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1. Прочитайте наступні прислів'я, що відображають ставлення до

дружбу представників різних культур. Якою мірою це відношення
універсально і якою - національно-специфічне?

Everyone’s friend is no one’s friend. універсальне
Cooked at one stirring makes friends too easily. універсальне
Friends are made in wine and proven in tears. Національно-специфічне
In trade and commerce, friendship cease. Національно-специфічне
Don’t wash the cup of friendship with vinegar. Національно-специфічне
There is no better mirror than an old friend. універсальне
Among soldiers and friends, compliments are superfluous. Національно-
You may find your worst enemy or best friend in yourself. універсаальне
Make your new friends and keep the old; one is silver and the other
is gold. Національно-специфічне
(D.R. Levine, M.B. Adelman. Beyond Language).

2. Перегляньте наступні прислів'я і проаналізуйте, які цінності

відображені в них, які з них діють, в яких ситуаціях і для яких поколінь
вони більш типові.


 Под лежачий камень вода не течет.

 Работа не волк, в лес не убежит.
 Делу время – потехе час.
 За двумя зайцами погонишься – ни одного не поймаешь.
 После драки кулаками не машут.
 Не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей.
 Смех без причины – признак дурачины.
 Кто не рискует, тот не выигрывает.
 Русский долго запрягает, но быстро ездит.

 Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

 All in good time.
 A rolling stone gathers no moss.
 Rome was not built in a day.
 Time is money.
 Practice makes perfect.
 There is no place like home.
 A penny saved is a penny gained.
 One good turn deserves another.
 There are more ways than one to kill a cat.


отриманих результатів,



швидкості, азартність

Щирість у вираженні
Діяльність, ініціатива.

планування часу.



Азарт, ризик.





Под Работа Never put За двумя После Не имей Смех Кто не Русский
лежачий не волк, off till зайцами драки сто без рискует, долго
камень в лес не tomorrow погонишь кулака рублей, причины тот не запрягает,
вода не убежит what you ся – ни ми не а имей – выигрыв но быстро
течет. Делу can do одного не машут. сто признак ает. ездит.
A rolling время – today. поймаешь друзей. дурачин Rome was
stone потехе All in . There is ы. not built in a
gathers час. good time. A penny no place day.
no moss Time is saved is a like
money. penny home.
Practice gained One
makes good
perfect. turn
There are deserves
more ways another.
than one to
kill a cat.

3. Зі списку даних прислів'їв виберіть ті, які можна використовувати під

час обговорення даних тем і конкретних цінностей.

Їжа. Робота і Відпочино Дружба. Пори року. Здоровий

бізнес. кі спосіб
подорож. життя.

Дорога Краще Краще Старий Everything У

ложка до пізно ніж пізно ніж друг is good in здоровому
обіду ніколи ніколи краще its season. тілі
Dry bread Money нових здоровий
at home is makes East or двох. дух
better than money. West home Що посієш Краще
roast meat Many is best. те й пізно ніж
abroad. physicians пожнеш. ніколи.
have killed Краще He who
the king. пізно ніж sleeps
He who ніколи catches no
sleeps A friend in fish.
catches no need is a A good
fish. friend beginning
He works indeed makes a
best who good
knows his ending.
A good
makes a
Being first
the chances
of success

 Краще пізно ніж ніколи.

 У здоровому тілі здоровий дух.
 Дорога ложка до обіду.
 Старий друг краще нових двох.
 Що посієш те й пожнеш.
 Краще синиця в руках, ніж журавель в хмарах.
 Боягуз вмирає тисячу разів.
 Money makes money.
 Many physicians have killed the king.
 He who sleeps catches no fish.
 A friend in need is a friend indeed.
 East or West home is best.
 He works best who knows his trade.
 A good beginning makes a good ending.
 Everything is good in its season.
 An early riser is sure to be in luck.
 Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.

4. До наведених нижче тем / проблем підберіть по 3-4 англійські

прислів'я, які можна було б використовувати в кожному випадку, як
попередження або як порада.
 War and peace.
He that eats while he lasts, will be the war while he die.
Of all War, Peace is the final end.
It is no longer good enought to Cry peace, We must Act peace, Live peace
and Live In Peace.
It is no longer good enough to cry peace. We must act peace, live peace and
live in peace.
 Ignorance.
An ignorant consent is no consent.
Custom is the guide of the ignorant.
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
It is better to conceal one's knowledge than to reveal one's ignorance.
 Wealth (its importance, its disadvantage, its relative unimportance, its
sources, its effects).
Wealth, like want, ruins money
Health is better than wealth.
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
Sell not virtue to purchase wealth.
 The attitude to work.
Every man to his trade.
As is the workman, so is the work.
A Jack of all trades is master of none.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.

5. М. А. Кулинич, вивчаючи англійські, американські і слов’янські

жарти і анекдоти, виявив відмінності в ціннісних орієнтаціях названих
лінгвокультурах [Кулинич, с. 101-102]. Порівняйте їх (див. таблиці дані

Американські цінності Англійські цінності

Рівність  Любов до традицій
Given that we live in an era of What does the Loch Ness monster eat?
equality, it is only fair that for every Fish and ships.
100 men drafted for the war...  Ієрархія / статус / ранг
We shall draft 79 women The Master of the house is comfortably
 Досягати всього самому installed in an armchair in the library.
Kennedy's great-grandfather is the only Irishman Suddenly, his butler rips the door open
who went to America in the May/lower and had and shouts: "Sir, the Thames is
enough money for the fare.
flooding the streets!" The Master looks
 Конкуренція
up calmly and says: "John, please, if
Don’t steal, don’t lie and don’t
you do have something important to
cheat.The government hates
tell me, first knock on the door, then
enter and inform me, in a quiet and
 Невимушеність
civilised manner. Now please, do so".
What's is the difference between
Three seconds later, the Master hears a
ignorance and negligence?
knock on the door. "Yes?" John enters
I don't know and I don't care.
the room, water is flowing over his
 Прямота / відкритість
Columbus discovered America. He peered behind
shoes, and he with a gesture
a long row of garish billboards and there it was announced: "Sir, the Thames".
 Право успадкуваня
 Співробітництво
My parents always told me that
teamwork makes the dream work!
I mean they're divorced now but it
worked for a while
 Дотримання умовностей
Englishmen are notorious lovers; it
only takes the average man ten years to
ask the woman he loves for a kiss.
 Дотримання ритуалів,
прагнення «врятувати
A chap was arrestedfor breaking into
the stately house of the Duke of
Bedford and stealing fourteen
paintings. He might not have been
caught, but he was such a polite
character, he'd gone downstairs and
signed the distinguished-visitors'book
during the robbery.

Американські цінності Словянські цінності

 Контроль над оточенням  Фаталізм, віра в долю

 Контроль і облік часу
 Практичність / діловитість  Людське спілкування
 Ідеалізм

Наведіть приклади, що ілюструють зазначені цінності. Яке місце

виділені цінності займають в картині світу названих лінгвокультурах?
Зіставте думку М.А. Кулинич з відомими вам позиціями вчених щодо
цінностей названих культур.

6. Розташуйте культурні цінності в порядку їх важливості (на вашу

думку) і поясніть, чому ви так зробили.

Card 1: The Pyramid of Values

6) Родина у людини одна, і недобре її залишати.

3) В житті головне - хороші сімейні і дружні відносини.
4) У своєму житті людина повинна прагнути до того, щоб у нього була
спокійна совість і душевна гармонія.
5) Виділятися серед інших і бути яскравою індивідуальністю краще, ніж
жити, як усі.
7) Життя людини - найвища цінність, тільки закон може зазіхнути на неї.
1) Головне в житті - матеріальне благополуччя, а свобода вторинна.
2) Тільки на цікаву роботу можна витратити значну частина життя.
8) Головне в роботі - це скільки за неї платять.
9) У своєму житті людина повинна прагнути до того, щоб у нього був доступ
до влади, можливість впливати на інших.
10) Сенс життя людини в тому, щоб зробити своє власне життя якнайкраще, і
зовсім необов'язково залишати нащадків.

Card 2: The Pyramid of Values

1) гостинність;
2) відкритість;
7) чесність;
4) душевна гармонія;
8) вірність в дружбі;
5) кар'єра;
6) вміння впливати на людей;
9) уміння виділитися серед інших.

На мою думку, українському народу притаманні моральність, релігійність,

взаємотерпимість, миролюбність, доброзичливість, працелюбність, сімейні
цінності. Вони найважливіші в культурі українського народу. Вже після ідуть
різні матеріальні цінності.
7. Read the following text and discuss how values predetermines the
behaviour of a person.

Typical American Behaviour and Values

Watching Americans in action, foreigners sometimes see behaviour that

seems rude or just plain silly. Among them are the following traits.
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry. Almost every American wears a watch, and, in
nearly every room in an American home, there is a clock. “Be on time. Don’t
waste time.” “Time is money.” “Time waits for no one.” All these familiar
sayings reflect American obsession with promptness and efficiency. Students
displease their teachers and employees displease their bosses when they arrive
late. This desire to get the most out of every minute often makes Americans
impatient when they have to wait. It also makes difficult for American to relax.
The desire to save time and do work more quickly and easily lead Americans to
buy many kinds of machines – from office equipment such as calculators,
photocopy machines, and computers to dozens of home and personal appliances,
such as microwave ovens.
The importance of Money. After visiting the U.S., in the 1830s, the
French historian Alexis de Tocqueville wrote, “I know of no country where the
love of money has taken stronger hold…” Americans are often accused of being
materialistic, of valuing wealth and possession above all else. Money is valued
both as a symbol of success and also for a more obvious reason – its purchasing
power. Purchases are made in order to “keep up with the Joneses”, to show
friends that no one can afford a bigger house or better car. Advertising
encourages people to keep buying things far beyond what they need. In the
nineteenth century, the American author Henry David Thoreau advised his
countrymen, “Simplify your needs! However, Americans have moved in the
opposite direction. Now, just as Thoreau predicted, many find that their
possessions own them. They must work hard to earn enough money to buy and
maintain the many possessions they consider necessities.
Yes, Americans love to make a lot of money and spend it on themselves –
to buy things that save time, give them pleasure, or serve as status symbols.
However, Americans are also very generous and very willing to donate money to
good causes.
Say What you Mean, and Mean What You Say. Americans believe that
‘honesty is the best policy”. They are direct and assertive. They ask for what
they want. Children often argue with their parents and citizens express
opposition to actions of the government. If the soup is cold or the meat is tough,
the diner can complain to the waiter. If the boss makes a mistake, an employee
may politely point it out.
The Need to Win. The extremely competitive nature of Americans is often
criticized. Of course, competition isn’t always bad. But the desire to get ahead of
others sometimes causes people to do things that are unkind and even dishonest.
The Practical Outlook. Americans admire what is practical, fast, efficient, and
new. Sometimes they cannot understand cultures that prefer more traditional,
leisurely ways of doing things. People from other cultures, on the other hand,
may dislike the practical, hectic American lifestyle. Despite these traits, which
many foreigners may view as faults, Americans are usually considered very
likable. Most are friendly, kind-hearted, and eager to help visitors and
immigrants. In this nation of immigrants, the foreigner does not remain an
outsider for long.
(N. Mamontova, “Insights into Cross-Cultural Communication”)

a) Compare these values with those of English. Are they the same?
No, they aren’t same. Americans values is a control of time, commercialism,
direct and assertive and competition.
b) What are the values of English?
Love of traditions, Cooperation, Observance of conventions

8. Read the following information about the American dream and discuss it
with your friends. Try to guess what the English and Ukrainians dream about.

The American Dream

To start with nothing, to work hard, and then to make a fortune – this is the
American dream. People in the U.S.A. want more than anything else to be
successful. And when they’ve made their money, they like to show it off by
driving expensive cars and buying beautiful furniture for their homes.
One bad result of this is that people never seem to stop working. Some even
hold two full-time jobs at the same time. This means that there is not much time
for the good things in life, such as hours spent with one’s family. Few families
play games together, go for walks together, or even sit down every evening
around the family table for a home-cooked meal.
The good result, though, is the confidence that many Americans have in
themselves. They seem to feel that they can do anything, and get whatever they
want if they try hard enough. It may take a lot of work to do well in America,
but it’s certainly exciting.
(N. Mamontova, “Insights into Cross-Cultural Communication”)

the British Dream has come to stand for home ownership, having a secure job and
a living standard higher than your parents.
The Ukrainian Dream maybe to be independent, free and of course have a big

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