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Food Guide Pyramid - a pictorial type of the daily food guide to meet the nutrient recommendations

It teaches the principle of healthy eating such as:

 variety of foods every day

 the need for moderation in some food groups;
 while emphasizing the importance of other food items.

Foods are grouped according to richness of certain nutrients.

ONE-DISH meal - Provides a somewhat a balanced proportion of the recommended daily allowances
from each of the major food groups.

full meal includes a protein source, grain, fruits or vegetables, dairy and healthy fats.

One-dish meals provide the daily requirements in a simplified format.

One-dish meals take the form of casseroles, skillet meals, soups, salads and crock-pot meals.

Healthy versions of one-dish meals contain lean cuts of meat, chicken, tuna or non-animal proteins.

A grain such as rice, pasta or bread often serves as a base.

Dried beans and legumes (munggo, utaw, etc.) have almost the same body-building materials found in
animal foods.

Good planning means offering meals that are – NUTRITIOUS, AFFORDABLE, ATTRACTIVE AND DELICIOUS,

Good cooking should – retain nutrients, develop acceptable food flavors, cut down waste

Nutritional/ Dietary Guidelines

Set of pertinent recommendations to promote good health through proper food intake.

Instructions are given in short, simple statements that give advice on the consumption of foods and food

components for which there are public concerns.

Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos (NGF) revised

Organized by the FNRI-DOST an inter-agency and multi-disciplinary technical working group

The 2012 NGF was approved by the National Nutrition Council (NNC) Governing Board through
Resolution Number 6, Series of 2012 during its October 31, 2012 meeting.


Why need to revise?

In response to the changes in the nutrition situation of the country, as reported by the FNRI’s 2008 and
2011 nutrition and health survey results, and in lieu of new nutrition information and related
interventions to address malnutrition.
Aim - The reformulated guidelines as a whole aims to improve the nutritional status that enhances
productivity and quality of life of the population, by following desirable dietary practices and healthy

1. Eat a wide variety of foods everyday

2. Breast-feed infants exclusively from birth up to 6 months, then give appropriate complementary
foods while continuing breast-feeding for 2 years and beyond. for optimum growth and development.

3. Attain normal body weight through proper diet and moderate physical activity to maintain good
health and prevent obesity.

4. Consume fish, lean meat, poultry, egg, dried beans or nuts daily for growth and repair of body tissues.

5. Eat more fruits and vegetables everyday to get the essential vitamins, minerals and fiber for
regulation of body processes.

6. Limit intake of salty, fried, fatty and sugar-rich foods to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

7. Consume milk, milk products, or other calcium-rich foods such as small fish and shellfish every day for
healthy bones and teeth.

8. Use iodized salt to prevent Iodine Deficiency Disorders.

9. Consume safe foods and water to prevent diarrhea and other food and water-borne disease.

10. Be physically active, make healthy food choices, manage stress, avoid drinking alcoholic beverages
and do not smoke to prevent lifestyle-related non-communicable diseases.

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