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Cultural Reflections Questionnaire

Please complete no later than Wednesday of Week 2, in preparation for “What your ESS Specialist Can Do for
You.” Please take a picture and send a copy to your ESS Specialist once completed. 25 (total) Loyalty Points
may be available for thorough completion of entire document.
1. What is something you are looking forward to doing in the United States?

2. Describe one nursing related reason you wanted to come to the U.S.

3. Describe one non-nursing related reason you wanted to come to the U.S.

4. What do you like to do to de-stress (think hobbies, talents) outside of work?

5. What is your favorite food?

6. What is a tradition from home you are excited to share with your new circle of friends and co-workers?

7. Describe three fun facts about yourself.

8. What do you like best about being a nurse (or therapist)?

9. How are you currently feeling about and handling the Cultural Program?

10. Describe something you’ve learned since arriving in the U.S.

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