fue correcta porque cuando se aplicó el estímulo moderado al receptor sensorial, se produjo una
respuesta despolarizante más grande en R1 y se generó un potencial de acción en R2 y R3 mediante potenciales

4. Identify the type of membrane potential (graded receptor potential or action potential) that occurred at R1, R2, R3, and
R4 when you applied a moderate stimulus (view Experiment Results to view the response to this stimulus).
Your answer:
Se produjo un estímulo graduado en R3 y R1 y se produjo un potencial de acción en R4 y R2

5. Describe what happened when you applied a strong stimulus to the sensory receptor. How well did the results compare
with your prediction?
Your answer:
La predicción seleccionada fue incorrecta ya que al aplicar un fuerte estímulo al receptor sensorial, se produjo una gran
respuesta despolarizante en R1 y R3 y el potencial de acción se dio en R2 y R4

05/14/22 page 5

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