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[Republic of the Philippines

Schools Division of Cebu Province

District of San Remigio II
Busogon, San Remigio, Cebu


S.Y. 2022- 2023
October 27- 28, 2022
Name:____________________________ Date:__________
Grade & Section:____________________ Score:_________

Direction: Read the statements or questions carefully and then shade the letter of the correct
answer from the choices given before each number.

A B 1. The crust and upper mantle make up Earth’s __________.

A. asthenosphere B. continents
C. core D. lithosphere
A B C D 2. Which theory states that the entire crust is broken and is
continuously moving?
A. Continental Drift B. Plate Tectonics
C. Seafloor Spreading D. Titanic Theory
A B C D 3. What do we call the continuously moving part of the earth’s crust?
A. fault B. fissure
C. fracture D. plate
A B C D 4. What is the outermost layer of the Earth?
A. crust B. inner core
C. mantle D. outer core
A B C D 5. Plates float on the surface of the mantle. Which plate pushes the
Philippine Plate toward the Eurasian Plate?
A. Cocos Plate B. Indo Australian Plate
C. Nazca Plate D. Pacific Plate
A B C D 6. The boundary between two plates moving toward each other is
called a _________.
A. divergent boundary B. transform boundary
C. lithosphere D. convergent boundary
A B C D 7. The East African Rift is an example of a _____________.
A. midocean ridge B. convergent boundary
C. rift valley D. transform boundary
A B C D 8. Plates move apart at __________ boundaries.
A. convergent B. stable
C. divergent D. transform
A B C D 9. Seafloor spreading is located at _________________________.
A. transform plate boundary
B. convergent plate boundary
C. divergent plate boundary
D. Indian plate
A B C D 10. Plates slide past each other at ________________.
A. subduction zone
B. divergent boundary
C. convection current
D. transform fault boundary

A B C D 11. It is otherwise known as an underwater mountain.

A. oceanic ridge B. trench
C. hill D. volcanic island
A B C D 12. It is the point where two plates meet or collide while
A. collision zone B. sinking point
C. subduction zone D. meeting point
A B C D 13. The word used to refer to the shaking of the ground due to any
activity in the lithosphere.
A. intensity B. earthquake
C. volcanism D. wave
A B C D 14. It is a landform produced when two continental plates
A. volcano B. fault
C. mountain D. volcanic island
A B C D 15. It is a chain of volcanoes developed parallel to a trench or a
crack under the ocean.
A. mountain range B. volcanous
C. volcanic island arc D. mountainous
16. D The region in which one plate moves under another
A. rift valley B. subduction zone
C. magma chamber D. vent
A B C D 17. The plastic like upper portion of the mantle is called
A.the magma B. the core
C. the lithosphere D. the asthenosphere
A B C D 18. It is a measure of how much mass there is in a volume of a
A. volume B. temperature
C. density D. mass
19. The motion of gas or liquid caused by differences in tempera
ture is a _________.
A. tectonic movement B. plate tectonic
C. convection current D. magma chamber
A B C D 20. What is the source of heat in a mantle convection current?
A. the Sun B. the crust
C. the core D. the moon
TEST II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write EMM if the statement is true and if FALSE, write MME
if the statement is FALSE.
________________1. Mountains formed in part by igneous activity associated with
subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a continent.
________________2. A boundary in which two plates move toward each other, causing
one of the slabs of the lithosphere to subduct beneath an overriding
________________3. The outer portion of the earth.
________________4. The thick part of the eathr’s crust, not located under the ocean.
________________5. The thin part of the earth’s crust located under the ocean.
________________6. the outermost layer of Earth's lithosphere that makes up the
planet's continents and continental shelves and is formed
near subduction zones at plate boundaries between continental
and oceanic tectonic plates.
_______________7. A region where the crustal plates are moving apart.
_______________8. Vibration of earth due to the rapid release of energy

Clarifying Questions:

1. What is plate tectonics?

2. How is the earth’s surface affected by the movement of the tectonic plates?

3. Where do most movements happen in the Earth’s crust?

4. What are three types of plate boundaries?

5. Matching type: Plate Boundaries

Convergent boundary a. Mid-ocean ridges, rift valleys
Divergent boundary b. Fault lines
Transform boundary c. Subduction, trench, mountains, volcanoes

6. Matching type: Plate Boundaries

Convergent boundary a. Tectonic plates move apart.
Divergent boundary b. Tectonic plates come together.
Transform boundary c. Tectonic plates slide horizontally past each

7. Matching type: Plate Boundaries

Convergent boundary a. Himalayas and the Appalachian mountain
Divergent boundary b. San Andreas Fault
Transform boundary c. Atlantic mid ocean ridge, African rift valley

8. Matching type: Convergent boundaries

Continental to oceanic a. Subduction, volcanoes, and trenches
Oceanic to oceanic b. Subduction, deeper trenches, volcanoes
Continental to continental c. Mountain ranges like the Appalachian and

9. Why do earthquakes shake California?

10. What is the San Andreas Fault?

11. Identify and illustrate the movements of the different types of plate boundaries Use arrows to
indicate directions.


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