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Randolf C.

GED109 - A16
1.1 Name:
● Elliot Page (formerly Ellen Page)
● Dominique Jackson (formerly )
1.2 Age
● Elliot Page - 34
● Dominique Jackson - 46
1.3 Gender
● Elliot Page - Male
● Dominique Jackson - Female
1.4 Occupation
● Elliot Page - Actor
● Dominique Jackson - Actress, Model
2. What are the documentary films all about. Retell and give the summary of the
documentary films using your own words.
- To sum the main purpose of the two documentaries, it talks about the
struggles of each of the people in those documentaries, from them being
forced to hide their true selves because they were told that their true selves
were taboo in the industry they work in, at least in the case of Elliot Page that
was what he went through. In the case of Dominique Jackson, she suffered
abuse at a young age from a priest and many other unspeakable experiences
growing up, she did not have a youth as easy as others, what she went
through shaped who she is, a tough, honest, and dependable person.
3. Describe the persons in the documentary. Who were these persons before and
who are these persons now?
- The way these two people are different from who they were before,
transcended their appearance. Before they were the opposite gender as to
what they are currently, they also had different names, which symbolized who
they were and who they are now. With all their experience cumulating who
they would be in the future.
4. How did the persons describe their 'transition period'? Who and what are the
primary considerations in their transitions?
- Personally, I think that Dominique’s transition period was especially difficult
due to her parents being very conservative and religious, it would make sense
that the transition period for her would not be easily accepted. This is due to
religion and family being the significant factors that made the transition period
hard for her, as she still wanted to be with her family, but her mother deemed
who she really was a something that is unnatural or wrong.
Randolf C. Cabugawan
GED109 - A16
5. What are the similarities and differences in their experiences? Use a Venn
Diagram to illustrate the similarities and differences.

6. If you were those people in the documentary, knowing all the things at risk, would
you do the same? Explain your answer by using some theories we discussed in our
- For the particular reason of representing who I truly am, yes I would do the
same what both of them did. Clearly, these two people experienced prejudice
by society, being seen as people who are outright wrong. This makes them
want to “fix” them therefore they will make different attempts to make them
stop being who they are and control them, which is a direct counterpart to the
application of Liberal Feminism, women have the right to control their own
bodies, meaning to let them wear what they want and be what they want.
7. What are your three learning insights after watching the documentary film? Please
- Considering my lack of knowledge about transgenders are lacking, after
watching the film I was enlightened as to what the situations are that make
people transition into the other gender, namely the feeling of being trapped in
someone else’s body, and the constricted expression of one’s true self. Aside
from this, I learned that in Dominique Jackson’s documentary, it scared me to
know that people are being murdered in her birth country for being
transgender. A very severe crime to commit.

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